考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:08:56


    approximately [əˈprɔksimitli] ad.近似地,大约
      [真题例句] During several years of gambling in that casino ,Williams, a state
auditor earning $35,000 a year ,lost approximately $175,000.
    [例句精译] 威廉姆斯是一名州审计师,每年挣35000美元,但是在娱乐场的几年赌博中,大约输掉了175000美元。
    antibacterial [ˌæntibækˈtiriəl] a.抗菌的;n.抗菌药
    [真题例句]He experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he made his discovery.
    alternatively [ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪvli] ad.作为选择,二者择一地
      [真题例句]If you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disorganized methods of their secretaries; alternatively if you are addressing secretaries, you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses.
    advertisement [ədˈvə:tismənt] n.广告,做广告
      [真题例句] It lowers the costs of many services: without advertisements your
daily newspaper would cost four times as much, the price of your television
licence would need to be doubled, and travel by bus or tube would cost 20 per
cent more.
    [例句精译] 它(广告)降低了多种服务费用,没有广告,每天看的报纸价格会上涨四倍,电视收视费会翻番,公共汽车或地铁票也得提高20%以上。
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