考研网 发表于 2017-8-5 22:09:01


    Adolescence is supposed to be full of ups and downs.But when the downs become persistent and obvious,it may signal a more serious psychological condition.Between 6% ~ 8% of American teenagers suffer from major depression,a disease that sometimes leads to suicide.Major depression can often be successfully treated—if it is recognized.But diagnosis is especially difficult in teens.
    Teenagers can be and are uncommunicative.And some behaviors that parents may interpret as rebellious behaviors may in fact be serious symptoms of depression.
    Although it can be difficult to distinguish from the typical growing pains of adolescence,there are some warning signs of major depression that parents should be aware of.If a teenager is trying to avoid relationships or constantly becomes seriously angry,more than normal teenage rebellion may be going on.In addition,frequently getting into trouble is another warning sign.Teenagers who begin to engage in serious antisocial behavior,whether it be drugs or sexual activity,etc.,often suffer from serious underlying depression.The warning signs can be difficult enough to recognize;but the problem of identifying major depression in teens is further complicated by the fact that even these ambiguous signs are not always present.
    The greatest danger associated with major depression is the possibility of suicide.Suicide is the third leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 15 and 24.After a suicide,loss and guilt are two feelings that family members must come to terms with.In half the cases of teen suicides,there was no suspicion that the victim had such serious feelings of depression.But afterward,it is common for loved ones to remember signs they may have missed and blame themselves for not intervening.
    One expert recommends that the families of suicide victims seek support from each other,their friends,and professional counselors.Although friends may not like to speak about the suicide with the victim‘s family,allowing the family to talk is critical.For the most part,they desperately want to be able to tell their story.
    1.From the first sentence of the passage we learn that____.
    young people are emotionally insecure
    adolescence is a period full of pains
    many teenagers suffer from depression
    many symptoms of depression are recognizable in teenagers
    2.Why is it difficult to recognize depression in teens?
    Because too many teenagers suffer from major depression.
    Because its symptoms may be taken for other kinds of behavior.
    Because teenagers never admit they are suffering from depression.
    Because teenagers often commit suicide before they are identified as depressed.
    3.A teenager who constantly gets into trouble____.
    usually shows symptoms of major depression
    is most likely to commit suicide
    rebels against his or her parents with antisocial behavior
    may actually suffer from major depression
    4.After a teenager commits suicide,the family members often have a sense of guilt because____.
    they have failed to stop the victim from it
    they regret not recognizing the signs of depression earlier
    it is only their misunderstanding that leads to the suicide
    they have intervened in the victim‘s business arrogantly
    5.To help the victims‘families,it is important to____.
    encourage them listen to them
    criticize them comfort them
    1. 意为:年轻人情绪不稳定。这句话的意思是:青春期被认为是充满了起伏不定的情绪的。根据下文,这里所说的“起伏不定”指情绪的起伏不定。
    2. 第二段的两个句子是对第一段最后一句的具体说明,解释了难以辨别青少年是否患有心理压抑疾病的原因,即:某些症状经常被误认为是其他心理反应,而不是心理压抑的表现。第三段更具体地说明了这种困难。
    3. 第三段第三句提到,经常出问题也是一个警告信号。根据上文,这里所谓“警告信号”即指warning signs of major depression.
    4. 参阅第四段最后一句。这句中的“干预”实际上指解决孩子的心理压抑问题。
    5. 参阅最后一段第二、三句。
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