考研族 发表于 2016-12-24 21:54:48


  【26】参考答案:the importance of astronomy in ancient Hawaiian society. 在古代夏威夷社会天文学的重要性
  【解析】题目是问在第一段“利留卡拉尼女王”的话表明了什么?问文章开头的句子或例子是什么意思这种题目属于例证题,例证题最重要的就是找到例子多对应的观点,按照例子与对应观点就近的原则,讲答案锁定在第一段第二句, Star watchers were among the most esteemed members of Hawaiian society. 因此答案选the importance of astronomy in ancient Hawaiian society。
  【27】参考答案:its geographical features. 地理特色
  【解析】题目是问莫纳克亚山是天文台址的理想场所,原因是什么?该题目属于因果细节题,按题干信息Mauna Kea和 ideal astronomical site定位到第二段,But Mauna Kea is also home to some of the world's most powerful telescopes. Rested in the Pacific Ocean, Mauna Kea's peak rises above the bulk of our planet's dense atmosphere, where conditions allow telescopes to obtain images of unsurpassed clarity. 因此答案选its geographical features.
  【28】参考答案:it reminds them of a humiliating history. 让他们想起了屈辱的历史
  【解析】该题目仍然是一道因果细节题,根据题干信息定位到第三段Opposition to telescopes on Mauna Kea is nothing new. A small but vocal group of Hawaiians and environmentalists have long viewed their presence as disrespect far sacred land and a painful reminder of the occupation of what was once a sovereign nation. ,因此答案选it reminds them of a humiliating history.
  【29】参考答案:may uncover the origin of Hawaiian culture.可能发现夏威夷文化的起源
  【解析】本题为细节性推理题,做法等于细节题,但是要注意结合主三大命题点:首尾句,转折处和观点句。根据题干定位信息,定位到第五段前两句,因此答案选may uncover the origin of Hawaiian culture.而且,这个答案中有“may”啊。
  【30】参考答案:full approval. 完全同意
  【解析】此题是态度题,而且是问作者的态度,大家一定要讲作者态度和文中其他人的态度区别开,按题干定位信息将线索句定位在最后一段最后一句There is no reason why everyone cannot be welcomed on Mauna Kea to embrace their cultural heritage and to study the stars.因此答案选full approval. 完全同意。

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