下面是完型训练题,答案请点击》》完型第八篇答案Chronic insomnia is a major public health problem. And too many people are using__1__ therapies,even while there are a few treatments that do work. Millions of Americans __2__awake at night counting sheep or have a stiff drink or __3__an pill,hoping it will make them sleepy.__4__ experts agree all that self-medicating is a bad idea,and the causes of chronic insomnia remain__5__. Almost a third of adults have trouble sleeping,and about 10 percent have__6__ of daytime impairment that signal true insomnia. But __7__the complaints,scientists know surprisingly little about what causes chronic insomnia,its health consequences and how best to treat it,a panel of specialists __8__together by the National Institutes of Health concluded Wednesday. The panel called__9__a broad range of research into insomnia,__10__that if scientists understood its __11__causes,they could develop better treatments. Most,but not all,insomnia is thought to __12__other health problems,from arthritis and depression to cardiovascular disease. The question often is whether the insomnia came first or was a result of the other diseases and how trouble sleeping in__13__complicates those other problems. Other diseases __14__,the risk of insomnia seems to increase with age and to be more __15__among women,especially after their 50s. Smoking,caffeine and numerous __16__drugs also affect sleep. The NIH is spending about $200 million this year on sleep-related research,some__17__to specific disorders and others __18__the underlying scientific laws that control the nervous system of sleep. The agency was__19__the panel‘s review before deciding what additional work should be__20__ at insomnia.
1. unproven unknown improper imperative
2. fall lie seem become
3. prescribe pop abuse experiment
4. And Though Thus But
5. peculiar anonymous mysterious unexpected
6. signals symptoms signs symbols
7. in addition to except for owing to for all
8. pulled collected brought drawn
9. on for up in
10. noting notifying nosing nominating
11. undertaking underlining underlying undermining
12. cause accompany follow attend
13. short case essence turn
14. inside outside aside besides
15. common popular frequent regular
16. conscription description subscription prescription
17. aimed targeted designated designed
18. examining inspecting verifying assessing
19. conducting awaiting receiving considering
20. assigned charged directed attended
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