考研族 发表于 2017-6-29 20:50:03

考研英语历年真题阅读要点之2011-Text 2(二)

  “吾尝终日不食,终夜不寝,以思,无益,不如学也。”思考固然重要,但是必须与学习相结合。没有开始复习或者进度缓慢的同学,赶紧行动起来吧!文都教育考研英语老师继续为大家梳理历年考研英语真题阅读文章中涉及的要点,包括词汇、短语、长难句以及简单的阅读方法。接下来看一下2011年考研英语真题阅读Text 2,这篇文章主要探讨了裸辞现象。
  As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net. In the third quarter, CEO turnover was down 23% from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had, according to Liberum Research. As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.
  as“当”,引导时间状语从句,可以译为“随着”;sign“迹象”;recovery“复苏”;take hold“稳定下来”;deputy“副的”,deputy chief就是“二把手”;be willing to do“乐意做某事”;jump指“跳槽”;jump without a net就是“裸辞”;in the third quarter“在第三季度”;turnover“人员流动率”;nervous“紧张的”;stick with结合语境,可以表示“紧盯着”;pick up“改善”;abound“充满”;aspiring“有抱负的”。
  The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional. For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached. Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey: “I can’t think of a single search I’ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.”
  senior position“高管职位”,senior可以表示“高级的,年长的,资深的”,senior citizen“老年人”;look for“寻找”;unconventional“非传统的”;接下来说的就是传统的职场模式;headhunter“猎头者,物色人才的人”;adhere to“坚持”;that引导同位语从句,解释说明抽象名词rule“准则”;attractive“引人注目的”;candidate“候选人”;poach“挖走(公司、球队等的成员)”;think of“想起”;search“搜寻”,在此可以表示“招聘”;instruct“命令,要求”;look at“着眼于”;sitting“在任的”。最后一句削减否定之后就是“每一次招聘,董事会都要求我着眼于在任的高管。”
  以上就是文都考研英语老师为大家梳理的2011年考研英语真题阅读Text 2第三四段的要点。阅读是一个相对综合的题型。阅读能力的提升,其实可以促进其他各个题型解题能力的提升。因此,各位同学一定合理支配时间,以阅读为主,全面提升个人英语水平,进而突破考研英语。
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