考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 09:58:17


    far-reaching /9fB:5ri:tFIN/ adj 具有深远影响的:far-reaching reforms / proposals /
changes 影响深远的变革 / 提议 / 改革
    inexorable /In5eksErEbl/ adj不可阻挡的: The progress of science is inexorable.
    decline /dI5klaIn/ n 衰退:But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a
decline of the traditional work-moral values.
    coverage /5kQvErIdV/ n 新闻报道:media / newspaper / press coverage
    to the point of达到……程度:His manner of speaking was direct to the point of
rudeness. 他说话的态度简直是粗野不堪。(S1)
    criticism /5krItIsIzEm/ n (文学、 艺术等的)评论: Literary and art criticism
is a complex question which requires a great deal of special study.
文艺批评是一个复杂的问题, 需要大量专门的研究。(S1)
    considerable /kEn5sIdErEbl/ adj相当多的;相当大的:Formerly, too, pictures had given
him considerable, and music very great, delight.
以前,他在绘画和音乐中也能体会到无穷的乐趣。 (S2)
    collection /kE5lekFn/ n 文集:He edited a collection of stories by women
writers. 他编辑了一本女作家小说集。(S2)
    marvel at sth感到惊奇;大为赞叹:I marvelled at the maturity of such a young child.
    learned /5l\:nId/ adj有学问的;博学的:a learned professor 学识渊博的教授(S3)
    deem /di:m/ v (formal)(尤用于被动语态)认为;视为:These buildings are deemed to be of
architectural importance and must be protected.
    publication /9pQblI5keIFn/ n 出版物:geological publications
    circulation /9s\:kjU5leIFn/ n (出版物的)发行: Copies of the magazine were
withdrawn from circulation. 这期杂志有不少已从市场收回。(S3)
    removed /rI5mu:vd/ adj远离的:Once upon a time, ballet was very removed from
the lives of most people. 从前,芭蕾舞与大多数人的生活无缘。(S1)
    unfocused /Qn5fEUkEst/ adj无特定目标或方向的:My aspirations to write history were
real but unfocused. 我写历史的愿望很真切,但具体目标尚不明确。(S1)
    newsprint /5nju:z9prInt/ n 新闻纸:Newsprint is used for newspapers and
some magazines or books, while kraft paper is used for shopping bags.
    dirt-cheap /9d\:t5tFi:p/ adj〈口〉非常便宜的:The apartment we are renting is
dirt-cheap compared to other apartments of similar size in this neighbor-hood.
    ornament /5R:nEment/ n 装饰;点缀:Their design would be a great ornament to
the city. 他们的设计将会成为这座城市很好的点缀。(S1)
    far-off /9fB:(r)5Cf/ adj遥远的;久远的:In those far-off days it never entered
anyone’s mind that she could be Prime Minister.
    critic /5krItIk/ n 评论员;评论家:music/ art /film/theatre/literary critic
    at length详细地;全面地:These aspects have been discussed at length.
    cover /5kQvE(r)/ v (新闻记者)报道:The BBC will cover all the major games of
the tournament. 英国广播公司将报道这次锦标赛的所有重要赛事。(S2)
    reviewer /rI5vju:E/ n 评论家:The book was highly praised by reviewers.
    wear one’s learning lightly以轻松活泼的方式显示某人的学识:All three wear their learning
lightly but instructively. 3个人全都显示出了他们的学识,既轻松活泼又富有启发性。(S3)
    journalism /5dV\:nElIzEm/ n 新闻业; 新闻工作: a career in journalism 新闻工作生涯
    calling /5kR:lIN/ n 职业;使命:He believes it is his calling to become a
priest. 他认为当教士是自己的使命。(S4)
    brains/5breIns/ n 头脑;智力:I didn’t have enough brains for the
sciences. 我可没有足够的智力去搞科学。(S5)
    gift /gIft/ n 天赋;禀赋;才能:He has a gift for languages. 他有语言天赋。(S5)
    keep/hold one's end up (=hold up one’s end) (面对困难等时)坚持到底;勉力而行: Susan is
very low in her mind, but she keeps her end up. 苏珊心情非常不好,不过她仍极力坚持下去。(S5)
    tempt /tempt/ v 引诱;诱惑;吸引:Some sites design their agents to tempt job
hunters to return. 有些网站设计代理软件目的是为了吸引求职者回访。(S5)
    term /t\:m/ n 专门名词;名称;术语:Methodology is a term that remains inherently
ambiguous in the historical profession.
    contempt /kEn5tempt/ n 轻视;蔑视:But push technology has earned the
contempt of many Web users. [1999年考研阅读理解Part A Text
    apply /E5plaI/ v 应用;运用:Discussions at home can help kids practice doing
these things and help them apply these skills to everyday life situations.

