考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 09:58:12


    philharmonic /9fIlB:5mCnIk/ n 爱乐乐团: the Berlin Philharmonic
    be the talk of sth (informal) 成为大家的谈资; 为人们所津津乐道: His collection is the talk
of the Milan fashion shows. 他的时装系列成为米兰时装展的热门话题。(S1)
    for the most part通常; 多半: The older members, for the most part, shun him.
年长的会员通常会避开他。 (S2)
    favorable /5feIvErEbl/ adj表示同意的; 表扬的: a favorable report 赞同的报告(S2)
    to say the least至少可以说; 最起码: I found the flight rather uncomfortable, to say
the least. 至少可以这么说, 我觉得这次飞行特别不舒服。 (S2)
    hooray /hU5reI/(=hurrah)(用于表示喜悦、 赞成)好哇, 好; 万岁: Hooray! She’s here at last!
    sober-sided严肃的; 正式的: a play with a sober-sided social
    critic /5krItIk/ n (尤指职业)评论家: Critics described the paintings as
worthless rubbish. 评论家把那些画形容为一文不值的垃圾。 (S3)
    come /kQm/ v 发生; 出现: Her death came as a terrible shock to us.
她的死使我们极为震惊。 (S1)
    comparatively /kEm5pArEtIvlI/ adv比较地: Inflation was comparatively low.
通货膨胀相对较低。 (S1)
    advocate /5AdvEkEt/ v 拥护; 支持: These policies have been widely advocated.
这些政策已得到广泛的拥护。 (S2)
    unpretentious /9QnprI5tenFEs/ adj不炫耀的; 谦逊的: He is a very famous singer but
he is completely unpretentious. 他是位很有名的歌唱家, 但他非常谦逊。 (S2)
    with no/an air of sth没有/有……的神态: He leaned towards Melissa with an air of
great confidentiality. 他向梅利莎凑过身去, 显出很亲密的样子。 (S2)
    formidable /5fR:mIdEbl/ adj 可怕的; 引起恐惧或不安的: a very formidable opponent
    hitherto /9hITE5tu/ adv 迄今; 至今: The weather, which had hitherto been sunny
and mild, suddenly turned cold. 迄今一直晴朗温暖的天气突然变冷了。(S3)
    strike sb (as sth) 给人……的印象: The plan strikes me as ridiculous. 我觉得这个计划荒谬可笑。
    to be sure 确实; 当然: He is intelligent, to be sure, but he’s also very lazy.
他的确聪明, 可是也很懒惰。 (S2)
    composition /9kCmpE5zIFn/ n 作品(如乐曲、 诗或书): ‘Swan Lake’ is one of
Tchaikovsky’s best-known compositions. 《天鹅湖》是柴可夫斯基最著名的作品之一。 (S2)
    orchestral /R:5kestrEl/ adj 管弦乐团的: an orchestral concert 管弦乐演奏会 (S2)
    boot up启动(电脑): The menu will be ready as soon as you boot up your computer.
启动电脑, 菜单就出现了。 (S3)
    download /9daUn5lEUd/ v 下载: You can download this software for free.
你可以免费下载这个软件。 (S3)
    concertgoer n 出席音乐会(尤指古典音乐会)的人 (S1)
    recording /rI5kR:dIN/ n (录制的)音像; 录音: the band’s latest recording
乐队的最新唱片 (S1)
    substitute for sth/sb 代替者; 代替物: Soya milk is used as a substitute for dairy
milk. 豆浆被用作牛奶的替代品。 (S1)
    live /laIv/adj(音乐表演)现场的: There is traditional live music played most
nights. 大多数夜晚都有现场音乐演出。 (S1)
    troupe /tru:p/ n 表演团; (巡回)演出团: a dance/circus troupe 舞蹈团/马戏团 (S2)
    bring about 引发; 导致: She brought about a revolution in psychoanalysis.
