考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:05:58


        doctor [ˈdɔktə] ①博士;②医生;v.伪造,篡改
    【真题例句】 “Who is that?” the new arrival asked St.Peter. “Oh, that’s God,”
came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks he’s a doctor (n.②).”
    【例句精译】 “这是谁啊?”新来的人问圣彼得。“哦,那是上帝,”他回答说,“但有时也认为自己是一名医生。”
    【真题例句】 Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday
performance of his routine duties--- he is not supposed to cook his experiments,
manufacture evidence, or doctor (v.) his reports.
    【例句精译】 像其他人类一样,普通科学家甚至在每天日常的工作中都遭遇到了道义上的问题——他不应该伪造他的实验、制造证据或改动他的报告。
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