考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:05:15

thyroid gland的用法_是什么意思_怎么读_例句

    thyroid gland的解释甲状腺thyroid gland的例句 A peptide hormone, produced by the thyroid gland in human beings, that lowers plasma calcium and phosphate levels without augmenting calcium accretion.   降钙素一种缩氨酸荷尔蒙,由人体内的甲状腺产生。在不增加钙含量的情况下,可降低血中钙和磷酸盐的含量 An artery, a vein, a nerve, or another part associated with the thyroid gland or thyroid cartilage.   甲状物与甲状腺或甲状软骨相联系的动脉、静脉、神经或其它部分
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