考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:17


    magnet 磁铁,磁铁石 The pin was extracted with a magnet
    magnify 放大,扩大 I want to magnify this picture
    maintain 维持,保持 maintain law and order
    irritate 激怒,使恼怒,使烦躁:be irritated by sb’s insolence
    justify 证明…正当或有理,正确:Such behavior is justified on these grounds
    malfunction 发生功能障碍,发生障碍 If the computer malfunctions it fails to work
    irrespective 不考虑的,不顾的(of) :irrespective of consequences
    model 模型,原形 build airplane ~s
    nominal 名义的,有名无实的 a ~ leader
    maltreat 粗暴地对待,虐待 We’ll not intervene unless the children are being
physically maltreated
    manifest 显然的,明了的manifest superiority
    nominate 提名 a ~ leader
    invert 使反向,使倒转,使颠倒:The magician inverted the bag to show it was empty
    knit 编织,编结:She’s knitting her husband a sweater
    noteworthy值得注意的,显著的a ~ day
    intervene 插入,介入:A week intervenes between Christmas and New Year’s Day
    intricate 错综复杂的,复杂精细的:A detective story usually has an intricate plot
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