考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:32


    attitude n姿势;姿态The boy was standing in an attitude of despair, his chin
sunk on his chest.
    audience n听众,观众;读者群His books have a large audience. 他的书有广大的读者。
    The audience enjoyed every minute of the performance. 观众自始至终欣赏这次演出。
    谒见;觐见He was granted an audience with the king. 他获准觐见国王。
    author n. 创始人As the author of the scheme I can't really
    automatic adj不假思索的, 无意识的 A boy who has good manners stands up in an
automatic movement when
    a lady enters the room一个有礼貌的孩子, 在一个女士进入房间时, 便会不假思索地站起来。
    必发生的You will get an automatic increase in pay every year.你每年一定有一次加薪。
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