考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:24


    accommodate vt迎合,考虑 accommodate the special needs of minority
    accommodation n调解,和解They reached an accommodation with neighboring
countries. 他们同邻国和解了。
    accompany vt与...同时发生;strong winds accompanied with heavy rain风雨交加
    补充增加The text is accompanied by illustration. 正文附有插图
    accomplish accomplished fact 既成事实
    accord n【书】给予;赠予;授予;(国家之间的)协议;条约[(+with/on)] ;自愿
    He was accorded a warm welcome at the airport. 他在机场受到热烈欢迎。
    The government expected a temporary accord with the Opposition before the
end of the year.
    . I know you were there of your own accord. 我知道你是自愿去那儿的。
    account on sb’s account for 为了....缘故 account for sth/sb 解释说明;摧残,杀死
    Don’t change your plans on my account.不要因为我的原因而改变计划。
    His illness accounts for his absence.他因为生病, 所以才缺席。
    Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for enemy bombers.我们的高射炮击落了敌机。
    acid adj尖酸的,尖刻的 Everyone doesn't like to hear the acid remarks.
    the acid test 严峻的考验
    The acid test for a good driver is whether he remains clam in an
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