考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 09:58:13


    stimulus/5stImjUlEs/ n 促进因素;刺激物:The government hopes that lower
interest rates will be a stimulus to investment. 政府希望更低的利率能够刺激投资。
    undesirable/9QndI5zaIErEbl/ adj. 不好的;有害的:The drug can have undesirable side
effects. 这药会有不良的副作用。
    probe/prEUb/v细查;探究:Investigators are probing the causes of the plane
    evade /I5veId/v 规避;回避:Her response was simply to evade the problem
altogether. 她的回答就是干脆回避了整个问题。
    illustrate /5IlEstreIt/v (用示例、 图表等)说明, 阐明(某事物):To illustrate my point I
have done a comparative analysis. 为说明我的观点,我做了对比分析。
    behavioral /bI5heIvjEr(E)l/adj. 行为的;行为方式的:behavioral problems 行为上的问题
    desirable/dI5zaIErEbl/ adj. 合意的;理想的:a desirable place to live 称心如意的居住地
    profound/prE5faUnd/ adj.深远的;深刻的:profound social changes 意义深远的社会变革
    whispered /5wIspE(r)d/ adj.低语的;细语的:whispered sound 耳语声
    peer pressure朋辈压力(同龄群体对个人的影响)
    contend/kEn5tend/ v 主张(某事物);认为:I would contend that unemployment is our
most serious social evil. 我认为失业是我们社会最为严重的弊病。
    group dynamics 群体动力(群体中人们相互作用的过程)
    recipient /rI5sIpIEnt/n接受者:the recipient of the Nobel Peace
    a host of众多;许多:I can't come, for a whole host of reasons. 由于种种原因, 我来不了。
    in action在工作;在运转:I have not yet seen the machines in action.
    sponsor/5spCnsE(r)/ v 赞助;资助:Nissan sponsors the championships as part of
its community relations work.作为其社区关系工作的一部分,日产公司赞助了此次锦标赛。
    rage/reIdV/ n 狂怒;盛怒:trembling with rage 气得直哆嗦
    haze/ heIz/ n 雾气;薄雾:a faint haze of steam薄薄一层蒸汽雾
    sets out to do sth(带着某目的)开始做某事:She set out to break the world land speed
record. 她决心要打破陆上速度的世界纪录。
    uncool /5Qn5ku:l/adj 不流行的;不酷的:an uncool haircut 不时髦的发型
    initiative /I5nIFEtIv/ n 计划;倡议:It is hoped that the government's
initiative will bring the strike to an end. 希望政府采取的行动可以结束罢工。
    recruit /rI5kru:t/ v 吸收(某人)为新成员:recruit new members to the club
    promising/5prCmisiN/adj有前途的;有希望的:The results of the first experiments are
very promising. 第一次实验的结果充满了希望。
    perceptive /pE5septIv/adj 有理解力的;有洞察力的:Her books are full of perceptive
insights into the human condition.她书里有很多对人类现状颇具洞察力的见解。
    critique /krI5ti:k/n 批评性的分析;评论;评论文章:The book presents a critique of the
Government's policies. 该书对政府的政策作出了批评性的分析。
    lameness /5leIm9nEs/ n 令人不满意的地方
    spot-on adj对极了;准确的:His assessment of the situation was spot-on.
    fail to do sth未能做某事: They have failed to come up with any practical
    mobilize/5mEUbIlaIz/ v 动用;利用:At sea we will mobilize any amount of
resources to undertake a rescue. 在海上,我们会动用任何资源进行营救工作。
    demonstrate/5demEnstreIt/v 显示;表露;表现:The election demonstrates democracy
in action. 这次选举是以实际行动体现了民主。
    flawed/flR:d/adj有缺陷的;错误的:The research behind this report is seriously
    plead /pli:d/ v 极力主张:Her book pleaded the cause of women's
    billboard /5bIl9bR:d/ n (户外)广告牌,广告招贴板
    nothing more than仅仅;只不过
    fit in 被接受;相处融洽:I tried to fit in, but they were all much younger than I
was. 我尽量融入他们,但他们都比我年轻得多。
    convincingly/kEn5vInsINlI/adv 令人信服地:a convincingly argued statement
    advocate/ 5AdvEkEt/ n 拥护者,倡导者:He was an untiring advocate of economic
    take a page from 学习;取经
    注:该短语来take a leaf/page out of /from sb’s book模仿某人;行为或举止学某人:Maybe I should
take a leaf out of Robert's book and start coming in at ten every morning.
