考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 09:45:39


    The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which 43 the European Convention on Human Rights legally 44 in Britain , laid down that everybody was 45 to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families.
    43. changes makes sets turns
    44. binding convincing restraining sustaining
    45. authorized credited entitled qualified
    其中,第43题比较简单,在四个动词中,make可以跟宾语和宾语补足语,例如1994年完型中的句子Inaccurate or indefinite words may make it difficult for the listener to understand the message which is being transmitted to him.此外,set可以有这种用法,但只限于set somebody free或者set something in order,其它的两个选项词汇没有这种用法。
    35. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _________ to it.
    connected fastened bound stuck
    正确答案是(C).(A) (be) connected一般不与to搭配,而用be connected with:"与……有联系。"(B)(be) fastened to:"被紧紧抓住"。(C)be bound to sth:"必定","受……约束"的意思。这符合题意,故应选(C)。(D)stick to:"坚持",一般不用被动语态。这句话的意思是:我支持你的决定,但我必须讲清楚,我不打算受到它的约束。Bound是bind(v.绑, 镶边, 装订, 约束)的过去分词,其中一个含义是“受……约束的”,而binging是bind的现在分词,表示“具有约束力的”,当年的考试中,这一个题目的错误率很高。此外,B选项词汇fasten是2001年完型填空第32题的D选项词汇。
    5. It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are _________ free medical care.
    entitled to involved in associated with assigned to
    (A)entitled to:"给予……;授予"。(B)involved in:"卷入,被涉及到"。(C)associated with:"与……有关的"。(D)assigned to:"把……分配给"。(A)与题意吻合,故应选(A)。
    21.Please do not be ________ by his bad manners since he is merely trying to attract attention.
    disregarded distorted irritated intervened
    题目分析:regard表示"考虑",所以(A)disregarded:表示"不理、不顾、漠视"之意。(B) distorted:"弄歪,歪曲"。(C)irritated:"被激怒,恼火"。(D) intervened:意为"介入、插入、干涉",一般为不及物动词,因此不可能有be intervened这种被动语态,可以用intervene with短语。从意思上讲,只能是"被他的坏行为"激怒,不可能为其它意思,因此(C) irritated为正确答案。
    22. Craig assured his boss that he would __________ all his energies in doing this new job.
    call forth call at call on call off
    题目分析:本题考查考生对call这一动词与介(副)词搭配成词组时,词组的不同含义。(A) call forth:"唤起,发挥,使产生, 引起, 使起作用"。(A)与题意吻合,故应选(A)。(B) call at:"访问"。(C)call on :"号召,拜访,探望。"(D) call off :"取消,转移"。此题上下文为:Craig向他的老板保证,在做这项新工作中,他将发挥他所有的能力。

