考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:20


    pocket 衣袋,口袋,袋子 a change ~
    plunge 猛地投入或插入 He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and ~d in
    polish 擦光,擦亮 Polish your shoes with a brush
    range 排,行,一系列 a ~ of buildings
    rank排,行,列 the ~s of great pines
    poll 民意测验 A recent ~ shows a change in public opinion
    layman n.俗人,外行,门外汉
    random胡乱的,任意的,随意的,a ~talk
    rate 比率,率 Velocity is the ~ of change of distance with respect to time
    reap 收割,收获 ~ the rice in the field
    reciprocal 相互的,交互的 ~ respect
    reckon 计算,数 ~ the days till Christmas
    rear 后部,后边,背部a garden at the ~ of the house
    recall 回忆,回想I ~ seeing a poster on his wall
    hurl vt.猛投,力掷;大声叫骂
    hurricane n.飓风 ;十二级风
    infrastructure n.基础结构,基础设施
    inhale v.吸入(气体等),吸(烟)
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