考研网 发表于 2017-8-5 22:09:11


    One of the many theories about alcoholism is the learning and reinforcement theory, which explains alcoholism by considering alcohol drinking as a reflex response to some stimulus and as a way to reduce an inner drive state such as fear or anxiety. Characterizing life situations in terms of approach and family discord, loss of job, and illness is explained by the proximity of the drive of reduction to the consumption of alcohol; that is, alcohol has the immediate effect of reducing tension while the unpleasant consequences of drunken behavior came only later. The learning pattern, therefore, favors the condition may trigger renewed drinking.
    Some experimental evidence tends to show that alcohol reduces fear in an approach-avoidance situation. Conger trained one group of rats to approach a food goal and trained another group to avoid electric shock. After an injection of alcohol the pull away from the shock was measurably weaker, while the pull toward food was unchanged.
    The obvious troubles experienced by alcoholic persons appear to contradict the learning theory in the planation of alcoholism. The discomfort, pain, and punishment they experience should presumably discourage the alcoholics from drinking. The fact that lcoholic persons continue to drink in the face of establishment and repetition of the resort to alcohol.
    In fact, the anxieties and feelings of guilt caused by the consequences of excessive alcohol drinking may become the signal for another time of alcohol abuse. The way in which the desire for another drink could be caused by anxiety is explained by the process of stimulus generalization: conditions or events occurring at the time of reinforcement tend to acquire all the features of stimuli. When alcohol is consumed in association with a state of anxiety or fear, the emotional state itself takes on the properties of a stimulus, thus triggering another time of drinking.
    The role of punishment is becoming increasingly important in explaining a cause of alcoholism based on the principles of learning theory. While punishment may serve to suppress a response, experiments have shown that in some cases it can serve as a reward and reinforce the behavior. Thus if the alcoholic person has learned to drink under conditions of both reward and punishment, either type of condition may trigger renewed drinking.
    1. The main purpose of the text is to
    A. introduce some existing theories about alcoholism.
    B. show the most effective new treatment of alcoholism.
    C. explain the application of a approach to alcoholism.
    D. help alcoholics and others know the cause of alcoholism.
    2. The description of Conger‘s experiment with two groups of rats was intended to
    A. show that alcohol drinking does not affect appetite.
    B. confirm the findings of other academic researchers.
    C. show people that alcohol can minimize fear.
    D. disprove the learning and reinforcement theory.
    3. We can learn from paragraph 3 that
    A. the learning theory sometimes contradicts itself in some fields.
    B. drinking alcohol can solve the problem of family discord.
    C. tension reduction usually appear first after drinking alcohol.
    D. alcoholics can‘t recall the unhappy consequence of alcoholism.
    4. The author provides enough information to answer the question of
    A. why alcoholics continue to drink despite the unhappy consequences.
    B. how Conger explained the behavior of alcoholics by shock therapy.
    C. under what circumstances an alcoholic benefits from anxiety attacks.
    D. which treatment is the best one of alcoholism in the world now.
    5. It can be inferred from the text that
    A. the behavior of alcoholics contradicts the approach-avoidance theory.
    B. the behavior of most alcoholics often proves the learning theory.
    C. punishment may become the stimulus for another time of drinking.
    D.frequent excessive drinking makes alcoholics indifferent to punishment.
