考研网 发表于 2016-8-15 21:57:39


        21.George O’s scheme was intended to ____. 细节题。
        根据第一题的位置,通过题干中的G.O.’s scheme定位到解题点为首段第二句。Only if the jobless arrive…will they be eligible for benefit.典型的一个条件状语从句引起的倒装,同学们只要看懂了这个长难句,便不难在四个选项中找到该scheme的意图:encourage job seekers active engagement in job seeking.
        22.the phrase “to sign on”(L3, P2) means probably means___.词义题。词义题对应的大纲要求便是根据上下文推测词义。Sign on 所在句子为引语“These first few days should be spent looking for work, not looking to sign on.”财政大臣认为无业者应把时间花在找工作上,而不是____.选项中与前文构成转折关系的最佳选项应为to register for an allowance from the government。
        23. what prompted the chancellor to develop his scheme? 细节题。此题定位在第二段最后一句,What motivated him,…与题干完美同义替换,故其后内容便是答案 a passion to ensure fairness for tax payers。
        24. according to P3, being unemployed makes one feel____.从选项可知为态度题。态度题关键要区分四个选项。uneasy不爽的;enraged暴怒的;insulted受辱的;guilty 有罪的,内疚的。纵观第三段,首句是灵魂。Losting a job is hurting:….与之最为贴切者非uneasy莫属。
        25. To which of the following would the author most probably agree?作为本篇最后一题,对应文章最后一段,需各选项一一对应判断。与原文同义替换者为unemployment benefits should not be made conditional。
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