她引发了心理分析领域的一场革命。 (S4)
    institution /9InstI5tju:Fn/ n 惯例; 习惯做法: Drinking tea at 4 pm is a
popular British institution. 下午4点钟吃茶点是英国人很流行的习惯。 (S4)
    markedly /5mB:kIdlI/ adv清楚地; 显著地: He was markedly more pleasant than
before. 他比以前和气多了。 (S2)
    vibrant /5vaIbrEnt/ adj充满活力的; 活跃的: a vibrant cosmopolitan city一座充满活力的国际大都市
    repertoire /5repEtwB:(r) / n 定期演出的全部节目; 经常演出的全部节目: the mainstream
concert repertoire 主流音乐会经常演出的全部节目 (S4)
    criticism /5krItIsIzEm/ n 批评; 批判; 指责: He ignored the criticisms of
his friends. 他无视朋友的批评。 (I21)
    suspicion /sE5spIFn/ n 怀疑: Her behavior aroused no suspicion.
她的举动未受怀疑。 (I21)
    acclaim /E5kleIm/ n 称道; 赞誉: She has won acclaim for her commitment to
democracy. 她因致力于民主而为人赞誉。 (I21)
    influential /9InflU5enFl/ adj 有影响的; 有势力的: Her work is influential in
feminist psychology. 她的作品在女性心理学领域很具影响力。 (I22)
    modest /5mCdIst/ adj 谦虚的; 谦恭的: be modest about one’s achievements 对自己的成就很谦逊
    exaggerate /Ig5zAdVEreIt/ v 夸大; 言过其实: You are exaggerating the
difficulties. 你把困难夸大了。 (I23)
    overestimate /9EUvEr5estImeIt/ v 过高估计(某事物): We overestimated the cost
by about 2 per cent. 我们高估了大约2% 的费用。 (I23)
    inferior to sb/sth 比……差: His later work was vastly inferior to his early
work. 他后期的作品大不如从前。 (I24)
    accessible /Ek5sesEbl/ adj 易得到的; 易使用的: making learning opportunities more
accessible to adults 使成人有更多的学习机会 (I24)
    masterpiece /5mB:stE9pi:s/ n 杰作: It’s one of the greatest masterpieces
of Western art. 这是西方艺术最伟大的杰作之一。 (I24)
    revitalize /ri:5vaItElaIz/ v 使(某事物)恢复生机; 使再兴: revitalize the industry,
economy and education 振兴工业、 经济和教育 (I25)
    enthusiastic /In9Wju:zI5AstIk/ adj 感兴趣的; 热心的: For a while, we were
enthusiastic about the idea. 我们曾一度对这个想法很感兴趣。 (I25)

kysix 发表于 2017-8-6 11:08:25

    depart /dI5pB:t/ v 离开: He departed his job on December 16.
他于12月16日离职。 (S1)
    straight up坦率地; 真实地: His speech was so straight up that he earned lots of
support. 他的演讲十分坦率, 这使得他获得了许多支持。 (S1)
    cloak /klEUk/ v 隐藏; 覆盖; 掩饰: She cloaked her embarrassment by rushing
into speech.她急忙开口说话, 以掩饰自己的尴尬。 (S2)
    vague /veIg/ adj 含糊的; 不明确的; 不清楚的: a vague answer/demand/rumor 含糊其辞的回答/要求/传闻
    come right out and say sth 公开表示: We were all thinking that he’d make
amistake, but nobody would come right out and say it. 我们都认为他犯了一个错误, 但谁都不愿意公开说出来。
    broadcast /5brR:dkB:st/ v 宣布(某事物); 传播: broadcast one’s views 表明自己的观点
    board /bR:d/ n 董事会; 理事会: She has a seat on the board of a large company.
