考研网 发表于 2017-8-5 22:09:08


    For three decades we‘ve heard endlessly about the virtues of aerobic (increasing oxygen consumption)exercise.Medical authorities have praised running and jumping as the key to good health,and millions of Americans have taken to the treadmill to reap the rewards.But the story is changing.Everyone from the American Heart Association to the surgeon general’S office has recently embraced strength training as a complement to aerobics.And as weight lifting has gone mainstream,SO has the once obscure practice known as“Super Slow”training.Enthusiasts claim that by pumping iron at a snail‘s pace——making each“rep”(repeat)last 1 4 seconds instead of the usual 7—you can safely place extraordinary demands on your muscles,and call forth an extraordinary response.Slow lifting may not be the only exercise you need,as some advocates believe,but the benefits are often dramatic.
    Almost anyone can handle this routine.The only requirements are complete focus and a tolerance for deep muscular burn.For each exercise——leg press,bench press,shoulder press and SO On—70u set the machine to provide only moderate resistance.But as you draw out each repeat,depriving yourself of impetus,the weight soon feels unbearable.Defying the impulse to stop,you ke印going until you can‘t complete a repeat.Then you sustain your vain effort for 1 0 more seconds while the weight sinks gradually toward its cradle.Intense? Uncomfortable? Totally.But once you embrace muscle failure as the goal of the workout,it can become almost pleasure.
    The goal is not to bunr calories while you're exercising but to make your body burn them all the time.Running a few miles may make you sweat,but it expends only 1 00 calories per mile,and it doesn‘t stimulate much bone or muscle development.Strength training doesn’t burn many calories,either.But when you push a muscle to failure,you set off a pour of physiological changes.As the muscle recovers over several days,it will thicken——and the new muscle tissue will demand sustenance.By the time you add three pounds of muscle,your body requires an extra 9,000 calories a month just to break even.Hold your diet steady and,very quickly,you are vaporizing body fat.
    One might have benefited from any strength—training program.But advocates insist the slowtechnique is safer and more effective than traditional methods.
    1. Many Americans have taken to treadmill for years
    its inherent awards to their health
    its greater consumption of oxygen
    the compliment paid by authorities
    the actual benefits from the exercise
    2. According to the author,“Super Slow‘’training
    has been misunderstood for decades
    has been widely accepted recently
    has been the basis ofweight lifting
    has become the nucleus of aerobics
    3. In practicing slow lifting,one has
    complete each rep with great
    sufferthe bitter effect called forth by the exercise
    exert extraordinary pressure on his legs and shoulders
    4.While making each rep,one may suffer from
    impetus loss
    weight loss
    bearable iron weights
    the feeling of successful workout
    5.The phrase“to break even”(Line 6,Para.3)most
    to upset the physical energy balance
    to disturb the calmness ofthe body
    to gain a greater profit than a loss
    to make neither a profit nor a loss
    authority n.权威 complement n.补足物 pace n.步调
    tolerance儿容忍 sustain vt保持 embrace v信奉 benefit vi.受益
    probably means association n.协会 obscureadj.不出名的
    dramatic adj.引人注目的 moderate adj.适度的 cradle n.发源地
    stimulate vt.刺激 effective adj.有效的 surgeon n.外科医生 claim Vt.声称
    handle yr.操作 impetus n.推动力,动量 intense adj.强烈的 tissue n.[生]组织
    几乎每个人都可以操作这套步骤,仅仅需要高度集中的注意力和对肌肉灼伤的忍耐力。在你每一次练习中——腿部伸展、仰卧举重、肩膊推举等等——将机器设定为提供最适度的阻力。但是由于你每次重复动作时动量逐渐减少,重量很快就会显得无法承受。你要忍住想要停下来的冲动,直到你无法坚持再重复一次。接着,你要保持住自己徒然的用力达10秒以上,直到力量全部用尽。太剧烈?不舒服?当然。即便这样的健身运动没能帮你塑造出理想的肌肉,它也能让你获得一种享受。 你的目的不是只在做练习时燃烧卡路里,而是要使你的身体时时刻刻燃烧卡路里。跑几英里会使你出汗,但是I英里仅仅消耗100卡路里,而且它不能刺激骨头和肌肉的发展。力量训练同样不能燃烧很多卡路里。可是当你将肌肉拉伸到无力时,就引发了大量生理学上的变化。肌肉的恢复需要若干天时间,它会变相——而新的肌肉组织将需要消耗能量。当你增加了3磅肌肉的时候,身体为了收支平衡,每个月就需要额外的9,000卡路里。保特稳定的饮食,你就会很快消耗掉体内脂肪。
    1. D细节题。根据题干关键词仃eadmiu定位文章第一段,第二句提到美国人喜欢练脚踏车是为了reaDthe rewards(得到报偿),由此可知D“从运动中获得实际的好处”最符合题意。其余三项A “与生俱来地对他们健康有好处”,人在跑步机上运动才会对身体有益,而不是跑步机本身对健康有益,可排除;B“由于跑步机耗氧量大”,跑步机耗氧是为了锻炼身体,但并非最终目的,排除;c“由于受到权威的赞美”属于偷换概念,因为文中提到受称赞的是running and jumping,也排除。
    2. B推断题。根据题干关键词super slOW定位文章第一段,其中提到“同举重运动一样,一度默默无闻的‘超慢速’运动也已成为了主流”,可知B说法最恰当。A中的misunderstood是对 obscure(模糊的,不引人注意的)的有意曲解;c的内容在文中并未提到;D言过其实,文中只说strength training(力量锻炼)是a complement to aerobics(有氧健身运动的一个补充),但没有说“Super.S10w”training成为有氧运动的核心,故排除。
    3. c推断题。题干关键词slowli埘ng(慢速举重)最先出现在第一段最后一句,随后第二段进一步描述该运动要求高度集中的注意力和对肌肉灼伤的忍耐力。选项A中所说的“给肌肉施加巨大的负荷”,不同于文中的“对肌肉灼伤的忍耐力”,二者程度不同;选项B在文中并未提及, D说的是举重锻炼的不同部位而非slowl确ng的要求,因此C“忍受由于练习所致的肌肉疼痛”符合文意。
    4. A细节题。由题干中的信息词make each rep定位第二段第四句“但由于你每次重复动作时动量 逐渐减少,重量很快就会显得无法承受”。由此可推知,慢速举重者可能会面临动量损失的情况,故选项A最符合题意。B文中未提;C与文中提到feel unbearable相反、D与文意相反。
    5. D语义题。由题干定位第三段“当你增加了3磅肌肉的时候,身体为了 ,每个月就需要额外的9,00()卡路里”。结合选项,A和B均指“打乱身体能量平衡”,实际上大量的运动已经使身体能量不平衡了,无需再打乱平衡,故两者均可排除;c“盈余”,结合常识可知,这根本不利于健康,可排除;D“收支平衡”即保持身体能量平衡,符合题意。
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