考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:12


    choke 窒息,噎住 be choked by smoke
    chase 追逐,追求 The police chased the escaping thief and caught him at
    check 使突然停止,制止 check one’s steps
    cherish 珍爱,珍视 cherish one’s native land
    bias 偏见,偏心 have a bias against sb.(或sth.)
    blaze 火焰 The fire sprang into a blaze.
    aggravate 加重,加剧,恶化 aggravate the declining economy
    blame 责备,责怪 Public opinion blames Mrs Smith for leading the girl
    blast 一阵(风),一股(气流) a blast of wind
    aggressive 侵犯的,侵略的 an aggressive weapon
    alter 改变,更改 alter an attitude
    alternate 交替,轮流 Night and day alternate.
    allied 结盟的,有关联的 allied nations
    allowance 津贴,补贴,零用钱 a housing allowance
    articulate 发音清晰的,善于表达的 He is articulate about everything in the field
of economics.
    boast 自吹自擂,自夸的话 He is full of boasts.
    arouse 使......奋发 A man like Tom will be aroused. Don’t worry.
    array 排列,队形 The troops were formed in battle array.
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语备考必背核心词汇(26)