她是某大公司董事会成员之一。 (S4)
    name /neIm/ v 提名某人或指定某人任一职务: Ms Smith has been named as the new
director. 史密斯女士已被任命为新董事。 (S4)
    line up 准备好; 就绪: Mark had a job lined up when he left college. 马克大学毕业时,
工作已经找好了。 (S1)
    reflect /rI5flekt/ v 沉思; 思考: He had time to reflect on his successes
and failures. 他曾有时间思考他的成功与失败。 (S1)
    executive /Ig5zekjUtIv/ n 高级管理人员; 经理: a top executive in a large
corporation 一家大公司的最高级主管 (S4)
    scrutinize /5skru:tInaIz/ v 仔细或彻底检查(某事物): scrutinize all the documents
relating to the trial 仔细审阅与该案有关的所有文件 (S5)
    succession /sEk5seFn/ n (对王位或者领导职位的)继承, 继任: the succession to the
English throne 英国王位的继承 (S5)
    in response to sth 反应; 作为对……的回应: The company reviewed its safety procedures
in response to complaints. 接到投诉后, 公司检查了他们的安全程序。 (S5)
    get the nod 获选; 获准: This proposal got the nod from the chief. 这个建议获得了主任的认可。
    move on 变换(工作): I enjoyed my job, but it was time to move on. 我热爱我的工作,
但已到换份新工作的时候了。 (S5)
    cloud /klaUd/ v 毁坏(某事物); 威胁: I hope this disagreement won’t cloud our
friendship. 我希望这一分歧不会影响我们的友谊。 (S6)
    take hold 开始起作用: The reforms of the late nineteenth century had taken hold.
19世纪后期的改革已开始起作用了。 (S1)
    deputy /5depjUtI/ n (企业、 学校等领导人的)副手: the deputy headmistress 女副校长
    quarter /5kwR:tE(r)/ n 季度: Our gas bill for the last quarter was
unusually high. 我们上季度的煤气费异常高。 (S2)
    turnover /t\:n5EUvE(r)/ n 人员更替率(S2)
    stick with sth (尤指为获得帮助或保护而)紧紧跟着某人: Stick with me and you’ll be all right.
紧紧跟着我, 这样你就不会有事的。 (S2)
    pick up好转; 改善: The market always picks up in the spring. 一到春天市场就活跃了。
    abound /E5baUnd/ v 大量存在: Oranges abound here all the year round.
此地终年盛产柑橘。 (S3)
    headhunter /5hedhQntE(r)/ n 猎头(S2)
    adhere to遵守(法规、 法律或协议): We must strictly adhere to the terms of the
contract. 我们必须严格遵守合同条款。 (S2)
    poach /pEUtF/ v 从某人(某处)挖走(人员): A rival firm poached our best computer
program-mers. 对手公司把我们最好的计算机编程人员挖走了。(S2)
    senior partner 大股东 (S3)
    instruct /In5strQkt/ v 向(某人)下命令(或指示); 指导: I’ve instructed them to keep
the room locked. 我已吩咐他们那个房间要上锁。 (S3)
    sit /sIt/ v 在职;担任(职务):She sat on a number of committees.
    land in抵达; 到达: It will likely land in the midst of an escalating standoff
over this year’s budget . 今年我的预算将会达到逐渐上升的状态。 (S1)
    recruiter /rI5kru:t/ n 招聘人员 (S1)
    between jobs (委婉语)暂时失业中, 字面意思为“在工作之间”, 即辞掉了原有的工作, 但还未找到新工作的状态 (S2)
    fundamentally /9fQndE5mentlI/ adv 根本地: two fundamentally different concepts
of democracy 两个根本不一样的民主观念 (S3)
    invert /In5v\:t/ v 使(某物)倒置、 倒转或颠倒: invert a glass 把玻璃杯倒过来 (S3)
    arrogant /5ArEgEnt/ adj 傲慢的; 自大的: I found him arrogant and rude.