    apply /E5plaI/ v 使用;运用:These ideas are often difficult to apply in
    exploration /9eksplE5reIFn/ n 探索;探究:detailed exploration of a subject
    biological /9baIE5lCdVIkl/adj生物学的:a biological experiment 生物学实验
    glaring /5gleErIN/adj 突出的,明显的:There is a glaring omission in the above
data. 以上数据有一处明显的遗漏。
    mixed /mIkst/adj有好有坏的:The critics gave the new play a mixed
    exert /Ig5z\:t/v 施加(影响):Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to
succeed. 她丈夫殷切期望她能成功,给了她很大的压力。
    a body of大量、大批(知识、信息等):There is a growing body of evidence to support this
    emerging/I5m\:dVIN/adj刚出现的;新兴的:an emerging consensus that global warming is
a reality就全球变暖是事实这一问题逐渐达成的一致看法
    network/5netwE:k/ n 联络网a network of shops all over the country
    via/5vaIE/prep通过,借助于(某种手段或人):It’s easy to check your bank account via the
    subtle/5sQtl/adj细微的;微妙的;难以察觉的:I detected a subtle change in his attitude
toward us.我发觉他对我们的态度发生了微妙的变化。
    imitate /5ImIteIt/ v 模仿(某人的动作、言语或行为):He’s very clever at imitating his
friends. 他非常擅于模仿朋友的言行。
    bureaucrat /5bjUErEkrAt/ n 官僚:He was just another faceless bureaucrat.
    steer /stIE(r)/ v 指导;引导:He made an attempt to steer the conversation
back to Heather.他试图把话题再转回到希瑟身上。
    virtuous /5v\:tFUEs/adj有德行的;品行好的:led a virtuous life过着高洁的生活
    break up断开:She broke the chocolate up into small pieces. 她把巧克力弄成小块。
    pair…with…使(人或物)成对或成双:I've been paired with Bob in the next round of the
competition. 下一轮比赛我和鲍勃搭档。
    tactic /5tAktIk/n 手段;策略:a tactic employed to speed up the peace
    engineer /9endVI5nIE(r)/ v 安排;策划:She engineered another meeting with

kytwo 发表于 2017-8-6 10:43:12

    condemn /kEn5dem/ v 谴责;指责:We all condemn cruelty to children.
    dishonour /dIs5CnE(r)/ v 违反;违背:Union leaders accused management of
dishonouring existing pay agreements. 工会领导人指责资方违反了现有的工资协议。
    enter into sth 达成协议,合同等:Some local authorities have entered into
partnership with private companies. 有的地方当局与私营企业结成了合作关系。
    vision /vIVn/ n 构想;设想:He had a clear vision of how he hoped the company
would develop. 他对自己希望公司如何发展有清晰的设想。
    defy /dI5faI/ v 违抗;蔑视:They defied their parents and got married.
    withdraw /wIT5drR/ v 收回;撤回:After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw
his resignation. 几经劝说他同意收回辞呈。
    apparently /E5pArEntlI/ adv 似乎;看来:Apparently they are getting divorced.
    provoke /prE5vEUk/ v 激起,导致(某种感情等):The decision provoked a storm of
protest from civil rights organizations. 这一决定挑起了民权组织的抗议风波。
    justified /5dVQstIfaId/ adj 正当的;合理的: As the goods were damaged, she felt
fully justified in asking for her money back. 因商品损坏,她认为有充足理由要求退款。
    outrage /5aUtreIdV/ n 义愤;愤慨:When he heard the news he reacted with a
sense of outrage. 获悉此事,他义愤填膺。
    renege on sth 违约;背信:The government had reneged on its election promises.
    commitment /kE5mItmEnt/ n I cannot make such a commitment at the
moment. 此刻我不能作出这样的承诺。
    abide by sth 遵守某事物;忠于某事物:abide by a promise 遵守诺言
    regulation /9regjU5leIFn/ n 规章;法规;条例:safety/traffic regulations
    precisely /prI5saIslI/ adv精确地;恰好:That is precisely what I mean.
