考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 09:58:05


    epidemic /9epI5demIk/ n (传染病、风尚、思潮的)传播,流行:The unexpected influenza
epidemic was already making us very short of staff.
    influential /9InflU5enFl/ n 有影响力的人;有势力的人:get the advice of policy
influentials 得到制定政策权威人士的建议(S1)
    informed /In5fR:md/ adj 见多识广的:The book is intended for an informed
readership. 本书的目标读者群是那些见多识广的人。(S1)
    connected /kE5nektId/ adj有来往的;有关系的:How are you connected with the business?
    intuitive /In5tju:ItIv/ adj直觉的;凭直觉感知的:intuitive estimate / assessment /
knowledge 直观的估计/评价/了解 (S2)
    compelling /kəmˈpelɪŋ/ adj 无法驳倒的;令人信服的:There is compelling evidence that
the industrial recession is ending. 有令人信服的证据显示衰退即将终止。(S2)
    derive /dI5raIv/ v 源自;源于:“Anthropology” derives from the Greek words
anthropos “human” and logos “the study of”. [2003年考研阅读理解Part
    plausible /5plR:zEbl/ adj 貌似真实的;貌似有理的:The story was plausible but that
didn’ t necessarily mean it was true. 这个故事很有道理,但并不表示它就是真实的。(S1)
    embrace /Im5breIs/ v 欣然接受(或支持)(某种信仰、 理论、 改变): Most countries have
enthusiastically embraced the concept of high-speed railroads.
    cursory /5k\:sErI/ adj 粗略的;草率的:A cursory examination did not reveal any
problems. 粗略的检查并没有发现任何问题。(S4)
    anecdotal /9Anek9dEUtl/ adj 轶事的;传闻的:While there was much anecdotal evidence
there was little hard fact. 传闻性证据多,而确凿的事实几乎没有。(S5)
    come up with sth 想出,提出(想法或计划): She came up with a great idea for increasing
sales. 她想出了增加销售量的绝妙主意。 (S1)
    stem from v起源于; 由……造成: Shapiro explained during the meeting that the moral
doubt stems mainly from fears about the risk to the health of the
child. 沙皮罗在会议期间解释到, 这种对道德的怀疑态度,
    celebrity /sI5lebrEtI/ n 名人:social celebrities 社会名流 (S1)
    outsize / 5aUtsaIz / adj 超大型的;极大的:a person of outsize name 蜚声四方的人物 (S1)
    interact /9IntEr5Akt/ v 互相作用;互动;互相影响:We can’t yet give a robot enough
common sense to reliably interact with a dynamic world. [2002年考研阅读理解Part A Text
2] 然而,我们还无法给机器人足够的常识,使其与不断变化的世界进行可靠的互动。(S1)precisely /prɪˈsaɪsli/ adv准确地;精确地:I
can’t remember precisely what happened. 我记不准所发生的事情了。(S2)
    acquaintance /E5kweIntEns/ n 熟人(只相识但非密友):We are only recent
acquaintances. 我们只是刚刚结识。(S3)
    initial /I5nIFl/ adj开始的;最初的:Remember that your initial draft is only that.
    removed /rI5mu:vd/ adj 离开的;远离……的;与……无关的:She is removed from self-interest.
    cascade /kA5skeId/ n 瀑布;连续传递的过程: The greater the number of people who
are well briefed, the wider the cascade effect. 被告知的人数越多,连续传递的范围越广。(S4)
    propagate /5prCpEgeIt/ v 传播(观念、理论、知识等):Missionaries went far to
propagate their faith. 传教士到远方去传播其信仰。(S4)