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 10:22:14

    virtually /5v\:tFUElI/ adv事实上;实际上;几乎:It’s virtually impossible to convince
him to eat vegetables. 要说服他吃蔬菜几乎是不可能的。(S1)
    solely / 5sEUllI/ adv仅;只:It seems he’s not solely to blame for the
accident. 发生这起事故似乎不能只怪他。 (S2)
    essay /5eseI/ n 散文; 随笔: an essay on endangered species 一篇关于濒危物种的文章
    game of cricket板球比赛:A typical game of cricket has 11 players in each team.
    foremost /5fR:mEUst/ adj 最杰出的; 首要的:She’s the world’s foremost authority on
the subject. 她是该学科全世界首屈一指的权威。(S3)
    stylist /5staIlIst/ n 文体家:In German he was an exquisite stylist, and he
brought to that language a new sensitivity in the art of storytelling.
在德国,他是一位高雅的文体家, 他的小说写作艺术将一种全新的感受带入德语这种语言之中。(S3)
    autobiography /9R:tEbaI5CgrEfI/ n 自传:In his autobiography, Darwin
himself speaks of his intellectual powers with extraordinary modesty.
    best-seller /9best5selE(r)/ n 畅销书:His new book went straight to number
one on the best-seller list. 他的新作一上市便位居畅销书排行榜榜首。(S3)
    knight /naIt/ v 封(某人)为爵士:He was knighted in the last Honours List for
services to industry. 他因在工业界的贡献而被封为爵士,列入最新受勋者名册。(S4)
    honor /5CnE(r)/ v 给……以荣誉;向……表示尊敬:We are here today to honor the men and
women who gave their lives for their country. 今天我们在此向那些为祖国献出生命的人们表示敬意。(S4)
    in print(书)可买到的:He was surprised to find her work was still in print.
    body of大批;大量:There is a large body of support for nuclear disarmament.
    save /seIv/ prep〈文〉除了: Nothing was required of him on this ship save to
entertain his guest. 在这条船上, 除了招待客人以外没有什么事情需要他去做。(S5)
    specialist /5speFlIst / n 专家:a web design specialist 网页设计专家(S5)
    revival /rI5vaIvl/ n 复苏;振兴:The US and the UK have expectations of
economic revival. 美国和英国对经济复苏有所期待。(S1)
    prospect /5prCspekt/ n 希望;可能性;前景:There is no prospect of a
settlement of the dispute. 这场纠纷根本不可能解决。(S2)
    postmodern /9pEUst5mCdn/ adj后现代的:a post-modern building后现代主义建筑(S3)have
little/no use for sth用不着;不需要:Getting enough vitamins is essential to life,
although the body has no nutritional use for excess vitamins.
尽管过量的维生素对身体没有营养价值, 但是获得足够的维生素对生命而言是必不可少的。 (S3)
    richly /5rItFlI/ adv华美地;堂皇地;华丽地:She was richly dressed in the height of
fashion. 她穿着最时髦的时装,显得雍容华贵。(S3)
    upholstered /9Qp5hEUlstEd/ adj经过装饰的:They walked on a melancholic
upholstered path of falling leaves. 他们走在一条落叶纷飞的小道上,悒郁充塞其间。(S3)
    specialize in sth专门从事;专攻:There are more than 2,000 publishers worldwide
specializing in these subjects.
    amateur /5AmEtE(r)/ n 业余爱好者:This tennis tournament is open to both
amateurs and professionals. 这次网球锦标赛业余运动员和职业运动员都可以参加。(S4)
    headlong /5hedlCN/ adv迅猛地;飞速地:The ship rushed headlong through the darkness
at its top speed. 航船以最高速度冲破黑暗向前行驶。(S4)
    retreat /rI5tri:t/ n 撤退;退却;改变主意:This represents a retreat from the
Chancellor’s usual policies. 这意味着总理常规政策的转变。(S4)
    carry /5kArI/ v (指报纸或广播)登载,播出:Today’s papers carried full reports of
the President’s visit. 今天报纸上登载了总统访问的详尽报道。(I21)
    retain /rI5teIn/ v 保持;保留:The house retains much of its original charm.
    suitability /9su:tE5bIlEtI/ n 适合:In view of his educational background
and experience, no one doubts his suitability as a leader.
鉴于他的教育背景和经验,大家都认为他适合当领导。 (I21)
    characterize /5kArEktEraIz/ v (常被动)使……具有特点: The city is characterized
by tall modern buildings in steel and glass. 这座城市以现代化的钢铁和玻璃高层建筑为特点。 (I22)
    theme /Wi:m/ n 主题:The theme of loss runs through most of his novels.
    casual /5kAVUEl/ adj 随意的:He made some casual remarks about her holiday.
    elaborate /I5lAbEreIt/ adj精心制作的:She had prepared a very elaborate meal.
    layout /5leIaUt/ n 版面:He is doing layout for newspapers and magazines.
    radical /5rAdIkl/ adj 激进的:She is radical in her demands. 她的要求十分偏激。(I22)
    viewpoint /5vju:pRInt/ n (=point of view)态度; 观点:She will have her own
viewpoint on the matter. 她对这个问题会有她自己的看法。(I22)
    fulfill / fUl5fIl/ v 完成; 实现:He wouldn’t be able to fulfill his ambition
to visit Naples. 他将无法实现游览那不勒斯的愿望。(I23)
    contemptible /kEn5temptEbl/ adj可鄙的;卑劣的:Theft is a contemptible behavior.
    appeal (to sb) 对某人有吸引力; 使某人感兴趣: The show’ s direct approach will appeal to
children. 这场演出直截了当的方式将会吸引孩子们。(I24)
    reputation /9repjU5teIFn/ n 名声;名誉:They will do anything to undermine
their adversary’s reputation. 他们会不择手段地去损害对手的名誉。(I24)
    in dispute处于争论中;在争议中:The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute.
    cater to迎合;满足需要:shops catering to knowledgeable elite [2006年考研阅读理解Part A
Text 1] 满足知识分子需要的商店(I24)
    good old days当年;美好的往日:Such situations are generally followed by a regretful
backward glance at the good old days. 这样的情形通常会伴随着一次对从前美好时光充满遗憾的回顾。(I25)
    horizon /hE5raIzn/ n 地平线:A ship appeared on the horizon.
    mournful /5mR:nfl/ adj悲哀的;令人悲痛的:I couldn’t bear the mournful look on her
face. 我受不了她脸上那忧伤的神情。(I25)
    prominent /5prCmInEnt/ adj杰出的;卓越的;重要的:a prominent Russian

