考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:20


    proclaim 宣告,宣布,声明 ~ war
    propose提议,建议 When she was very ill ,her lawyer has ~d to her that she might
like to makea will
    radiate(光,热等)辐射,发射 The sun ~s light and heat
    lapse n.失误;(时间的)流逝 vi.逐渐下降;终止
    laptop n.小型计算机
    radical 根本的,基本的a ~ error
    humiliate v.使羞辱,使丢脸[同]disgrace
    perplex 使困惑,使茫然 The question ~ed him
    persecute 虐待,残害,迫害 ~ animals
    petition 请愿,请愿书 get up a ~
    pierce 刺入,刺穿,穿透 The thorn ~d his heel
    perspective 透视画法,透视图 a lesson in drawing class on ~
    pessimistic 悲观的 I am ~ about my chances of getting the job
    pilot 飞行员,驾驶员 pin 大头针,别针
    pledge 保证,誓言,誓约 fulfill one’s ~
    plot 小块土地 a vegetable ~
    pinch 捏,拧,夹 I ~ed myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming
    plausible 论点等貌似有理的 a ~ excuse
    plead 恳求,请求 His parents ~ed that he should be given one more chance
    plug 塞子,栓 He wears rubber ~s in his ears when he swims
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语备考必背核心词汇(54)