考研网 发表于 2017-8-5 22:04:39


考研英语复习资料:考研英语(一)大作文9句话模板,新东方金凌虹终极点拨。   文章第一段:图画描述段 [ 写第一、二共2句话 ] 文章第一句:there be 描述
      小虹语录:这句话只要概括性的描述图画中的对象以及对象的动作状态或基本状态就可以了,我们可以采用初中就学过的there be 句型搞定,可以用简单句加简单词,但是一定不能写错
   As is symbolically portrayed in the picture given above, there is/ are sb. doing sth. [+方式+地点+ 时间] .   历年真题举例:
   2011 There are two people sitting on a boat and throwing rubbish into the lake. ( There are two tourists taking sightseeing on a small boat while dropping litter carelessly into a lake.)
   2010 There is a boiling hot pot containing various elements (ingredients) of multi-culture.
   2009 There are many people sitting in front of their computers and communicating with each other through the Internet.
   2008 There are two disabled (crippled ) men running forward together.
   2007 There are two people playing soccer on a court.
   (There is a striker going to shoot at the goal defended by a goalkeeper on a football field.)
   2005 There are four people standing in front of a goalmouth(goal) while an old man is sitting in the middle.
   2004 There is a man running toward the finishing line of a race.
   2003 There is a flower facing two completely different destinies in two different living circumstances.
   2002 There is a young American girl wearing traditional Chinese dress and ornaments.
   2001 There is a small oil lamp lighting up the dark room.
   2000 There is a change between the number of fish boats and fishes.


kytwo 发表于 2017-8-5 22:59:18

   2011- The lake is already full of flowing rubbish such as plastic containers, fish-bones, banana skin, watermelon rind, bottles, tins, food wrappings, and so on.
   2010-These pluralistic cultures can be categorized as cultural celebrities home and abroad as Bi Sheng, Lao She, Shakespeare, and Einstein, philosophical concepts as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, benevolence, ritual, humanism, enlightenment, post-modernism, and deconstruction, as well as performing arts as Peking Opera, kung fu, and Swan Lake.
   2009- Their workplaces are divided into separate parts which isolate people from each other.
   2008-They bind their disabled legs together and hold each other’s shoulder tightly, with their sticks left behind.
   文字说明:The caption below the drawing indicates that
   2010- the cultural “hot pot” is both delicious and nutritious
   2009-the near and far among the Internet.
   2008-We can go anywhere with the combination of one of your legs and one of mine.
   2005-a foot ball match of love
   2004-the end is the beginning
   2003-the flower in greenhouse can hardly withstand rain and storm
   2001- and that the darker the room is, the brighter the lamp becomes . The caption below the drawing indicates that “love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places.”
   2007- on the left side, the goal-keeper imagine that he is so smaller than he actually is that guarding the goal becomes a mission impossible. On the right side, the striker is hesitant to shoot due to his illusion of the “giant ” goal-keeper.
   2006-The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon phenomenon that people in increasing numbers are showing their admiration to their role model in an excessive way.(总句抽象)On the left side, the young man writes the word “BECKHAM” on his face. On the right side, the other young man spend RMB300 on his hair in a Beckham-style.
   2003-on the left side, the flower is placed in a green house which shelters it from the severe wind and storm. On the right side, when removed from the green house and exposed to the wind and storm, the flower immediately fades and withers
   2000- On the left side, there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing boat in 1990. By contrast, on the right side, in 1995 there was only one fish, but many fishing boats.
   2006-the elderly son kicks out the father, and the second son is preparing for warding him off. The other two children are also reluctant to let their father roll into their goalmouth.
   2004-Although sweating profusely and seems quite tired, he continues to run rather than stops on the finishing line.
   2002- She looks very beautiful with a nice smile on her face. It seems that the girl is very fond of the Chinese costume.


kytwo 发表于 2017-8-5 23:49:51

   Many factors can account for this phenomenon, and the followings might be the critical ones:
   或What exactly contributes to this phenomenon?it is a thought-provoking question and answers could be listed as follows:
   We can’t emphasize too much the benefit/importance of sth. (confidence, cooperation,trust).
   The sth. (loss of trust / absence of confidence ) will be bound to exert a detrimental impact on our life/ lives/growth/the development of economy.
   小虹语录:这种论述方式,关键要看题目中有没有具体要求 give specific example,如果有要求,那就必须要用举例论证了,举例可以举身边的例子,自己的例子,也可以是社会现象,社会事件的例子
   Quite a few examples can be given to prove the harm (demerits缺点) of sth. I can think of no better illustration than the following one:
   Without confidence, how can Yao Ming,an once ordinary and unknown basketball player, achieve unprecedented success in NBA ? 2007年自信
   The successful hosting of the 29th Beijing 2008 Olympic Games should be attributed to cooperation among people from all walks of life. 2008年合作
    文章第五句:论据一 (1.原因之一; 2.好处之一; 3.坏处之一;4.例子之一)
    文章第六句:论据二(1.原因之二; 2.好处之二; 3.坏处之二;4.例子之二)
   文章第三段:评论comments [ 写第七、八、九共3句话 ]


kyfour 发表于 2017-8-6 01:26:47

    文章第二段:寓意+论述 [ 写第三、四、五、六共4句话 ]
   The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenon of / the situation of/ the problem of / the significance of / the merits(优点)of/ the demerits(缺点) of.
   2011-informing us of the fact that the environment of scenic spots and many other places is being damaged now.
   2010-informing us the situation of cultural integration.
   2009-informing us of the merits and demerits of Internet.
   2008-informing us of the importance of cooperation
   2007-informing us of the fact that under no circumstances should we underestimate ourselves while overestimate the hardships. (the importance of confidence)
   2006- informing us of the phenomenon of blind idol worship.
   2005-informing us of the importance of love and responsibility.
   2004-informing us of the significance of persistence.
   2003-informing us of the fact that parents’ overprotecting will do harm to children.
   2002-informing us of the phenomenon of cultural integration
   2001-informing us of the fact that love seems to be greater when the need is greater.
   2000-informing us of the fact that our natural resources have been seriously damaged.


kyfive 发表于 2017-8-6 01:46:23

   From my perspective, the importance / benefit / harm / hazard of sth. is self-evident.
   For one thing,…(利处/弊端之一).For another,…(利处/弊端之二)
   It is deeply-rooted in my mind that we can … as long as…
   举例:It is deeply rooted in my mind that we can achieve our long-cherished goal as long as we are diligent enough.
   In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be adopted before things get worse.
   For one thing, 措施建议一; for another, 措施建议二
   Only in this way can we…

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