考研网 发表于 2016-8-15 21:58:25


        Text 1
        It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom - or at least confirm that he's the kid's dad.
        All he needs to do is shell our $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore - and another $120 to get the results.
        他所要做的就是在住所附近的药店里付30美元买一个父子关系测试包(PTK),然后另支付 120美元以获得结果。
        More than 60, 000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first become available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fog, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits.
        道格·福格是 Identigene(生产在药店可以出售的测试包的公司)的首席运营官,他指出自从去年 PTK 无需处方就可以买到以来,购买者已经超过 6万人。
        More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests Directly to the public , ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500.
        超过24家公司直接向公众出售 DNA 检测工具,价格从几百美元到 2500多美元不等。
        Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing , which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption.
        最受欢迎的 DNA 测试是父子和血缘关系检测,被收养的孩子可以利用它找到自己的血缘亲属,家庭也可以用它追踪到被收养的孩子。
        DNA testing is also the latest rage among passionate genealogists-and supports businesses that offer to search for a family's geographic roots .
        最近DNA 检测受到许多热情的族谱学家追捧,同时还为那些家族寻根服务公司提供了支持。
        Most tests require collecting cells by webbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing.
        All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.
        所有的测试都需要另外一个相关人员的 DNA 进行比对。
        But some observers are skeptical.
        "There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing, " says Trey Duster, a New York University sociologist.
        He notes that each individual has many ancestors-numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back.
        Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father's line or mitochondrial DNA, which a passed down only from mothers.
        但是多数血统检测只考虑某个单一系统,或者是遗传自父亲的 Y 染色体,或者是只由母亲遗传的线粒体 DNA。
        This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors,
        这个 DNA 只揭示了一两个祖先的基因信息。
        even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.
        但是例如:仅仅3代之前除了曾祖父母,他们还有 6个外曾祖父母,或者 4 代以前除了曾曾祖父母,他们还有 14个外曾曾祖父母。
        Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared.
        Databases used by some companies don't rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects.
        This means that a DNA database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others, so a person's test result may differ depending on the company that processes the results.
        In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

kyfive 发表于 2016-8-15 22:09:12

        Text 2
        The most thoroughly studied intectuals the history of the new world are the ministers and political leaders of seventeenth-century New England.
        在新大陆的历史上,被研究地最彻底的学者是 17世纪新英格兰的牧师和政治领袖们。
        According to the standard history of American philosophy, nowhere else in colonial America was "So much important attached to intellectual pursuits. "
        According to many books and articles, New England's leaders established the basic themes and preoccupations of an unfolding, dominant Puritan tradition in American intellectual life.
        To take this approach to the New Englanders normally mean to start with the Puritans' theological innovations and their distinctive ideas about the church-important subjects that we may not neglect.
        But in keeping with our examination of southern intellectual life, we may consider the original Puritans as carriers of European culture adjusting to New world circumstances.
        但是为了与我们对南部学术界的研究保持一致,我们可以将最初的清教徒们视作欧洲文化的传 递者,他们根据新大陆的情况进行了调整。
        The New England colonies were the scenes of important episodes in the pursuit of widely understood ideals of civility and virtuosity.
        The early settlers of Massachusetts Bay included men of impressive education and influence in England.
        Besides the ninety or so learned ministers who came to Massachusetts church in the decade after 1629, there were political leaders like John Winthrop, an educated gentleman, lawyer, and official of the Crown before he journeyed to Boston.
        在 1629 年之后的十年间,除了 90多位来到马萨诸塞教堂的有学识的牧师,还有像约翰·温斯罗普这样的政治领袖,在到达波士顿之前,他是一位受过良好教育的绅士、律师及皇室官员。
        There men wrote and published extensively, reaching both New World and Old World audiences, giving New England an atmosphere of intellectual earnestness.
        We should not forget, however, that most New Englanders were less well educated.
        While few craftsmen or farmers, let alone dependents and servants, left literary compositions to be analyzed, it is obvious that their views were less fully intellectualized.
        Their thinking often had a traditional superstitions quality.
        A tailor named John Dane, who emigrated in the late 1630s, left an account of his reasons for leaving England that is filled with signs.
        Sexual confusion, economic frustrations, and religious hope-all name together in a decisive moment when he opened the Bible, told his father the first line he saw would settle his fate, and read the magical words: "come out from among them, touch no unclean thing, and I will be your God and you shall be my people. "
        One wonders what Dane thought of the careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in Puritan churches.
        Meanwhile, many settles had slighter religious commitments than Dane's, as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New world for religion.
        "Our main end was to catch fish. "

kyone 发表于 2016-8-15 23:07:12

        There is a marked difference between the education which everyone gets from living with others, and the deliberate educating of the young.
        In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the express reason of the association.
        It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive.
        Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to ward off evil influences;
        family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity; systematic labor, for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc.
        Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.
        Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world's work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output.
        But in dealing with the young, the fact of association itself as an immediate human fact, gains in importance.
        While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.
        The need of training is too evident; the pressure to accomplish a change in their attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account.
        Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure this ability.
        If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young.
        We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling.
        In under-developed social groups, we find very little formal teaching and training.
        These groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the same sort of association which keeps the adults loyal to their group.
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