    constitutionality /9kCnstI5tju:FEnAlEtI/ n 符合宪法;合宪性:The high court will
rule on the constitutionality of the new law. 高等法院将对这条新法规的合宪性做出裁决。
    desperate /5despErEt/ adj孤注一掷的;奋力作最后一搏(以寻求获救)的:a desperate attempt to save
the family business拯救家族事业的孤注一掷的尝试
    stunning /stQnIN/ adj 令人惊奇的;令人震惊的:He suffered a stunning defeat in the
election. 他在选举中惨败。
    surface /s\:fIs/ v 引起注意;公开化:The row first surfaced two years ago.
    aging /eIdVIN/ adj 变旧的;陈旧的:aging equipment 老化的设备
    reactor /rI5AktE(r)/ n 反应堆:build nuclear reactor 建立核反应堆
    condition /kEn5dIFn/ n 条件:He was allowed to go out, but his parents
made it a condition that he should get home before midnight. 他父母允许他出去,
    approval /E5pru:vl/ n 赞成;同意;批准:The committee gave its approval to our
plan. 委员会批准了我们的计划。
    permission /pE5mIFn/ n 许可;批准;同意:She refused to give her permission.
    operate /5CpEreIt/ v 经营;管理:They operate three factories and a huge
warehouse. 他们管著三家工厂和一个大仓库。
    past /pB:st/ prep 晚于……;在……之后:It was past midnight when we got home.
    extension /Ik5stenFn/ n 延长期;放宽的期限:an extension of summer holidays
    be subject to sth 取决于……;视……而定:The plan is subject to the director's
approval. 该计划须经主管批准。
    legislature /5ledVIsleItFE(r);/ n She is the youngest woman to be
elected to the national legislature. 她是获选入国家立法机构的最年轻女性。
    go along 遵照……的建议;追随……的做法:Whatever Ed said, Max went right along.
    intend to do sth 打算做某事;想要做某事:I hear they intend to marry. 听说他们要结婚了。
    live by 按照;遵守: That is a philosophy I could live by. 那就是我所信奉的人生哲学。
    foresee /fR:5si:/ v 预见;预料:He foresaw that the job would take a long
    string /strIN/ n 成列或成行的人;一连串的事物:a string of wins 一连串的胜利
    collapse /kE5lAps/ n 突然倒下;倒塌:An earthquake caused the collapse of the
    cooling tower 冷凝塔
    raise /reIz/ v 引起;使(某事物)产生或出现:The way the research was carried out
raises doubts about the results. 这项研究的操作方法令人们对研究结果产生怀疑。
    leakage /li:kIdV/ n  渗漏;泄露:We are saving water by reducing leakage.
    misleading /mIs5li:dIN/ adj 骗人的;误导人的:The brochure was extremely misleading
about the cost of the holiday. 宣传手册上的度假费用完全是骗人的。
    enrage /In5reIdV/ v 使非常愤怒;激怒:His arrogance enraged her.
    vote against 投票反对: Did you vote for or against her? 你投了她的赞成票还是反对票。
    invalid /In5vAlId/ adj 法律上不承认的;无效的:A passport that is out of date is
invalid. 护照过期是无效的。
    legislation /9ledVIs5leIFn/ n New legislation is to be introduced to
help single-parent families. 新法规即将实施以帮助单亲家庭。
    regulatory /5regjUleItErI/ adj 管理的;控制的:New drugs have been approved by the
regulatory authority. 新药已经得到监管机构的批准。
    obscure /Eb5skjUE(r)/ adj 模糊的;不清楚的:Is the meaning still obscure to you?
    whereas /9weEr5Az/ conj 尽管:Whereas the city spent over $1 billion on its
museums and stadium, it failed to look after its schools.
    precedent /presIdEnt/ n 先例:set a precedent 开创一个先例
    extend /Ik5stend/ v 涉及(范围);延伸(距离):The road extends for miles and miles.
    patchwork /5pAtFw\:k/ n 拼凑的东西:The area was a patchwork of local
industries. 该地区是本地各色企业的集中地。
    debate /dI5beIt/ n 考虑;思考:The conference passed the proposal with
little debate. 大会不加什么考虑就通过了提议。
    beside the point 离题;不相干: His political interests are beside the point.
    have nothing to lose (即使不成功也)不会损失什么,不会变得更糟:You might as well apply ofr the
job, you have got nothing to lose. 你不妨申请这份工作,你不会损失什么的。
    go to war with sb与某人开战:The country finally decided to go to war with the
enemy. 该国最终决定与敌军开战。
    consequence /5kCnsIkwEns/ n 后果;影响:You must accept the full consequences
of your behaviour. 你必须承担你的行为所引起的全部后果。
    pledge /pledV/ v 发誓;作保证:The new governor pledged to reduce crime.