    spur /sp\:(r)/ v 激励; 刺激: I was spurred by his comments. 他的话激励了我。
    strained /streInd/ adj(气氛、 形势、 关系等)紧张的: the strained relationship between
the two countries 两国紧张的关系 (I27)
    approve /E5pru:v/ v 赞成; 认可; 批准(某事物); 通过: The budget was approved by
parliament. 议会批准了预算。 (I28)
    attend to sb/sth 处理, 对付(某人或者某事): We still have a number of other matters to
attend to. 我们还有其他一些事情需要处理。 (I28)
    cling to sb/sth 附着于某物; 牢牢粘着: He still clings to his mother even at the age
of ten. 他已经十岁了, 还总是跟着妈妈。 (I29)
    stick to sth 坚守, 信守(许诺、 信仰、 规则): The government stuck to their election
pledges. 政府信守他们的竞选誓约。 (I29)

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 11:57:24

    rough /rQf/ adj 粗略的; 大致的: Give me a rough idea of your plans.
请把你那些计划的大体想法告诉我。 (S1)
    guide /gaId/ n 有指导意义的事物; 准则: As a rough guide, allow half a cup of rice
per person. 大致定个标准, 就是每人半杯米。 (S1)
    commercial /kE5m\:Fl/ n (电视或电台播出的)广告: a shampoo/dog food commercial
洗发水/狗粮广告 (S3)
    exploit /5eksplRIt/ v (为获取利益而)利用: We need to exploit every opportunity
for media cover-age. 我们需要利用每一个媒体宣传的机会。 (S3)
    alternative /R:l5t\:nEtIv/ adj (仅用于名词前)供替代的, 供选择的: Have you got an
alternative suggestion? 你有没有其他的建议? (S3)
    passionate /5pAFEnEt/ adj感情强烈的; 情绪激昂的: She was passionate about flying.
    earn /\:n/ v 赢得; 博得: His honesty earned him great respect.
他因诚实而博得人们的尊敬。 (S4)
    promote /prE5mEUt/ v 宣传; 推销: a publicity campaign to promote her new
book 为推销她的新书而开展的宣传活动 (S4)
    leverage /5levErIdV/ v 充分利用(资源、 观点等): Reusable software is leveraged
across many applications. 可重复使用的软件得到广泛应用。 (S4)
    alert /E5l\:t/ n 提醒; 通知: e-mail alert 电子邮件通知 (S4)
    register /5redVIstE(r)/ v 注册; 登记(有关信息): The company was originally
registered in 1856. 公司最初是于1856年注册的。 (S4)
    approach /E5prEUtF/ v 处理; 对付: Governments tend to approach the issue
from different angles. 政府倾向于从多个角度处理这个问题。 (S5)
    stem from sth源于; 是……的缘故: Many of her problems stem from her family.
她的很多问题都源于她的家庭。 (S5)
    control /kEn5trEUl/ v 控制; 操纵: I hit a patch of ice and couldn’t control
the car. 我撞到一块冰上后便无法控制汽车了。 (S1)
    initiator /I5nIFIeItE/ n 引发物: initiator of poly-merization聚合引发剂
    e-commerce /5i9kCm\:s/ n 电子商务: e-commerce applications such as online
ticketing and reservations 诸如网上售票和预订等电子商务应用(S3)
    retailer /ri: 5teIlE/ n 零售商(S3)
    traffic /5trAfIk/ n (通讯系统的)通信(量), 信息流量: Internet traffic 互联网上的信息流量
    engine /5endVIn/ n 引擎:search engine搜索引擎(S4)
    infancy /5InfEnsI/ n (发展或生长的)初期: The project was cancelled while it was
still in its infancy. 这项目尚处于初期阶段时就取消了。 (S5)
    stand-alone /5stAndE9lEUn/ adj独立的; 孤立的: Each of its factories operates on a
stand-alone basis. 它的每个工厂都是独立运营的。 (S6)
    property /5prCpEtI/ n 所有物: properties such as copyrights and trademarks
像版权和商标这样的所有物 (S6)
    complementary /9kCmplI5mentrI/ adj补充的; 互补的: These two aims are not always
mutually complementary: at times they conflict. 这两个目标不总是互补的: 有时它们相互抵触。 (S6)
    competitive /kEm5petEtIv/ adj竞争的: Many firms are struggling to survive in a
highly competitive marketplace. 许多公司都为了能在竞争激烈的市场中生存而挣扎。 (S6)
    generate /5dVenEreIt/ v 赚(钱); 创造(财富): The business is not generating
enough revenue to cover its costs. 这个企业入不敷出。 (S7)
    presence /5prezns/ n 存在; 在场; 出席: Her presence during the crisis had a
calming effect. 在危难中有了她就稳定了人心。 (S7)
    objective /Eb5dVektIv/ adj客观的; 无偏见的: an objective
report/account/assessment客观的报道/叙述/评估 (S7)
    appeal /E5pi:l/ n 吸引力; 感染力; 魅力: The new fashion soon lost its appeal.
