考研族 发表于 2017-6-2 17:36:53

考研英语历年真题阅读要点之2001-Text 1

  各位同学,考研复习的基础阶段就快结束了。你们的基础打好了吗?如果没有的话,赶快行动起来哦!文都教育考研英语老师继续为大家梳理考研英语历年真题阅读文章中涉及的要点,包括词汇、短语、长难句以及简单的阅读方法。接下来看一下2001年考研英语真题阅读Text 1,这篇文章主要讲了科学研究职业化和专业化的发展。
  Specialization can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge... Another was the growing professionalisation of scientific activity.
  specialization“专业化”;as a response to“作为对...的回应”,也就是说后者是因,前者是果,后者导致前者;professionalisation“职业化”。
  No clear-cut distinction can be drawn... Nevertheless, the word “amateur” does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values... with its consequent requirement... implied greater problems for amateur participation in science... and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United Kingdom.
  clear-cut“清晰的”;distinction“差别,区别”,draw a distinction“加以区分,划清界限”;nevertheless“然而”,表转折;amateur“业余爱好者,非专业人员”;does强调动词carry;connotation“隐含意义”;be integrated into“与...相结合,融入”;scientific community“科学界”;share结合语境,可以引申为“认同”;consequent“随之发生的”;imply“意味,暗示”;participation“参与”;illustrate“举例说明”;in terms of“在...方面”;结尾表明接下来讲的就是英国地质学的发展。
  ... local geological studies represented worthwhile research in their own right; ... only if they incorporate, and reflect on, the wider geological picture... a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, ... As a logical consequence of this development, separate journals... A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists...
  worthwhile“值得做的,有价值的”;in one’s own right“本身”;only if“只有”;incorporate“吸收”;reflect on“思考”;reinforce“加强”;refereeing“审稿工作”;as a logical consequence of“作为...的合理结果”;separate可以表示“不同的”;rather“相当”;differentiation“变异,演变”;lead to“导致”。
  Although the process of professionalisation and specialization was already well under way ... its full consequences were thus delayed until the twentieth century. In science generally, however, the nineteenth century must be reckoned as the crucial period for this change in the structure of science.
  although“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,这个让步状语从句起到承上启下的作用,由此可知,上一段讲英国地质学的发展目的是论证“职业化和专业化的发展进程”;be well under way“在顺利的进行中”;be reckoned as“被视为”;crucial period“关键时期”。
  以上就是文都教育考研英语老师为大家梳理的2001年考研英语真题阅读Text 1的要点。“不积跬步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江海。”各位同学复习的时候,一定踏踏实实打好基础,就好像树木在土壤里扎根一样,经历这个漫长甚至痛苦的过程之后,成长起来就相对容易了。
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