kyfive 发表于 2017-8-6 11:17:08

    complexity kEm5pleksEtIn 复杂性;错综复杂的状态:a problem of great complexity
    misconception9mIskEn5sepFn n 误解;错误想法:It is a popular misconception
that all Scotsmen are mean. 很多人误以为苏格兰人都很小气。
    logicality 9lCdVI5kAlEtI n 合逻辑;合理
    regularity 9regjU5lArEtI n规律性;规则性;经常性:They meet with great regularity.
    inspectionIn5spekFn n审阅;审查:The documents are available for public
    persistentpE5sIstEnt adj 持续不断的;不间断的:Persistent rain will affect many
    recognition 9rekEg5nIFn n认可;承认;确认:The unions must receive proper
    quotekwEUtv 引用;引述;引证:He’s always quoting verses from the Bible.
    inspireIn5spaIE(r) v赋予某人灵感;启示;启迪:The Lake District scenery inspired
Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry.
英格兰湖区的美景给了华兹华斯灵感,使他创作出他最伟大的诗篇。idealizedaI5dIElaIzd adj 理想化的;完美的:an idealized
picture of family life 理想化的家庭生活景象
    objectiveEb5dVektIv adj 客观的;如实的;无偏见的:He finds it difficult to remain
objective where his son is concerned. 他觉得事关自己的儿子就很难保持客观态度了。
    carry out 执行;实施;落实:We’re carrying out a market-research survey.
    ambiguousAm5bIgjUEs adj 含糊不清的;不明确的:The wording of the law is highly
ambiguous. 这项法律的措辞非常含糊。
    complicated5kCmplI9keItId adj 复杂的;费解的:a complicated diagram 复杂的图表
    context5kCntekst n环境;背景;周围情况:The proposals need to be considered in
the context of new European directives. 要联系新的欧洲指令的背景来考虑这些提议。
    prior5praIE(r) adj(时间、顺序、重要性)在先的,在前的:He has a prior engagement this
    subsequent5sQbsIkwEnt adj 后来的;随后的:Subsequent events proved me wrong.
    misinterpretation9mIsInt\:prI5teIFn n误解:comments open to
misinterpretation 易引起误解的评论
    self-deception /9selfdI5sepFn/n自欺:Jane remarked on men’s capacity for
self-deception. 简对男人们自欺欺人的习性作了一番评说。
    abound/E5baUnd/ v大量存在:Rumors of a further scandal abound.
    claimkleIm n声称;主张;断言:Some of the early claims that were made were
plainly false. 早期作出的一些断言显然是错的。
    protoscience5prEUtEU9saIEns n 准科学;原科学
    stake /steɪk/ v 立界标(以表明所有权);声明(对某物)拥有所有权:Both sides were staking a claim
to the land. 双方都声明对这块土地拥有所有权。
    mining 5maInIN n采矿;矿业 a mining engineer 采矿工程师
    collectivekE5lektIv adj 集体完成(或进行)的;集体的:a collective protest 集体抗议
    scrutiny 5skru:tInI n详细审查;仔细观察:Every aspect of local government was
placed under scrutiny. 地方政府的方方面面都处于详细审查之下。
    credibility 9kredE5bIlEtI n可信性;可靠性:The jury had doubts about the
credibility of some of the witnesses.陪审团怀疑一些证人的可信性。
    communitykE5mju:nEtI n (由同宗教、同种族、同职业或其他具有共同特征的人组成的)团体;界:the scientific
community 科学界
    credit 5kredIt n称赞;赏识;表扬:He got all the credit for the discovery.