那种新式样不久就失去了吸引力。 (S7)
    concerned /kEn5s\:nd/ adj (不用于名词前)相关的, 有关的: I suggest you have a quick word
with the person concerned. 我建议你和有关的人简单谈一下。(S7)
    dramatic /drE5mAtIk/ adj突然的; 巨大的; 令人吃惊的: The announcement had a dramatic
effect on house prices. 这则公告对房屋价格产生了巨大影响。(S1)
    diverse /daI5v\:s/ adj多种多样的; 不同的: people from diverse cultures 不同文化背景的人
    communications /kE9mju:nI5keIFns/ n (用复数)通讯: a highly advanced radio
communications system 很先进的无线电通讯系统 (S1)
    voice /vRIs/ v 表达, 吐露(尤指消极情绪): A spokesman voiced the workers’
dissatisfaction. 发言人表达了工人的不满情绪。 (S1)
    damaging /5dAmIdVIN/ adj伤害的; 有负面影响的: Hurst resigned after a series of
damaging allegations concerning his personal life. 赫斯特在受到一系列对其个人生活的不利指控后辞职。
    hijack /5haIdVAk/ v 控制; 操纵: Environmentalists were accused of hijacking
the rally to promote their own aims. 环境保护主义者被指控通过操纵这一集会来促进自身目标的实现。 (S2)
    asset /5Aset/ n (有用的或宝贵的)品质; 优点: Youth is a tremendous asset in this
job. 在这种工作中, 年轻是一个巨大的优势。 (S2)
    campaign /kAm5peIn/ n (电视广告、 海报等)宣传活动: The campaign boosted sales of the
jeans by 200%. 宣传活动使得牛仔服装的销量提高了200%。(S2)
    hostage /5hCstIdV/ n 人质; 自由受到某物限制的人(或物): Major sporting events have
become hostages to the big television networks. 主要的体育盛会已受到这些大型电视网的限制。 (S2)
    allegation /9AlI5geIFn/ n (有待证实的)指责, 指控: He made allegations of
corruption against the administration. 他指控行政管理部门腐败。 (S2)
    boycott /5bRIkCt/ v 拒绝处理或购买(货物); 抵制: She urged people to boycott the
company’s products. 她敦促人们抵制这家公司的产品。 (S1)
    at risk处境危险; 遭受危险: The officers said innocent people’s lives had been put
at risk. 官员们说无辜百姓的生命已经受到了威胁。 (S1)
    thoughtful /WR:tfl/ adj深思熟虑的: a thoughtful discussion of important issues
对重大问题的仔细讨论 (S2)
    learning curve学习曲线; 学习速度: a steep learning curve(=when you have to learn
something very quickly) 急剧升降的学习曲线 (S2)
    steep /sti:p/ adj陡峭的; 陡直的: She pushed the bike up the steep hill.
