考研网 发表于 2016-8-15 21:57:42


        小编前言:阅读是考研英语中重要的得分点和难点,对长难句的分析则决定了对阅读的彻底理解,也是学习语法,积累高级词汇、句型不可或缺的来源。而考研英语真题阅读部分均选自Economists、New Yorker等著名外文报纸及杂志,其行文和词汇原汁原味,值得考生细细品味和灵活借鉴。准备2014考研的研友们,还等什么?赶快学起来吧!同时,欢迎各位考生针对例句的翻译及分析给出自己的理解哦!
        1. We tend to think of the decades immediately following World War II as a time of prosperity and growth, with soldiers returning home by the millions, going off to college on the G. I. Bill and lining up at the marriage bureaus. (2011. 阅读. Text 3)
        【析句】多重复合句,主句为We tend to think of...as...,immediately following WWII是现在分词作定语修饰decades;with soldiers returning...,going off...and lining up...为伴随结构。
        2. During the Depression and the war, Americans had learned to live with less, and that restraint, in combination with the postwar confidence in the future, made small, efficient housing positively stylish. (2011. 阅读.Text 3)
        【析句】本复合句由and连接两个具有并列关系的简单句构成,第一句为Americans had learned to live with less...,第二句为that restraint made small...stylish,注意in combination with the postwar...不是主句。
        3. The phrase “less is more” was actually first popularized by a German, the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who like other people associated with the Bauhaus, a school of design, emigrated to the United States before World War II and took up posts at American architecture schools.(2011. 阅读. Text 3)
        【译文】。“更少就是更多”的说法原先实际上首先是因一位名叫Ludwig Mies van der Rohe的德国建筑师才得以流行起来的。他和其他建筑大师一样也来自德国包豪斯设计学院。他们在二战前移民到美国,并在美国各建筑学院任教就职。
        【析句】多重复合句,主句为The phrase was actually first popularized by a German,the architect ...是同位语,who associated with...,emigrated to...and took up...是存在多个并列动词的定语从句修饰the architect Ludwig Mies...。
        注:本文图片摘自壹心理网,让我们一起在越南画家Phan Thu Trang治愈系的斑斓色彩中,寻找秋天的痕迹。
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