    reviewer rI5vju:E(r) n 复查者;审核人:a rent reviewer 租金审核人
    publication 9pQblI5keIFn n出版;发表:It was clear, even before publication,
that the book would be a success. 该书将驰誉天下,这一点甚至在出版发行以前就已十分清楚。
    accompanyingE5kQmpEnIIN adj 伴随的;陪伴的;和…一起发生的:Front-page stories broke the
news of the princess leaving, and accompanying photographs showed her getting on
the plane.报纸头版爆出公主离开的消息,同时配有她登机而去的照片。
    interaction9IntEr5AkFn n相互影响;相互作用:ongoing interaction between the two
languages 两种语言间持续的相互作用
    confrontation9kCnfrQn5teIFn n对抗;不和:a confrontation between the
Government and the unions 政府与工会之间的对抗
    competingkEm5pi:tIN adj(论据、主张、理论等)相互冲突的:We have to choose between the
competing priorities of industry, health, and education.
    paradox5pArEdCks n 自相矛盾的说法
    prevailingprI5veIlIN adj 现存的;存在的:The prevailing market conditions are not
favorable to small investors. 现有的市场条件不利于小投资者们。
    duplication 9dju:plI5keIFn n 复制;重复:We must avoid wasteful duplication
of effort. 我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动。
    confirmation 9kCnfE5meIFn n证实;证明:The claims have received independent
confirmation from a team of experts. 这些声明已经从一组专家那儿得到单独的证明。
    convincingkEn5vInsIN adj 令人信服的:He will demand convincing evidence before
he adopts a new theory. 他接受新的理论之前会要求提供有说服力的证据。
    modification9mCdIfI5keIFn n修改;更改:The design of the spacecraft is
undergoing extensive modification. 航天器的设计正大加修改。
    refutation9refju:5teIFn n驳斥;反驳:He prepared a complete refutation of
the Republicans’ most serious charges. 他准备全面反驳共和党人对他最严重的指控。
    provoke prE5vEUk v激起;引起:provoke a fight 挑起一场战斗
    physiologist 9fIzI5ClEdVIst n生理学家;生理学研究者
    novel 5nCvl adj 新奇的;新颖的;新的:a novel idea, fashion, design, experience
新的观念、 风尚、 设计、 经验
    appreciateE5pri:FIeIt v 认识到…的全部价值;重视:Many of the junior staff feel
they are not properly appreciated.许多初级员工认为他们没有得到应有的重视。
    correspond to 相当于……,符合……:The American Congress corresponds to the British
Parliament. 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。
    philosopherfI5lCsEfE(r) n 哲学家;思想家:the Greek philosophers 希腊哲学家
    revise rI5vaIzv 更正;修改;修正:These figures have now been revised.
    conceptionkEn5sepFn n观点;想法;看法;认识:our conception of how language
relates to reality 我们对于语言如何与现实发生联系的认识
    enlarge/In5lB:dV/ v (使)扩大:I want to enlarge the lawn. 我想把草坪扩大。
    prudent /5pru:dnt/ adj谨慎的:a prudent money manager 谨慎的理财经理
    secure/sI5kjʊə(r) / v 获得:secure a job找到一份工作
    augment/R:g5ment/ v 增大, 增加:Continuing rains augmented the flood waters.
    excessively /ek'sesIvli/ adv 过多地, 过分地: I don’t drink excessively.我不酗酒。
    barrier /5bAriE/ n 障碍,阻碍:Shyness is one of the biggest barriers to
making friends.害羞是交友的最大障碍之一。
    dominant /5dCmInEnt/ adj 占支配地位的:She’s the dominant child in the group.
    disapproval /ˌdɪsəˈpruːvl/ n 反对,不赞成:public disapproval公众的反对
    indifference /In5dIfrEns/ n 漠不关心:He treated my request with
indifference. 他对我的请求置若罔闻。
    trade unionist 工会主义者;工会会员:a former trade unionist前工会会员
    civil servant (政府中的)公务员:civil servant system国家公务员制度
    prime /praIm/n 全盛时期,盛年:When is a man in his prime? 一个人的盛年在什么时候?
    public sector 公共部门
    private sector 私有部门
    unionize /5ju:njEnaIz/v (使)加入工会:launch a campaign to unionize
    thrive /θraIv/ v 繁荣,蓬勃发展:A business cannot thrive without investment.
    shut (sth) down(使工厂等)停工,歇业,关闭:They’ve shut down their factory.
