考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 10:54:11

space station的用法_是什么意思_怎么读_例句

    space station的解释n. 太空站space station的例句 After Apollo, NASA's leaders turned their backs on the stars and planets. They delayed or canceled astronomy and space missions, gambling the agency's future on hardware like the space shuttle and space station.   阿波罗[探测外太空火箭]过后,美国宇航局的领导放弃了对星球的探测。他们搁置或取消了天文及太空任务,而将该局的前途赌在航天飞机及太空站一类的硬件上。 During this exercise, the spaceship will be locked onto the other side of the space station, so that the men can move from one vehicle to the other.   这次演习中,宇宙飞船将紧紧地靠上宇航站的另一边,这样宇航员就可以从一个飞行器走到另一个飞行器上了。
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