考研族 发表于 2017-6-21 21:20:04

考研英语历年真题阅读要点之2010-Text 3(一)

  “吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也;吾尝跂而望矣,不如登高之博见也。”与其盲目憧憬未来,不如赶紧行动起来。文都英语老师继续为大家梳理历年考研英语真题阅读文章中涉及的要点,包括词汇、短语、长难句以及简单的阅读方法。接下来看一下2010年考研英语真题阅读Text 3,这篇文章主要探讨了社会流行潮的传播。
  In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that social epidemics are driven in large part by the acting of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well-connected. The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn’t explain how ideas actually spread.
  argue“认为”;social epidemic“社会流行潮”;drive“推动”;in large part“在很大程度上”;acting“行为”;a tiny minority of“一小部分”;influential“有影响力的人物”;informed“消息灵通的,见多识广的”;persuasive“有说服力的”;well-connected可以理解为“出身名门的,有良好的社会关系的”;intuitively“直观地,直觉地”;compelling“令人信服的”;spread“传播”。
  The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding but largely untested theory ...: Information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else. Marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those selected people will do most of the work for them.
  supposed“所谓的”;derive from“来自,源于”;plausible-sounding“听起来貌似可信的”;untested“未经检验的”;冒号后解释说明冒号前,冒号前后从抽象到具体,“信息从媒体流向有影响力的人物,然后从有影响力的人物流向其他所有人”;marketer“市场营销人员”;embrace“拥抱”,在此可以表示“信奉”;suggest“表明”;selected“挑选出来的”。
  The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity ... a cursory search for causes ... before anyone else paid attention. Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people can drive trends.
  sudden“突然的”;unexpected“意想不到的”;popularity“受欢迎度”;a cursory search for causes“对于原因的粗略的调查”;pay attention“关注”;anecdotal“轶事的,趣闻的”;anecdotal evidence of this kind可以理解为“这些传闻的证据”;fit with“符合”;drive trend“推动潮流”。
  以上就是文都考研英语老师为大家梳理的2010年考研英语真题阅读Text 3前两段的要点。能力的提升不可能一蹴而就。“操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器。”各位同学,平时一定注重积累,循序渐进,在量变的基础上实现质变。结果固然重要,但是过程同样重要。从某种程度上来说,什么样的过程带来什么样的结果。
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