kyfive 发表于 2017-8-6 11:54:43

    ①Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers
during the
    状语 定语从句
    past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable
decline in
    状语 主语 谓语 表语部分
    the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. (P1)
    [分析]该句的主干结构为...the most far-reaching has been the inexorable
English-language newspapers和during the past quarter-century分别作地点状语和时间状语。the most
far-eaching后省略了中心词change, 这是一种名词性省略,它与句首的all the
    ② It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader
under the age
    形式主语 谓语 表语 程度状语 不定式复合结构作真正的主语
    of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found
in most
    big-city newspapers. (P2S1)
    [分析]该句的主干结构为It is difficult...for the average reader...to imagine a
time...。其中,it为形式主语,而真正主语则是不定式复合结构for the average reader... to imagine a time
when...。介词短语to the point of impossibility作程度状语,对difficult作进一步说明。介词短语under the
age of forty是the average
reader的后置定语,说明reader的具体情况。关系副词when引导的限定性定语从句修饰time,在此定语从句中,high-quality arts
criticism作主语,could be found作谓语,而in most big-city
    ③Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism
published in
    连词 主语部分
    the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. (P2S2)
    谓语 宾语
    [分析] 该句的主干结构为...collections of criticism...consisted in large part of
newspaper reviews。形容词短语a considerable number of the most significant为前置定语,
而过去分词短语published in the 20th century则是后置定语, 它们共同修饰主语中心词collections of
criticism。句首yet表示转折, 上句说到现在很难找到高质量的文艺评论, 本句笔锋直转, 说明过去的具体情况,
指出在20世纪出版的大量具有最重要意义的评论文集中, 报纸评论占据了很大部分。
    ④To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned
contents were
    主语 谓语 表语部分 同位语从句
    once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.
    [分析]该句的主干结构为To read such books today is to marvel at the fact
that...。句中包含两个动词不定式,前一不定式作主语,后一不定式作表语。这种类似的情况在英语中颇为常见, 如:To know yourself well
is to esteem yourself
    ⑤We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published
    主语 谓语 表语部分 后置定语
    England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War II,
at a time
    后置定语 同位语部分
    when newsprint was dirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an
ornament to
    the publications in which it appeared. (P3S1)
    [分析]该句的主干结构为We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper
reviews...,其后为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰newspaper reviews。句子的主干结构为主系表结构,
reviews的过去分词短语中,between...and...结构作时间状语,逗号之后的介词短语at a
time...为此时间状语的同位语,而此同位语中又包含两个限定性定语从句, 第一个定语从句when newsprint was dirt-cheap and
stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications修饰先行词time,
第二个定语从句in which it appeared修饰先行词the publications。在第一个定语从句中,包含一个由并列连词and连接的并列结构,
前一分句为主系表结构newsprint was dirt-cheap,后一分句为被动语态,an ornament to the
publications为主语stylish arts criticism的补足语。第二个定语从句由介词in +
    ⑥Theirs was a serious business, and even those reviewers who wore their
    主语 谓语 表语 并列连词 主语部分
    lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be trusted to
know what
    插入语 谓语 补足语
    they were about. (P3S3)
    [分析]该句为由并列连词and连接的并列句, 其主干结构为Theirs was a serious business, and even those
reviewers...could be trusted to know what they were
reviewers,同时介词短语like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman为插入语,给出了those
reviewers的具体例子。后一分句属于被动结构, 动词不定式to know what they were about作主语those
reviewers的补足语, 在此不定式中名词性从句what they were about作动词know的宾语。
    ⑦“So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their
own end up
    主语 谓语 宾语1 补足语1 宾语2 补足语2 结果状语
    in journalism,” Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define ‘journalism’ as
‘a term of
    结果状语 主语+谓语 结果状语从句
    contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are.’”
    [分析]该句的主干结构为Newman wrote..., 双引号之内的为直接引语, 为Newman所写的内容。直接引语为so...that...结构,
直接引语的主句为Newman wrote之前的部分, brains和 literary gift共同作have的宾语,
而其后的两个enough分别作它们的补足语, 动词不定式to keep their own end up in journalism为结果状语。Newman
wrote之后的部分为结果状语从句, 其中am tempted to define为动词性复合谓语, ‘journalism?蒺为宾语, as短语作宾语补足语,
在此as短语中, 过去分词短语applied by writers who are not read to writers who are为a term of
contempt的后置定语, 而在此过去分词短语中, 又包含有两个由关系代词who引导的定语从句, 分别修饰其前的writers, 第二个定语从句who
are承前省略了read, 补充完整为who are read(读者欢迎的)。此过去分词短语的结构为sth applied by A to

