考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:17


    greet 问候,招呼:greet sb with a nod
    gross 总的,毛的:gross income
    halt (行进中的)暂停前进,中止,终止:The car came to a sudden halt
    grieve 使悲伤,使伤心:The little girl grieved over her kitten’s death
    grind (ground)磨,磨碎,碾碎:grind wheat into flour
    grip 抓紧,紧握:Fear gripped his heart
    hamper 妨碍,阻碍:hamper sb from getting elected
    guarantee 保证,保证书,保单:Wealth is no guarantee of happiness
    hail 欢呼,喝彩:The crowd hailed the actress with joy
    handicap 障碍,不利条件:Poor eyesight is a handicap to a student
    haste 急速,急忙,仓促,草率: Why all this haste?
    manipulate (熟练地)操作 Mr. Smith manipulated the ivory chopsticks with great
    mature 熟的,成熟的 a mature fruit
    hatch 孵,孵出:hatch (out) chickens
    melt 使融化,使熔化 The sun melted the snow
    merit 长处,优点,价值,功绩 merits and demerits
    migrate 移居(尤指移居国外),迁移 migrate to another country
    mend 修理,修补 mend clothes
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