    1. B 主旨题。本题的问题是“本文的主要目的是 ”。文章首先提到了有关酗酒的诸多理论,随后具体介绍了学习和强化理论对酗酒的解释,指出,该理论认为,人们往往被吸引到令人愉快的场所,或者厌恶不愉快的场所;事实上,过度饮酒所导致的忧虑与负疚感可能本身就成为另一次酗酒的导火线。这说明,本文主要是在解释酗酒的原因。 “帮助酗酒者和其他人了解酗酒的原因”是对本文的概括,为正确答案。文章虽然在第一段提到了有关酗酒的诸多理论这一点,但是着重介绍的是学习和强化理论,并没有介绍其他理论,所以“介绍一些有关酗酒的理论”不是本文的主要目的;本文并没有提到适用于酗酒的心理方法和治疗酗酒的最有效新方法,所以“解释适用于酗酒的一种
    2. C 结构题。本题的问题是“对康尔用两组老鼠做实验的描述是为了 ”。题干中的 “Conger”出自文章第二段二句话中,表明本题与第二段有关。第二段首先提到,一些实验证据表明,酒精减轻了恐惧,接着列举了康尔所做的实验,指出,给老鼠注射酒精后,它们远离电击的动力明显减弱,而接近食物的动力却保持不变。这说明,描述康尔用老鼠所做的实验是想表明,酒精可以降低恐惧。“证实酒精将恐惧降低到最低点”是对该段中“alcoh01 reduces fear in an approach.avoidance situation”这句话的改写,为正确答案。酒精没有影响食欲是实验的结果,并不是提到实验的目的,所以“证实饮酒不影响食欲”与题目的要求不符;文中并没有介绍有关酗酒的其他理论,所以“证实其他理论研究人员的发现”不是描述康尔用老鼠所做实验的目的;第三段提到,饮酒者经受的明显问题似乎与学习理论解释的酗酒相矛盾,但文中并没有说这种观点不对,所以“反驳学习和强化理论”与文意不符。
    3. C 归纳题。本题的问题是“从第三段我们可以了解到 ”。第三段提到,酒精对减缓压力有立竿见影的效果,而酗酒行为导致的不愉快后果只是随后才发生。“压力减缓在饮酒后首先出现”是对文中这句话的改写,为正确答案。该段第一句话说,饮酒者经 受的明显问题似乎与学习理论解释的酗酒相矛盾,但随后的解释并没有说该理论互相矛盾,所以“学习理论在某些方面自相矛盾”与文意不符;文中是说“饮酒者在面临家庭不和、失业以及疾病时继续饮酒”,并没有说饮酒可以解决家庭不和,所以“饮酒‘可以解决家庭不和问题”属于无中生有;文中只是说“酗酒行为导致的不愉快后果只是随后才发生”,并没有提到酗酒者是否记住不愉快后果这个问题,所以“酗酒者记不住酗酒的不愉快后果”属于偷换概念。
    4. A 细节题。本题的问题是“作者提供的信息回答了——问题”。文章前面两段介绍了有关酗酒的学习理论,随后的段落解释了酗酒者继续饮酒的原因,指出,饮酒者在面临家庭不和、失业以及疾病时继续饮酒,过度饮酒所导致的忧虑与负疚感可能本身就成为另一次酗酒的导火线,如果饮酒者学会了在奖赏和惩罚这两种情况下饮酒,那么任何一种情况都可能引发反复饮酒。这说明,作者在本文回答了“酗酒者为什么继续饮酒”这个问题。“虽然有令人不愉快的后果,但酗酒者为什么继续饮酒”是对作者观点的概括,为正确答案。文中虽然提到了康尔,但并没有提到休克疗法,所以“康尔如何利用休克疗法解释酗酒者的行为”与文意不符;文中只是说“渴望再次饮酒可能是由忧虑导致的”,并没有提到忧虑可以带来好处,所以“酗酒者在什么样的情况下会从忧虑打击中获益”与文意不符;文中没有提到治疗酗酒的方法,所以“哪种方法是治疗酗酒的最佳方法”属于无中生有。
    5. C推论题。本题的问题是“根据本文,可以推知——”。文章前面的段落解释了酗酒者继续饮酒的原因,最后一段提到,虽然惩罚可以用来抑制反应,但是,惩罚可以当作一种奖赏,并且强化饮酒这种行为。由此可知,奖赏和惩罚都可能引发反复饮酒。“惩罚可能成为另一次饮酒的刺激因素”是对文中“either type of condition may trigger renewed drinking'‘这句话的改写,为正确答案。奖赏和惩罚就是文中所谓的接近与回避,而文中的信息表明,酗酒者的行为符合这种理论,所以”酗酒者的行为与’接近与回避‘理论矛盾“与文意相反;根据文中的信息不能推出”大多数酗酒者的行为证明了学习理论“;最后一段提到,在解释酗酒原因时,惩罚的作用越来越重要了,惩罚可以用来抑制反应,说明”经常过度饮酒使得酗酒者不。关心惩罚“与文意不符。
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