kytwo 发表于 2017-8-6 13:11:10

    curb /k\:b/ n 控制;约束:government curbs on spending 政府对开支的限制 (S1)
    about-face n (态度、 观点的)彻底转变:The government did an about-face on the
nuclear energy. 政府对核能问题的态度彻底转变了。(S1)
    pool /pu:l/v (多人或组织)把(钱或其他资金)集中共用:They entered a contract to pool any
gains and invest them profitably. 他们签了一个合同,将赢利集中起来并进行赢利性投资。(S1)
    mutual-fund asset
    ruling /5ru:lIN/ n 裁决;裁定;判决:When will the committee give/make its
ruling? 委员会什么时候做出裁决? (S2)
    filing /5failIN/ n 存档档案:a bankrupt filing 破产档案(S2)
    stake out sth明确界定对某物的所有权(或使用权):We went to the show very early to stake out
our space. 我们早早地就去了演出地点,占个好位子。(S2)
    exclusive/Ik5sklu:sIv/ adj 独占的;排外的;唯一的:They have exclusive rights to market
the drugs in Africa. 他们拥有该药物在非洲的专卖权。(S2)
    transaction/trAn5zAkFn/ n 交易; 执行; 办理:The bank charges a fixed rate
for each transaction. 银行对于每笔交易都收取固定金额的费用。(S2)
    if only仅仅; 即使只为了:Media studies is regarded as a more exciting subject, if
only because it’s new. 仅仅因为大众传播学是门新兴学科, 它就被认为更刺激。(S3)
    beat sb to the punch先于某人做某事; 抢占先机:John was going to apply for the job, but
Ted beat him to the punch. 约翰本打算申请这项工作的,却被泰德抢先了。(S3)
    issue /5IFu/ v 发给;分发:The U.S. State Department issues millions of
passport each year. 每年,美国国务院都签发数百万份护照。(S4)
    arm...with 用……武装起来;装备着……:warships armed with nuclear weapons 有核武器装备的军舰
    take position采取……的立场、态度:The principal took the position that the students
don’t need music classes. 这位校长认为学生们不需要音乐课程。(S5)
    practice /5prAktIs/n 惯例; 常规:It is the practice in Britain to drive on
the left. 车辆靠左行驶是英国的制度. (S5)
    hedge / hedV / v 保护……免受……;预防:hedge risks 规避风险(S1)
    evaluate/ I5vAljUeIt / v 评估;赋值;评价:I can’t evaluate his ability without
seeing his work. 我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评价他的能力。(S2)
    in the wake of随着……而来;作为……的结果:The newspaper became the dominant
pre-electronic medium, following in the wake of pamphlet and the book and in the
company of the periodical. 报纸继小册子和图书之后,与期刊一起,成为电子时代来临之前最重要的传播媒介。(S1)
    scope/skEUp/ n [单数] (处理、 研究事物的)范围:This subject is outside the scope of our
inquiry. 这个问题不在我们探讨的范围之内。(S1)
    attorney /E5t\:nI/ n 律师:an attorney for the plaintiff 原告律师(S3)
    controversy /5kCntrEv\:sI/ n 公开辩论;论战:a bitter controversy about/over
the sitting of the new airport 对新机场选址问题的剧烈争论 (I26)
    comply /kEm5plaI/ v 遵守;服从:Candidates must comply strictly with these
instructions. 候选人必须严格遵守这些指示。(I27)
    dismiss /dIs5mIs/ v 驳回;不受理:The judge dismissed the case for lack of
evidence. 法官因缺乏证据而驳回此案。(I27)
    enhancement /In5hB:nsmEnt/ n 增强;提高;美化:signal enhancement 信号增强(I28)
    immune /I5mju:n/ adj 不受……影响:immune to criticism不为批评所动摇(I29)
    esteem /I5sti:m/ n 尊敬; 敬重:He was held in high esteem by colleagues.
    loom /lu:m/ v (未知、可怕之事)即将发生:There is a crisis looming. 危机正步步逼近。(I30)
    prevailing /prI5veIl/ adj 普遍的;盛行的;流行的:conditions prevailing in the region
该地区的普遍状况 (I30)
    ①Now the nation's top patent court appears completely ready to scale back
    主语 谓语
    business-method patents, which have been controversial ever since they were

