考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:04


    subsidy n.补助金;津贴费
    grin n.vi. 露齿笑,咧嘴笑
    heave v.(用力)举,提,拉;扔;拖;呕吐n.举起
    hierarchy n.等级制度;统治集团,领导层
    summit n.顶,最高点;颠峰,高峰;最高级会议
    superstition n.迷信,迷信的观念习俗
    grope vi.暗中摸,摸索;探索,搜寻vt.摸索
    hike n.徒步旅行;增加vi.徒步旅行vt.提高
    herb n.药草,(调味用的)香草,草本植物
    plea n.(法律)抗辩;请求,恳求,托词,口实
    skull n.头盖骨,颅骨
    passerby n.过路人,路人
    pilgrim n.最初的移民(P大写,指1620由欧洲移居美国的清教徒)
    slaughter n.屠杀,屠宰 vt.屠杀,宰杀
    sneeze vi.打喷嚏,发喷嚏声n.喷嚏
    agitate 搅动(液体等) The machine agitated the mixture.
    slot n.狭缝;空位vt.放入狭缝中;把…纳入
    sneak vi.偷偷地走,溜vt.偷偷地做(或拿、吃)
    alarm 惊恐,忧虑 The bandits scattered in alarm.
    sort 种类,类别 He is not the ~ of man to do such a cruel thing
    allege 断言,宣称 The newspaper alleges the mayor's guilt.
    allocate 分配,分派,把...拨给 allocate funds for new projects
    sound 健康的,健全的,完好的 a ~body in a ~ mind
    sour 酸的,酸味的 ~pickles
    alert 警惕的,留神的 In our reading we should always be alert for new usages.
    alien 外国的 adjust to an alien culture
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