kyone 发表于 2017-8-6 11:05:57

    dynamics/daI5nAmIks/ n 动力:the dynamics of changing social
    simulation/9sImjU5leIFn/ n 模拟;模仿:The pilot’s skills are tested
through simulation. 飞行员的技术是通过模拟飞行来检测的。(S1)
    manipulate /mE5nIpjUleIt / v 操纵;操作;利用:She knows how to manipulate the
audience. 她知道如何操纵观众。(S1)
    variable /`veriəbl / n 变量;可变因素:There are too many variables involved to
make a meaningful prediction. 涉及的可变因素太多,不可能作有意义的预言。 (S1)
    principal /5prInsEpl/ adj主要的;首要的:My principal concern is my family’s
welfare. 我最为关心的是我一家的幸福。(S2)
    a mass of sb/sth (常指混乱的)一群,一堆(人或物):There was a mass of people around the
cinema entrance. 电影院入口处有一大群人。(S2)
    cite /saIt/ v (尤指在学术作品中)引用; 引证:She cites both T.S. Eliot and Virginia
Woolf in her article. 她在文章中引用了T.S.艾略特和弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的作品。(I31)
    exemplify /Ig5zemplIfaI/ v 举出(某事物)的例子;举例说明:exemplify the problems
involved 举例说明所涉及的问题 (I31)
    solid /5sClId/ adj 可信的;可靠的:solid evidence 可靠的证据(I32)
    validity /vE5lIdEtI/ n 符合逻辑;正确(性):test the validity of a theory
    go with sth 伴随:A fair amount of stress seems to go with jobs like this.
    readiness /5redInIs/ n 愿意;乐意:Spain had indicated a readiness to accept
his terms. 西班牙早已表示愿意接受他的条件。(I35)
    inclination /9INklI5neIFn/ n 倾向;意愿:The military government has shown
little inclination to restore democracy. 军政府并未表现出重建民主的意愿。(I35)
    ①In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that “social
epidemics” are
    地点状语 主语 谓语
    driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special
individuals, often called
    宾语从句 插入语
    influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well connected.
      [分析]本句的主干结构为Malcolm Gladwell argues
that...。谓语argues后紧跟由that引导的宾语从句,该宾语从句的主干结构为“social epidemics” are driven ...by
the actions of ...。过去分词结构often called influentials作插入语,进一步说明special
individuals;句末,who引导的定语从句则修饰special individuals,说明有影响力人士的共同特征。
    ②The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding
but largely
    主 语 谓 语 宾 语
    untested theory called the "two-step flow of communication": Information
flows from the
    media to the influentials and from them to everyone else.(P2S1)
      [分析]本句的主干部分为The supposed importance of influentials derives from
a...theory...。宾语theory前的形容词词组plausible-sounding but largely
untested为定语,意为“一项听起来似乎合情合理却未经证实的”,过去分词结构called the“two step flow of
communication”充当后置定语,修饰theory。冒号后的句子是two step flow of

kysix 发表于 2017-8-6 11:19:19

    ③Yet it is precisely these non-celebrity influentials who, according to the
    主语 依据状语
    theory, are supposed to drive social epidemics, by influencing their
friends and
    谓语 宾语 方式状语
    colleagues directly.(P4S2)
    [分析]本句使用的是it is ...who...的强调句式,强调的是句子的主语these non-celebrity
influencials,其非强调句形式为:these non-celebrity influentials are supposed to drive
social epidemics,句首的precisely为程度副词,起强调作用,介词according
    ④For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected, must
then influence
    目的状语 转折连词 主语1 后置定语 谓语1
    his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on;
and just how
    宾语1 定语从句
    many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the
    主语2 谓语2 宾语2
    [分析]本句and连接的两个并列分句构成,前一分句的主干结构为each person so affected must influence his
or her acquaintances…,句首的for a social epidemic to
occur为目的状语。该分句中acquaintances后是who引导的定语从句修饰。第二个分句的主干结构为how many others pay
attention to each of these people little to do with the initial
influentials,其中主语为从句how many others pay attention to each of these people。
    ⑤If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial
influential prove
    resistant, for example, the cascade of change won't propagate very far or
affect many
    插入语 主语 谓语1 状语 谓语2 宾语
    people. (P4S4)
    [分析]本句是包含条件状语从句的主从复合句,其主干部分为the cascade of change won?蒺t propagate...or
affect...。句首If引导的条件状语从句,说明主句叙述的现象产生的条件。介词短语in the network和two degrees removed
from the initial influence为主语的后置定语,
说明这些人的特征,即“在社会网络中处于中间层级,非直接接受有影响力人士影响的那些人”。for example
      ⑥Building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers
studied the
    状语 主语 谓语
    dynamics of social influence by conducting thousands of computer
simulations of
    宾语 方式状语1
    populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to people's
ability to influence
    方式状语2 定语
    others and their tendency to be influenced. (P5S1)
    [分析]本句为简单句,主干结构为the researchers studied the dynamics of social
influence...。句首的现在分词短语Building on...为条件状语。宾语后by引导两个并列的方式状语,分别为by
to...作后置定语修饰variables(变量),说明变量的两大相关种类:人们影响他人的能力(people’s ability to influence
others)和人们受他人影响的意愿(their tendency to be influenced)。
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查看完整版本: 2016考研英语冲刺:2010年阅读真题text3核心词汇