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 14:17:26

    宾语 定语从句
    authorized 10 years ago.(P2S1)
    [分析]本句的主干部分为the nation’s top patent court appears completely ready to scale
back on business-method patents,该句的谓语是由appears ready to + scale back on
构成的复合谓语。逗号后是由which引导的非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词business-method patents,定语从句中的ever since they
were first authorized...为从句中的时间状语,其中they指代定语从句先行词business-method patents。
    ②In a move that has intellectual-property lawyers abuzz, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for
    状语 定语从句 主语
    the Federal Circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad
review of
    谓语 宾语从句
    business-method patents.(P2S2)
    [分析]句子的主干成分为the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit said...,
句首的In a move...为全句的状语, 交代出具体背景。其后的that has intellectual-property lawyers
abuzz为定语从句, 修饰move(举措)。该定语从句的结构为: 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 补语, 主语为that, 指代 a move, 谓语为has,
表示“使处于(某状态); 使作出(某种反应)”, 宾语为intellectual-property lawyers, 补语为形容词abuzz,
表示“议论纷纷的”状态。 said后的it would use...为宾语从句, it指代主语the U.S. Court of Appeals for
Federal Circuit, 动词不定式to conduct a broad review of business?鄄method
    ③Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it
    主语 谓语 表语
    the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its 1998
decision in the
    so-called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling
    [分析]本句的主干部分为Curbs...would be a dramatic about-face, because...,介词短语on
was...that的强调句式,强调的是the federal circuit itself,而其非强调形式为:the federal circuit
itself introduced such patents...。现在分词短语approving a patent on...充当decision的同位语,
    ④The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be
    主语 谓语 宾语 后置定语 宾语从句1
    by all 12 of the court's judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and
that one issue it
    宾语从句1 连词 宾语从句2
    wants to evaluate is whether it should "reconsider" its State Street Bank
    [分析]本句的主干部分为The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order...。The Federal
Circuit为主语,谓语为issued,an unusual order为宾语,其后现在分词短语stating that...and
that...为order的后置定语, 该后置定语中包含两个并列的宾语从句,分别为that the case would be heard by...和
that one issue it wants to evaluate is...,两个宾语从句由and连接。第二个宾语从句的主干结构为one issue is
whether...,句中it wants to evaluate为省略了that的定语从句,修饰主语one
    ⑤The Federal Circuit's action comes in the wake of a series of recent
decisions by the
    主语 谓语 时间状语
    Supreme Court that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent
    定语 定语从句
    [分析]句子的主干成分为The Federal Circuit’s action comes...。The Federal Circuit’s
action为主语,comes为谓语,介词短语in the wake of...引导时间状语,a series of recent
decisions则为介词短语的宾语,that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 15:10:17

    epidemic /9epI5demIk/ n (传染病、风尚、思潮的)传播,流行:The unexpected influenza
epidemic was already making us very short of staff.
    influential /9InflU5enFl/ n 有影响力的人;有势力的人:get the advice of policy
influentials 得到制定政策权威人士的建议(S1)
    informed /In5fR:md/ adj 见多识广的:The book is intended for an informed
readership. 本书的目标读者群是那些见多识广的人。(S1)
    connected /kE5nektId/ adj有来往的;有关系的:How are you connected with the business?
    intuitive /In5tju:ItIv/ adj直觉的;凭直觉感知的:intuitive estimate / assessment /
knowledge 直观的估计/评价/了解 (S2)
    compelling /kəmˈpelɪŋ/ adj 无法驳倒的;令人信服的:There is compelling evidence that
the industrial recession is ending. 有令人信服的证据显示衰退即将终止。(S2)
    derive /dI5raIv/ v 源自;源于:“Anthropology” derives from the Greek words
anthropos “human” and logos “the study of”. [2003年考研阅读理解Part
    plausible /5plR:zEbl/ adj 貌似真实的;貌似有理的:The story was plausible but that
didn’ t necessarily mean it was true. 这个故事很有道理,但并不表示它就是真实的。(S1)
    embrace /Im5breIs/ v 欣然接受(或支持)(某种信仰、 理论、 改变): Most countries have
enthusiastically embraced the concept of high-speed railroads.
    cursory /5k\:sErI/ adj 粗略的;草率的:A cursory examination did not reveal any
problems. 粗略的检查并没有发现任何问题。(S4)
    anecdotal /9Anek9dEUtl/ adj 轶事的;传闻的:While there was much anecdotal evidence
there was little hard fact. 传闻性证据多,而确凿的事实几乎没有。(S5)
    come up with sth 想出,提出(想法或计划): She came up with a great idea for increasing
sales. 她想出了增加销售量的绝妙主意。 (S1)
    stem from v起源于; 由……造成: Shapiro explained during the meeting that the moral
doubt stems mainly from fears about the risk to the health of the
child. 沙皮罗在会议期间解释到, 这种对道德的怀疑态度,
    celebrity /sI5lebrEtI/ n 名人:social celebrities 社会名流 (S1)
    outsize / 5aUtsaIz / adj 超大型的;极大的:a person of outsize name 蜚声四方的人物 (S1)
    interact /9IntEr5Akt/ v 互相作用;互动;互相影响:We can’t yet give a robot enough
common sense to reliably interact with a dynamic world. [2002年考研阅读理解Part A Text
2] 然而,我们还无法给机器人足够的常识,使其与不断变化的世界进行可靠的互动。(S1)precisely /prɪˈsaɪsli/ adv准确地;精确地:I
can’t remember precisely what happened. 我记不准所发生的事情了。(S2)
    acquaintance /E5kweIntEns/ n 熟人(只相识但非密友):We are only recent
acquaintances. 我们只是刚刚结识。(S3)
    initial /I5nIFl/ adj开始的;最初的:Remember that your initial draft is only that.
    removed /rI5mu:vd/ adj 离开的;远离……的;与……无关的:She is removed from self-interest.
    cascade /kA5skeId/ n 瀑布;连续传递的过程: The greater the number of people who
are well briefed, the wider the cascade effect. 被告知的人数越多,连续传递的范围越广。(S4)
    propagate /5prCpEgeIt/ v 传播(观念、理论、知识等):Missionaries went far to
propagate their faith. 传教士到远方去传播其信仰。(S4)
    dynamics/daI5nAmIks/ n 动力:the dynamics of changing social
    simulation/9sImjU5leIFn/ n 模拟;模仿:The pilot’s skills are tested
through simulation. 飞行员的技术是通过模拟飞行来检测的。(S1)
    manipulate /mE5nIpjUleIt / v 操纵;操作;利用:She knows how to manipulate the
audience. 她知道如何操纵观众。(S1)
    variable /`veriəbl / n 变量;可变因素:There are too many variables involved to
make a meaningful prediction. 涉及的可变因素太多,不可能作有意义的预言。 (S1)
    principal /5prInsEpl/ adj主要的;首要的:My principal concern is my family’s
welfare. 我最为关心的是我一家的幸福。(S2)
    a mass of sb/sth (常指混乱的)一群,一堆(人或物):There was a mass of people around the
cinema entrance. 电影院入口处有一大群人。(S2)
    cite /saIt/ v (尤指在学术作品中)引用; 引证:She cites both T.S. Eliot and Virginia
Woolf in her article. 她在文章中引用了T.S.艾略特和弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的作品。(I31)
    exemplify /Ig5zemplIfaI/ v 举出(某事物)的例子;举例说明:exemplify the problems
involved 举例说明所涉及的问题 (I31)
    solid /5sClId/ adj 可信的;可靠的:solid evidence 可靠的证据(I32)
    validity /vE5lIdEtI/ n 符合逻辑;正确(性):test the validity of a theory
    go with sth 伴随:A fair amount of stress seems to go with jobs like this.
    readiness /5redInIs/ n 愿意;乐意:Spain had indicated a readiness to accept
his terms. 西班牙早已表示愿意接受他的条件。(I35)
    inclination /9INklI5neIFn/ n 倾向;意愿:The military government has shown
little inclination to restore democracy. 军政府并未表现出重建民主的意愿。(I35)
    ①In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that “social
epidemics” are
    地点状语 主语 谓语
    driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special
individuals, often called
    宾语从句 插入语
    influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well connected.