    consequence /5kCnsɪkwEns/n 结果,后果:Hundreds of people lost their jobs as
a direct consequence of the merger. 这次合并直接导致数百人失去工作。
    dominate /5dCmɪneɪt/ v 在……中占主要地位,处于支配地位:The company dominates the
market for operating system software. 该公司在操作系统软件市场上占支配地位。
    left-of-centre /5leftEv5sentE/adj 偏左翼的,偏左派的:His political views are known
to be left-of-centre. 人们知道他的政治观点属于偏左派。
    tie /taɪ/n 联系,关系:We have close economic ties with our neighbours.
    associate with 与……联系在一起;和……来往:I don’t like the people you associate with.
    owe (sth) to (sb/sth) 将……归功于……:He owes his success more to luck than to
ability. 他认为他的成功主要靠的是运气,而不是自身的能力。
    fearsome /5fIEsEm/ adj 吓人的,可怕的:a fearsome reputation令人生畏的名声
    budget /5bQdVɪt/n 预算:administrative budget行政预算
    patrol /pE5trEʊl/ v 巡查;巡逻:Police patrol the streets at night.
    keep an eye on留意;密切注视:Will you keep your eye on my suitcase while I go to
get the tickets?我去买车票时帮我照看一下手提箱好吗?
    benefit /5benɪfɪt/n 补助金,津贴:You may be able to claim housing benefit.
    work practice 工作制度
    标准工作制度是指在法律规定的一般情况下统一实行的标准长度工作时间。文中的work practices是与下文的holidays相对应的。
    backload /5baklEJd/ v 【经】(金融协议)后期费用增加:backloaded rentals后期费用增加的租赁
    该词是经济方面的术语,意为to place more charges at the later stages of (a financial
agreement) than at the earlier
    pay deal 工资协议:teacher’s pay deal教师工资协议
    modest /5mCdɪst/adj 适度的,适量的:drink modest amounts of alcohol喝适量的酒
    add to 增加:A long summer break would also give teachers time for other jobs
to add to their low pay. 长长的暑假也可以给教师干其他工作的时间来增加他们的低收入。
    pension /5penFEn/n 养老金:He is now retired and on a pension.
    generous /5dVenErEs/adj慷慨给予的,大量的;丰富的:a generous helping of potatoes
    vigorously /5vI^ErEsli/adv 用力地;精力充沛地:shake one's hand vigorously用力握某人的手
    egregiously /I5^ri:dVEsli/adv极其严重地,极坏地,令人震惊地:For tea parties, Third
Frontier might seem egregiously expensive. 对于茶党而言,第三前线计划可能耗费过于惊人。
    charter school特许学校
    academy /E5kAdEmi/n 专科院校:a police academy警察学校
    merit pay绩效工资:He introduced merit pay for public workers and performance
metrics for state agencies. 他引入了公务员绩效工资以及州政府机构的表现衡量标准。
    drawn-out /drR:n`aJt/adj 拉长了的,拖延了的:After the long drawn-out years of
waiting, the end of the war was in sight. 经过多年的漫长等待,战争终于结束在望。
    variable /5vZErIEbl/ n 变量;可变的事物:Temperature was a variable in the
experiment. 在该实验中温度是一个变量。
    get rid of 除掉,摆脱:get rid of unhealthy tax清除不正当的税收
    promote /prE5mEʊt/ v 晋升,提升:She worked hard and was soon promoted.
她工作很努力, 很快便获得晋升。
    clamp down压制,强制:Police clamped down on a pro-democracy demonstration.
    rally /5rAli/ v 召集,集合:a series of meetings to rally support for the
    hardline /7ha:d5laIn/adj 强硬的,不妥协的:a hardline manifesto立场坚定的宣言
    norm /nC:m/ n (尤指社会行为)准则,规范:established norm公认的规范
    civil service 公务员制度;行政机构:The British Civil Service is supposed to be
non-political. 英国政府的文职部门应该是非政治性的。
    stay put(人、物)留在原地不动:Just stay put with the cases, while I go and find a
taxi. 你留在这儿看箱子,我去叫出租车。
    reward /ri5wC:d/ v 奖励:He was duly rewarded for his outstanding
contribution to the arts.
    achiever /E5tFi:vE/ n 获得成功的人:Not enough attention is given to the low
achievers in the class. 班里的落后生没有得到足够的关注。
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