    alleviate /E5li:vIeIt/ v 减轻; 缓和: The doctor gave her an injection to
alleviate the pain. 医生给她注射以减轻疼痛。 (S3)
    orchestrate /5R:kIstreIt/ v (尤指秘密地)精心编制, 周密策划: Their main line of work
is orchestrating corporate mergers. 他们的主要工作是组织策划公司合并。 (S3)
    engage with sb/sth理会; 处理: She is accused of failing to engage with the
problems of her staff. 她被指责对员工的问题不理不睬。 (S3)
    obsess /Eb5ses/ v 使痴迷; 使迷恋: She’s completely obsessed with him.
    inspire /In5spaIE(r)/ v 激励; 刺激: Inspired by her example, other
zoologists have begun working with apes in the wild. 受她的事例的激励,
其他动物学家开始了对野生大猩猩的研究。 (I31)
    quality /5kwClEtI/ adj (仅用于名词前)高质量的, 优质的: We offer our customers a quality
product at a reasonable price. 我们以合理的价格向顾客提供优质产品。 (I31)
    enthusiastic /In9Wju:zI5AstIk/ adj热心的; 热情的; 极感兴趣的: The promoter was
enthusiastic about the concert venue. 承办人对音乐会的举办场所很感兴趣。 (I31)
    recommend /9rekE5mend/ v 推荐; 介绍: Can you recommend a good restaurant?
你能推荐一个好的饭店吗? (I31)
    feature /5fi:tFE(r)/ v 以……为特点(或特征): The hotel features a large lounge,
a sauna, and a coin-operated solarium. 这家酒店的特点是有一个阔敞的大厅、 一个桑拿浴室和一个投币的日光浴室。
    random /5rAndEm/ adj胡乱的; 无章法的: She went on, talking somewhat at random.
她继续说下去, 有些语无伦次。 (I32)
    flexibility /9fleksE5bIlEtI/ n 可变性; 灵活性: You have considerable
flexibility in this job and can choose how to do things. 你的这份工作有相当大的灵活性,
怎么做可以自己选择。 (I32)
    invite /5InvaIt/ v 招致; 导致: His policies invited widespread criticism.
他的政策招致了广泛的批评。 (I33)
    dominance /5dCmInEns/ n 优势; 支配地位: the absolute dominance of the
governing party 执政党的绝对优势 (I35)

kyfive 发表于 2017-8-6 12:34:15

    insightful /5InsaItfUl/ adj富有洞察力的; 有深刻见解的: an insightful remark 有真知灼见的言语
    provocative /prE5vCkEtIv/ adj煽动性的:a provocative speech 煽动性的讲话(S1)
    arouse /E5raUz/ v 引起(某事物); 激发: Her strange behaviour aroused our
suspicions. 她奇怪的举动引起了我们的猜疑。 (S1)
    chatter /5tFAtE(r)/ n 聊天;闲谈:I wish you’d stop wasting time in idle
chatter. 我希望你停止这种浪费时间的瞎聊。(S1)
    rear /rIE(r)/ v 养育;抚养:It’s a good place to rear young children.
    less than + adj 一点也不:He was less than enthusiastic about the idea.
    fulfilling /fUl5fIl IN/ adj 令人心满意足的: Nursing is still one of the most
fulfilling careers. 护理仍然是最有意义的职业之一。 (S1)
    think of sth as sth 认为……是……; 以为……是……: I want you to think of this as your
home. 我要你把这儿当做自己的家。 (S2)
    raise /reIz/ v 养育:I was raised by my aunt on a farm.