kysix 发表于 2017-8-6 16:32:18

    [分析]本句的主干结构为Malcolm Gladwell argues
that...。谓语argues后紧跟由that引导的宾语从句,该宾语从句的主干结构为“social epidemics” are driven ...by
the actions of ...。过去分词结构often called influentials作插入语,进一步说明special
individuals;句末,who引导的定语从句则修饰special individuals,说明有影响力人士的共同特征。
    ②The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding
but largely
    主 语 谓 语 宾 语
    untested theory called the "two-step flow of communication": Information
flows from the
    media to the influentials and from them to everyone else.(P2S1)
    [分析]本句的主干部分为The supposed importance of influentials derives from
a...theory...。宾语theory前的形容词词组plausible-sounding but largely
untested为定语,意为“一项听起来似乎合情合理却未经证实的”,过去分词结构called the“two step flow of
communication”充当后置定语,修饰theory。冒号后的句子是two step flow of
    ③Yet it is precisely these non-celebrity influentials who, according to the
    主语 依据状语
    theory, are supposed to drive social epidemics, by influencing their
friends and
    谓语 宾语 方式状语
    colleagues directly.(P4S2)
    [分析]本句使用的是it is ...who...的强调句式,强调的是句子的主语these non-celebrity
influencials,其非强调句形式为:these non-celebrity influentials are supposed to drive
social epidemics,句首的precisely为程度副词,起强调作用,介词according
    ④For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected, must
then influence
    目的状语 转折连词 主语1 后置定语 谓语1
    his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on;
and just how
    宾语1 定语从句
    many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the
    主语2 谓语2 宾语2
    [分析]本句and连接的两个并列分句构成,前一分句的主干结构为each person so affected must influence his
or her acquaintances…,句首的for a social epidemic to
occur为目的状语。该分句中acquaintances后是who引导的定语从句修饰。第二个分句的主干结构为how many others pay
attention to each of these people little to do with the initial
influentials,其中主语为从句how many others pay attention to each of these people。
    ⑤If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial
influential prove
    resistant, for example, the cascade of change won't propagate very far or
affect many
    插入语 主语 谓语1 状语 谓语2 宾语
    people. (P4S4)
    [分析]本句是包含条件状语从句的主从复合句,其主干部分为the cascade of change won?蒺t propagate...or
affect...。句首If引导的条件状语从句,说明主句叙述的现象产生的条件。介词短语in the network和two degrees removed
from the initial influence为主语的后置定语,
说明这些人的特征,即“在社会网络中处于中间层级,非直接接受有影响力人士影响的那些人”。for example
    ⑥Building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers
studied the
    状语 主语 谓语
    dynamics of social influence by conducting thousands of computer
simulations of
    宾语 方式状语1
    populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to people's
ability to influence
    方式状语2 定语
    others and their tendency to be influenced. (P5S1)
    [分析]本句为简单句,主干结构为the researchers studied the dynamics of social
influence...。句首的现在分词短语Building on...为条件状语。宾语后by引导两个并列的方式状语,分别为by
to...作后置定语修饰variables(变量),说明变量的两大相关种类:人们影响他人的能力(people’s ability to influence
others)和人们受他人影响的意愿(their tendency to be influenced)。

