考研网 发表于 2016-8-15 21:58:01


To Respect the Old and Love the Young
        How impressive the set of pictures are! In the first picture, the mother takes the daughter by the hand, while after thirty years the daughter hold her mother’s hand which is depicted in the second picture.
        The meaning conveyed in the two pictures reveals that to respect the old and love the young is the traditional virtue and should be passed on from one generation to another. In real life, our parents not only give us life but do much in bringing us up. As the time goes on, they grow so physically weak that they no longer have the power to support themselves. So it is human nature for us to take our responsibility of taking care of them when they are old. Meanwhile, the virtue of willing to support the graying parents should be educated among Chinese people, no matter how young they are. It is necessary to drill the idea to the young all the time, so that they can better respect the older in future.
        With love for the young, our society will be full of sunshine; with respect for the old, our country will be harmony and prosperous.
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