考研网 发表于 2017-8-5 22:11:20


    Part 1
    Most archaeological sites have been located by means of careful searching, while many others have been discovered by accident. Olduvai Gorge, fell into its deep valley in 1911.Thousands of Aztec artifacts came to light during the digging of the Mexico City subway in the 1970s.Most archaeological sites , however , are discovered by archaeologists who have set out to look for them. Such searches can take years.
    通过仔细搜索:by means of careful searching
    偶然:by accident
    恰好掉入深谷:literally fall into the deep valley
    重见光明:come to light
    开始做某事:set out to do something
    Olduvai Gorge , an early hominid site in Tanzania , was found by a butterfly hunter who literally into its deep valley in 1911.
    参考译文:坦桑尼亚早期的原始人遗址——Olduvai 峡谷,就是1911年被一个恰好掉进这个深谷的蝴蝶猎手发现的。
      Part 2
    However,manyleadingAmerican universities want their undergraduates to have a grounding in the basic canon of ideas that every educated person should posses. But most find it difficult to agree on what a“general education”should look like.At Harvard,Mr Menand notes,“the great books are read because they have been read”--they form a sort of social glue.One reason why it is hard to design and teach such courses is that they can cut across the insistence by top American universities that liberal-arts education and professional education should be kept separate , taught in different schools .
    基本经典思想:basic canon of ideas
    形成某种社会粘合剂:from a sort of social glue
    美国顶级大学:top American universities
    打破X一贯坚持的原则:cut across the insistence by X
    文科教育与职业教育:liberal-arts education and professional education
    At Harvard , Mr Menand notes ,“the great books are read because they have been read“---they form a sort of social glue.
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查看完整版本: 2016考研英语:如何从长难句中get闪光词汇?