kytwo 发表于 2017-8-6 10:37:58

    23. Too much ________ to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.
    disclosure exhibition contact exposure
    题目分析:(A) disclosure:close为"关闭"之意, disclose的含义是"揭露, 透露"。(B) exhibition: "展览,表演",一般用于exhibition of ...表示:"……的展览",或on exhibition: "在展览中"。(C)contact:"接触,联系",用于contact with :"同……接触"。(D)exposure :"暴露;揭露;接触",用于词组exposure to : "暴露于……中"。根据上下文及用词搭配,都应该选(D)exposure。
    24. When confronted with such questions, my mind goes __________, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.
    dim blank faint vain
    题目分析:(A)dim:" 昏暗的,模糊的",go dim:指"(脑子)变得混沌不清楚。"(B)blank: "空白的",go blank指"(头脑)变成一片空白",与后面"我几乎记不起来我自己的生日"意思相吻合,故应选(B)。(C)faint : "衰弱的,昏晕的",go faint :一般指"(身体)发晕";(D)vain :"空费的,徒劳的;自负的"。一般不与go搭配,短语in vain是“徒劳的,白白的”。
    25. It is well known that knowledge is the _________ condition for expansion of mind.
    incompatible incredible indefinite indispensable
    题目分析:(A)incompatible: "不能共存的,不相容的"。(B) incredible:"难以置信的;不可思议的"。(C)indefinite: "含糊的;不明确的"。(D)indispensible:"必不可少的;必需的"。此题目译为:大家都知道,知识是扩充头脑的必不可少的条件。It是形式主语,that引导的是主语从句。根据上下文判断,(D)是最合适的答案。
    26. More than two hundred years ago the United States __________ from the British Empire and became an independent country.
    got off pulled down broke away attached to
    题目分析:此题目考查词组意义。(A)got off : "下来,出发,动身"。(B)pulled down:"拆毁;拖垮"。(C)broke away(from): "脱离,摆脱",根据上下文,应选(C)。(D)dropped off :"陆续散去,睡着"。
    27. Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is ________ loud continuous noise.
    subjected to filled with associated with dropped off
    题目分析:(A)(be)subjected to : "遭受,受到,服从"。 (B)(be ) filled with : "充满了"。(C)(be) associated with: "与……联系在一起"。(D)(be) attached to:"附属于,依恋于"。显然是(A)"遭受到极大的不断的噪声"为最合理。
    28. Some of the most important concepts in physics ________their success to these mathematical systems.
    oblige owe contribute valuable
    题目分析:(A)oblige ...(to do):"强迫……做某事"。Oblige还有“施惠;帮…的忙”的含义,例如:Please oblige me by closing the door.请帮我把门关上。I'm much obliged to you.我非常感谢你帮忙。这一用法是2004年考研英语翻译第62题的一个重要考点。(B)owe ....(to ):"多亏,感谢,把…归功于"。(C)contribute...(to):"献出,把……花费在……",contribute to导致,造成。(D)attribute...(to):"把……归属于……"。显然,(B)为正确答案。这句话的意思为:一些物理学中最重要的概念的成功应该归功于这些数学体系。而不能把物理学中概念的成功"归属于"数学体系。
    29. As your instructor advised, you ought to spend your time on something __________ researching into.
    precious worth worthy valuable
    题目分析:(A) precious:"宝贵的;完全的"。(B)worth:"值得的"。worth后面一般跟动名词表示"值得做某事",并且用主动形式表达被动的含义,而(C)worthy也表示"值得做某事"时,一般的用法是worthy of sth.或worthy to be done。此外,worthy有受人尊敬的意思,这一含义,在2006年考研阅读理解第二篇文章第二段从到了这一含义,“the worthy residents”. (D)valuable:"有价值的,贵重的",比较词义和用法,(B)为最佳答案。
    30. As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals _________ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.
    relieve release dismiss discard
    题目分析:(A) relieve:"减轻, 解除, 援救, 救济"。(B)release:"释放;免除;发行,发布"。(C)dismiss"解散;解雇;消除"。(D)discard:"抛弃,解雇"。此题目意思是:作为对空气污染的防护措施,许多植物和动物释放出一种可以吸收有害化学成分的物质。因此应选择(B)。against是1998年完形填空的43题的考点。

kyfour 发表于 2017-8-6 12:14:07

    31. Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would ________ be able to walk.
    in no time by all means in no way on any account
    题目分析:此题目考查介词和名词搭配的固定词组的含义。(A)in no time:"立即,立刻",=at once.(B)by all means:"务必"。(C)in no way:"不可能"。(D)on any account:“无论如何”,往往用于not on any account"决不"。根据题意(C)是正确答案。
    32. While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping ________ to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.
    occasionally simultaneously eventually promptly
    题目分析:(A) occasionally:"偶尔,有时"。(B)simultaneously:"同时"=at the same time。(C)eventually"最终,最后",一般放在句首。(D)promptly:"敏捷地,迅速地"。根据上下文,应选择(A)。上下文为:打字的时候,Helen习惯于偶尔停下来梳理她的长而飘逸的头发。
    33. One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the U.S. is that they have taken great __________ to educate their chidren.
    efforts pains attempts endeavours
    题目分析:(A) efforts,一般不与take搭配,常用于make efforts:"作出许多努力"。(B)pains:与take搭配,表示"费尽苦心"。(C)attempts:一般也用于make attempts(尝试)这一搭配。(D)emdeavours:一般不与take搭配,而用于do endeavours和make endeavours表示"努力,尽力"。根据词汇搭配和上下文,(B)为最佳答案。
    34. If any man here does not agree with me, he should _________ his own plan for improving the living conditions of these people.
    put on put out put in put forward
    题目分析:该题目考查put一词的搭配。(A)put on:"穿上,戴上"。(B)put out:"伸出,解雇;熄灭"。(C)put in:"插入,引入"。(D)put forward:"促进;提出,倡议"。根据上下文"计划"只能是"提出",因而(D)为正确答案。
    35. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _________ to it.
    connected fastened bound stuck
    题目分析:(A) (be) connected一般不与to搭配,而用be connected with:"与……有联系。"(B)(be) fastened to:"被紧紧抓住",fasten的含义是“拴紧, 使固定, 系, 强加于”。(C)be bound to sth:"必定","受……约束"的意思。这符合题意,故应选(C)。(D)stick to:"坚持",一般不用被动语态。这句话的意思是:我支持你的决定,但我必须讲清楚,我不打算受到它的约束。
    36. The English language contains a (n) _________ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.
    altitude latitude multitude attitude
    题目分析:(A) altitude:"高度"。(B)latitude:"纬度"。(C)multitude:"大批",可用于a multitude of+n.(pl),相当于2003年第30题的考点词汇multiple。(D)attitude:"姿势;态度"。从上下文和用法上都只有(C)为正确答案。