kyfour 发表于 2017-8-6 16:58:13

    accounting /E5kaUntɪŋ/ n 会计:big accounting firms 大型会计事务所
(S2)standard-setter n 规则制定者:standard-setter of teaching process
    moan /mEUn/ v 抱怨:She’s always moaning to me that she hasn’t got
enough money. 她总是向我抱怨说钱不够花。(S3)
    enormous /I5nR:mEs/ adj巨大的;庞大的:The Internet is not the only tool we have.
But it has enormous potential.
    third party n 第三方: I pay rent to a third party, not directly to the
landlord. 我并不直接向房东付房租,我把房租交给第三方。(S4)
    regulator /`5regjUleItər / n (某行业的)监管者, 监管机构:price regulators 物价监
    管机构 (S4)
    fetch /fetF/ v 售得;卖得:The land could fetch over a million pounds.
    lobby/5lCbI/ v 游说:lobbying for stronger environmental safeguards
为加强环境保护而游说 (S1)
    capital market n 资本市场:the possibility of involving capital market
    essential /I5senFl/ adj必要的;本质的;重要的: Unpredictability is part of the
essential nature of research.
    compromise /5kCmprEmaIz/ v 损害(名誉、原则): He compromised his reputation by
getting involved in a scandal. 他身陷丑闻,使自己名誉受损。(S2)
    carry/5kArI/ v 备有(货物)供销售:The sports shop carries a full range of
equipments. 这个体育用品商店有各类商品出售。(S3)
    toxic assets有毒资产:Toxic assets remain the potential danger of the financial
system. 有毒资产仍然是金融系统的潜在威胁。(S3)
    在市场情况良好的时候, 资产面临的多方面不良影响都被暂时掩盖了起来, 而当危机降临的时候, 潜在的所有因素就会积聚在一起爆发出来,
    revive /rI5vaIv/ v 使复兴; 复兴: The country is willing to help revive the
economic fortunes of its neighbors. 这个国家愿意帮助邻国重振经济。(S3)
    bruising /5bru:zIn/ adj (对抗或斗争)十分激烈的;令人紧张的:a bruising battle between two
teams 两队激烈的斗争(S1)
    encounter /In5kaUntE(r)/ n 冲突;抗争:a violent encounter 激烈的冲突(S1)
    rush through sth 使快速通过(成为政策等):The legislation was rushed through
parliament. 这项立法在议会仓促地通过。(S1)
    illiquid /i5likwid/ adj非现金的;无流动资金的:illiquid fund 非流动性资金(S2)
    flexibility/9fleksE5bIlEtI/ n 适应性;灵活性:The advantage of this system is
its flexibility. 该系统的优点在于其灵活性。(S2)
    cry out against大声疾呼反对;强烈抗议:Many people are crying out against the new
    instantly /5InstEntlI/ adv立即地;即刻地:They’ll instantly make you feel at home.
他们会立刻让你觉得宾至如归。 (S1)
    likewise /5laIkwaIz/ adv同样;也:I stuck out my tongue and Frankie did
likewise. 我伸出舌头,然后弗兰克也这样做。(S1)
    overall /9EUvEr5R:l/ adj总的;全面的;全部的:Will such variations bring about a
change in the overall structure of the food and drink market? [2010年考研阅读理解Part
B] 这些变化会给食品饮料市场的总体结构带来变化吗?(S2)
    fold /fEUld / v 屈服;抵挡不住:a team that never folded under pressure
一支从不屈服于压力的队伍 (文中fold引申为“屈服”, 即IASB向政治压力妥协。)
    commissioner / kE5mIFEnEr / n 委员;行政长官;理事:high commissioner 高级官员(S3)
    in a vacuum与世隔绝;脱离现实:This kind of decision cannot ever be made in a vacuum.
    could may/might yet do sth迟早或总有一天会做某事(表示现在似乎没有可能,但是未来还是有可能发生):The plan
could yet succeed. 这个计划总有一天会成功。(S3)
    be on the wrong planet脱离实际:This party seems to live on the wrong planet as
they don’t keep in touch with popular opinion.该政党似乎有些脱离实际,他们不了解民意。(S1)
    account /E5kaUnt/ n 账单;账目:There’s no money to pay the tradesmen’s
accounts this month. 这个月没有钱支付零售商的账单。(S1)
    overvalue /EUvE(r)5vAlju:/ v 对……估价过高;过于重视:Intelligence can be
overvalued. 情报的价值可能会被看得过高。(S1)
    bad debt n呆账(收不回的账) (S2)
    book value账面价值:Usually, the book value is not in accordance with the market
value. 通常而言,账面价值与市场价值不相符。(S4)
    skeptical /`skeptɪkl/ adj怀疑的;多疑的:skeptical of political promises
    paralysis /pə`ræləss/ n 麻痹;瘫痪;停顿:political paralysis 政治上的瘫痪(S5)
    for fear of为了避免;害怕:For fear of accidents, please drive slowly.
    book /bUk/ v 记载;把……记录在册:book the loss 记录损失 (S5)
    bargain /5bB:gIn/ n 廉价品;减价货:You should be able to pick up a few good
bargains. 你应该能买到些便宜货。(S5)
    combative /5kCmbEtIv/ adj 好战的;好斗的:He made some enemies with his combative
style. 他好斗的作风令他树敌不少。(S3)
    clean up整顿;肃清:It is high time British soccer cleaned up its image.
    stock option优先认股权, 在指定时期内定价定额购股权 (S4)
    pension /5penFn/ n 养老金;退休金;抚恤金:unemployment pension 失业救济金 (S4)
    hostility /hC5stIlEtI/ n 敌意;反对;敌对:They showed obvious hostility towards
their new neighbors. 他们对新邻居表现出明显的敌意。(S4)
    concession /kEn5seFn/ n 特许;让步:On this point,Mary made no concession.
    diminish /dI5mInIF/ v 贬低;贬损;轻视:Don’t diminish the importance of his
contribution. 别贬低他的贡献。(I37)
    evade /I5veId/ v 躲避;回避:He denied evading the question.
    in that因为;由于:The new system is better in that it provides faster access to
the Internet. 新系统更好,因为它能提供更快的网络连接。(I39)
    misinterpret/9mIsIn5t\:prIt/ v 误解:I realized that what I’d said could
be misinterpreted as criticism. 我意识到我的话可能被误解为批评。(I39)
    indicator/5IndIkeItE(r)/ n 指示物;标志物:ecological/economic indicator生态/经济指标
    skepticism/5skeptIsIzEm/ n 怀疑论;怀疑的态度:She treated this statement with a
healthy amount of skepticism. 对这项表述,她表现出诸多怀疑。
    ①These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party
    主语 谓语 宾语从句 定语从句1
    pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to

