考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:18


    offend 冒犯,使生气
    She was afraid of ~ing anyone.
    withdraw 抽回,收回,提取 She withdrew her eyes from the terrible sight
    withhold 使停止,阻挡 be obliged to ~ one’s pen
    withstand 经受,承受 ~hardships
    offence 犯法行为,过错 They were arrested for drug ~s.
    offset 补偿,抵消They gains ~the losses.
    overwhelm 征服,压倒,毁坏 He took 45% of the ballots and ~ed his two main
    pace 步,步速,步伐 He took three ~s forward
    omit 省略,删去 Minor points may be omitted.
    overlap 重叠,部分相同 The Renaissance overlapped the later Middle Ages
    overtake 赶上,超过 He ran out of the door to ~ her
    overthrow 推翻,打倒 a plot to ~ the government
    pattern 模范,榜样 set the ~ for
    periodical 期刊,杂志 a ~ room
    pad 垫,衬垫 a seat ~
    pant 气喘,气喘吁吁地说话 He ~ed along beside the bicycle
    parallel 平行的 The road is ~ to the river
    pack 包,包裹 The climber carried some food in a ~ on his back
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语备考必背核心词汇(50)