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 13:47:06

    37. In my opinion, you can widen the ________ of these improvements through your active participation.
    dimension volume magnitude scope
    题目分析:(A) dimension:"尺寸, 尺度, 维(数), 度(数)"。(B)volume:"容积,体积,容量"。(C)magnitude:"大小, 数量, 巨大, 广大, 量级"。(D)scope:"范围",从上下文看,"扩展"只能是范围、面积等,而不能是"尺寸、体积"等,所以(D)scope是正确答案。
    38. Your improper words will give _________ to doubts concerning your true intentions.
    rise reason suspicion impulse
    题目分析:(A) (give) rise (to):"导致,引起,产生"。(A)与题意吻合,故应选(A)。(B)(give) reason (to):"对……进行解释"。(C)(give)suspicion (to):"对……进行怀疑"。(D) (give) impulse (to):"促进,增进"。此句话的意思是:不恰当的话会引起对真正意图的怀疑。
    39. The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made __________.
    on the spot on the site on the location on the ground
    题目分析:本题考查词组含义。(A)on the spot:"在现场,就地"。(B)on the site:没有这一搭配。(C)on the location:"在外景"。(D)on the ground:"在地面上,当场"。根据上下文,(A)为正确答案。
    40. The remarkable _________ of life on the Galopagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution.
    classification variety density diversion
    题目分析:classification:"分类,类别;分级"。(B)variety:"变化, 多样性, 种种, 品种, 种类"。a variety of“多种的”。(C)density:"浓度,密度"。(D)diversion:"转移, 转换, 牵制, 解闷, 娱乐"。根据上下文,正确答案应为(B)variety。此句的意思为:Galopagos岛上异常的生物变种启发了查尔斯达尔文建立了自己的进化理论。
    21. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly ________ if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.
    admired regarded expected worshipped
    题目分析:根据上下文,空白处需填入表示"尊重、尊敬"意思的词。(A) admired:"赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕"。(B)regarded:"尊敬、尊重"。(C)expected:"期望"。(D)worshipped:"崇拜"。根据上下文,(B)为正确答案。
    22. A __________ of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval.
    shorthand scheme schedule sketch
    23. A man has to make _________ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.
    supply assurance provision adjustment
    题目分析:(A)supply:"补给, 供给, 供应品"。(B)assurance:"确信, 断言, 保证, 担保"。(C)provision:"供应, (一批)供应品, 预备, 防备, 规定"。make provision for…(为……作准备)。(D)adjustment:"调整,调节"。根据题意(C)是正确答案。

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 14:48:15

    24. The newly-built Science Building seems ________ enough to last a hundred years.
    spacious sophisticated substantial steady
    题目分析:(A)spacious:"宽敞的"。(B)sophisticated:"先进的,尖端的;诡辩的, 久经世故的"。(C)substantial:"坚固的, 实质的, 真实的, 充实的"。(D)steady:"稳定的"。根据题意显然应填(C)。
    25. It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are _________ free medical care.
    entitled to involved in associated with assigned to
    题目分析:(A)entitled to:"给予……;授予"。(B)involved in:"卷入,涉及"。(C)associated with:"与……有关,和……联合"。(D)assigned to:"把……分配给"。(A)与题意吻合,故应选(A)。
    26. The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more at ______.
    danger stake loss threat
    题目分析:(A)danger不与at构成搭配,故(A)应排除。(B)(at)stake是固定搭配,意思是"危如累卵,在危险中,存亡攸关"。(C)at a loss:"不知所措,亏本的",不合题意,应排除。(D)at和threat不能构成搭配,故(D)也应排除。因此(B)为正确答案。
    27. I felt _________ to death because I could make nothing of the chairman's speech.
    fatigued tired exhausted bored
    28. When the engine would not start, the mechanic inspected all the parts to find what was at _________.
    wrong trouble fault difficulty
    题目分析:本句空白处前是介词,故此处需填入名词。(A)wrong是形容词,而且也不能与at构成任何搭配,故(A)应排除。(B)trouble和(D)difficulty虽然是名词,但它们的前面与in搭配,不与at搭配,故(B)(D)均应排除。(C)at fault是固定搭配,意思是"出故障,出差错"。这与题意吻合,故(C)是正确答案。
    29. Your advice would be ________ valuable to him, who is at present at his wit's end.
    exceedingly excessively extensively exclusively
    30. He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to _________ the consequences.
    answer for run into abide by step into
    题目分析: (A) answer for:"对……负责,保证, 符合"。(B)run into:"跑进, 撞上, 偶遇, 陷入"。(C)abide by:"遵守"。(D)step into:"插手,干涉,进入"。根据题意(A)是正确答案。