    crushing /krQFIN/ adj彻底的; 压倒性的:a crushing defeat 惨重的失败(S3)
    dampen /5dAmpEn/ v 使扫兴;使沮丧:Not even defeat could dampen the enthusiasm
of his supporters. 即使失败也不能使他的支持者的热情受挫。(S3)
    gratification /9grAtIfI5keIFn/ n 喜悦;满意:the gratification of knowing
one's plans have succeeded 得知计划实现后的喜悦(S3)
    newsstand /5nju:zstAnd/ n 报摊;杂志摊:Magazines sold on this newsstand are
entertaining. 这个报摊出售的杂志非常有趣。(S1)
    feature /5fi:tFE(r)/ v 特写;突出表现: This month’s magazine features the new
James Bond on the front cover. 本月杂志封面上有新的詹姆斯·邦德的特写。 (S3)
    celebrity /sI5lebrEtI/ n 名人:celebrities of stage and
    persistently / pE5sIstEntlI/ adv 持续地;持久地: They have persistently ignored
our advice. 他们一直都在忽视我们的建议。 (S1)
    celebrate /5selIbreIt/ 称赞;歌颂:a film celebrating the actor’s
    procreation /9prEUkrI5eIFn/ n (人,动物)生育;生殖:They believe that marriage is
primarily for procreation. 他们认为结婚是为了繁衍。(S1)
    is it any wonder (that)…? ……有什么奇怪吗?With such talented players, is it any
wonder they won? 有这样的天才运动员,他们赢了有什么奇怪吗?(S1)
    be equivalent to sth/doing sth 等同于;相当于:Is there a French word that is
equivalent to the English word “home”? 法语中有没有和英语home相同意思的词?(S1)
    provoke /prE5vEUk/ v 激起;引起:Emma, though still at school, was provoked
to help too. 埃玛虽然还是个学生,见状也前来帮忙。(S3)
    be bothered with sth因为……而烦恼:They did not want to be bothered with her
problems. 他们不想因为她的问题而心烦。(S3)
    misery /5mIzErI/ n 痛苦;不幸:Her misery was made complete when she was
separated from her children. 她被迫与孩子们分开时痛苦到了极点。(S3)
    gaping /5geIpIN/ 张开的;大而深地张开的:a gaping wound / hole裂开的伤口/洞(S3)
    lean on 依靠:They have learned to lean on each other for support.
    on one’s own 独立地;独自地:I’ve been living on my own for four years now.
    read /ri:d/ v 写着:The sign reads〝Keep Left〞. 路标上写著“靠左行驶”。(S3)
    round-the-clock 昼夜不停的;全天候的:round-the-clock service 全天候服务(S1)
    dumb /dQm/adj 愚蠢的:a dumb decision愚蠢的决定(S1)
    glamorous/5glAmErEs/ adj 有魅力的;令人向往的:a glamorous job 令人向往的工作(S1)
    in a small way稍微地;不太显著地:His life has been improved in a small way.
    subconscious /9sQb5kCnFEs/ v 潜意识的; 下意识的: subconscious
    temporary /5temprErI/ adj 暂时的; 临时的:a temporary arrangement 暂时的安排 (I36)
    in progress 进行中: A meeting was in progress. 一场会议正在进行。(I36)
    in retrospect回顾起来; 事后看来:In retrospect, it's easy to see why we were wrong.
    permanent /5p\:mEnEnt/ adj 永久的;长期的:a permanent relationship 长久的关系 (I37)
    entertaining /9entE5teInIN/ adj有趣的:a very entertaining film 一部很有趣的电影
    value /5vAlju:/ v 重视:value truth above all else 把真理看得比什么都重要 (I37)
    soothing /5su:TIN/ adj 抚慰的;使人宽心的:His words had a soothing effect.
    ambiguous /Am5bIgjUEs/ adj 含糊的;模棱两可的;不明确的:This whole society is morally
ambiguous. 整个社会在道德上是暧昧的。(I39)
    compensatory /9kCmpen5seItErI/ adj 补偿的;赔偿的:compensatory payments 赔款
    intensify /In5tensIfaI/ v (使某事物)变得更强烈;加剧:The reforms served only to
intensify the misery of the poorer peasants. 这些变革只不过是加剧了贫苦农民的苦难。(I40)
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