kyfour 发表于 2017-8-6 18:09:31

    [分析]本句为复合句,句子的主干结构为These rules say...,谓语后为省略从属连词that的宾语从句they must value
some assets at the price..., not the
third-party would pay和managers and regulators would like them to fetch。
    ②The details may be unknowable, but the independence of
    主语1 谓语1 表语 主语2
    essential to the proper functioning of capital markets, is being
compromised. (P2S2)
    后置定语 谓语2
    [分析]本句是由转折连词but连接的两个分句构成的并列句, 前一分句的主语为the details,
情态动词may后跟系动词be,unknowable为表语。第二个分句主语为名词短语the independence of
standard-setters,后接形容词短语essential to the proper
functioning...作后置定语,谓语为被动语态的进行时is being compromised。
    ③These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid assets
    主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语1 后置定语
    more flexibility in recognizing losses on long-term assets in their
    直接宾语2 后置定语
    statements. (P3S2)
    [分析]该句的主干结构为These gave banks more freedom...and more
flexibility...,主语these指代上文中FASB匆忙对会计准则做出的一系列修改,谓语为gave,后跟间接宾语banks, 名词more
freedom和more flexibility充当直接宾语。第一个直接宾语more freedom后的不定式短语to use models to value
illiquid assets作后置定语,其中不定式to value illiquid assets为use的目的状语。第二个直接宾语more
flexibility之后由介词in引导的结构充当它的后置定语,该定语中的介词短语in their income statements为状语。
    ④The IASB says it does not want to act without overall planning, but
    主语1 谓语1 宾语从句 连词
    pressure to fold when it completes its reconstruction of rules later this
year is
    主语2 定语 状语从句 谓语2
    strong. (P4S2)
    [分析]该句是由转折连词but连接的两个分句构成的并列句,前一分句的主干结构为The IASB
says...,谓语says后为省略从属连词that的宾语从句。第二个分句的主干结构为the pressure...is strong,不定式to
    ⑤And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell
assets for fear
    主语 状语 谓语 宾语 定语从句1
    of booking losses, yet are reluctant to buy all those supposed
    [分析]本句为复合句,其主干部分为...dead markets... reflect the paralysis of banks...,
关系代词which引导的定语从句修饰先行词banks,which在从句中充当主语。该定语从句包含两个并列谓语结构。第一个谓语为will not
sell,宾语为assets,介词短语for fear of...则充当原因状语。第二个谓语为系动词are,其后reluctant to
    ⑥The FASB and IASB have been exactly that, cleaning up rules on stock
options and
    主语 谓语 表语 同位语
    pensions, for example, against hostility from special interests. (P6S4)
    [分析]本句的主干结构为The FASB and IASB have been exactly that...,The FASB and
IASB为主语,have been为谓语,表示从过去到现在一直持续的状态,that指代前文中的independent and
combative。动名词短语cleaning up rules...则为同位语,举例说明that所指的内容,介词短语on stock options and
pensions为后置定语修饰rules,for example为插入语,其后的介词短语against hostility from special
interests作状语修饰cleaning up。
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