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 16:20:50

    31. The river is already _______ its banks because of excessive rainfall; and the city is threatened with a likely flood.
    parallel to level in flat on flush with
    (A)parallel to:"与……平行"。(B)level in:"相等"。(C)flat on:"平躺"。(D)flush with:"与……齐平"。根据题意(D)是正确答案。
    32. People _________ that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today.
    convinced anticipated resolved assured
    题目分析:(A) convinced:"使人信服;相信", convince sb. that 从句或者convince sb. of sth.。(B)anticipated:"期待"。(C)resolved:"决心"。(D)assured:"保证"。assure sb. that 从句或者assure sb. of sth.根据题意(B)为正确答案。
    33. In spite of the wide range of reading material-specially written or _________ for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensive systematic programme for the reading skills.
    adapted acknowledged assembled appointed
    题目分析:(A)adapted for:"使适应, 使适合于"。(B)acknowledge:"承认, 答谢, 报偿"。(C)assembled:"集合,装配,组合"。(D) appointed:"指定的,约定的"。根据题意(A)应为正确答案。
    34. The mother said she would _________ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.
    let down let alone let off let out
    题目分析:(A) let down:"放下, 使失望, 松劲, 减速下降"。(B)let alone:"更不用提;更别说"。(C)let off:"免除(任务、责任等)"。(D)let out:"放掉, 泄露, 放大, 出租"。根据题意,(C)为正确答案。
    35. We should always keep in mind that ________ decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
    urgent hasty instant prompt
    题目分析:(A)urgent:"急迫的, 紧急的"。(B)hasty:"匆忙的, 草率的"。(C)instant:"立即的, 直接的, 紧迫的, 刻不容缓的"。(D)prompt:"vt.提示, 鼓动, 促使a.敏捷的, 迅速的, 即时的"。根据上下文,(B)是正确答案。
    36. John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages _________ in the dictionary.
    missing losing dropping leaking
    题目分析:(A) missing:"缺掉的,下落不明的,不见的, 缺少的",miss vt. 思念, 未觉察, 错过, 遗漏。(B)losing:"丢失",一般不能作形容词,更不能作置于名词后的形容词。(C)dropping"往下掉的"。(D)leaking:"泄露的"。根据上下文,(A)是正确答案。

kyone 发表于 2017-8-6 17:56:47

    37. In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of women _________ this field is climbing.
    engaging devoting registering pursuing
    题目分析:(A) engaging:"从事,参与"。(B)devoting:"献身"。(C)registering:"记录"。(D)pursuing:"追赶;从事,进行"。(A)engaging通常接"in",此处没有,故(A)应排除。(B)devoting通常接"to",此处没有"to",故(B)也应排除。(C)与上下文不搭配,(C)也应排除。根据题意(D)pursuing是正确答案。
    38. The supervisor didn't have time so far to go into it ________, but he gave us an idea about his plan.
    at hand devoting registering pursuing
    题目分析:(A) at hand:"手头,附近"。(B)in turn:"依次,轮流"。(C)in conclusion:"结论"。(D)at length:"详细地,充分地"。根据题意(D)为正确答案。
    39. Their demand for a pay raise has not the slightest __________ of being met.
    prospect prediction prosperity permission
    题目分析:(A) prospect:"景色, 前景, 前途, 期望"。(B)prediction"预言"。(C)prosperity:"繁荣"。(D)permission:"允许"。根据题意(A)为正确答案。
    40. It's usually the case that people seldom behave in a _________ way when in a furious state.
    stable rational legal credible
    题目分析:stable:"稳定的"。(B)rational:"理智的;有理性的;合理的"。(C)legal:"法律的, 法定的, 合法的"。(D)credible:"可信的;可靠的"。根据题意(B)最为合适,故(B)是正确答案。
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