考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:14


    correspondent通信者,通讯员,记者:a good(bad)correspondent
    compatible 能和睦相处的,合的来的 You should choose a roommate more compatible toyour
    distract 使转向:be distracted from one’s original purpose
    distribute 分配,分发:distribute the prizes among the winners
    detain 留住,担搁:be detained by business.
    detect (当场)发现(某人在干坏事):detect a student cheating
    deteriorate (使)恶化,(使)变坏,(使)退化: Relations between the two countries began to
    deviate 背离,偏离:deviate from the rule
    eliminate排除,消除:eliminate the exploitation of man by man
    elite出类拔萃的人(或物),精华:the elite of the society
    devote 将...献给(to):Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick.
    compile 汇编,编制 compile an anthology of poems
    comply 遵从,顺从,服从 comply with rules(safety regulations)
    compose 组成,构成 England, Scotland, and Wales compose the island of Great
    compromise 妥协,折衷 compromise over the hard-fought next.
    confront (使)面临,(使)遭遇 The war confronted him with hardships.
    crucial 决定性的,关键性的:a crucial decision
    compress 压缩 He compresses a lifetime as a soldier into a few sentences
    comprise 包含,包括 The shipyard comprises three docks.
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