考研网 发表于 2016-8-15 21:55:49



Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe.But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a decline of the traditional work moral values.Ten years ago young people were hardworking and saw their jobs as their primary reason for being, but now Japan has largely fulfilled its economic needs, and young people don't know where they should go next.
The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.In a recent survey, it was found that only 24.5 percent of Japanese students were fully satisfied with school life, compared with 67.2 percent of students in the United States.In addition, far more Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed.
While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics, Japanese education tends to stress test taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self expression."Those things that do not show up in the test scores-personality, ability, courage or humanity are completely ignored," says Toshiki Kaifu, chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's education committee."Frustration against this kind of thing leads kids to drop out and run wild." Last year Japan experienced 2125 incidents of school violence, including 929 assaults on teachers.Amid the outcry, many conservative leaders are seeking a return to the prewar emphasis on moral education.Last year Mitsuo Setoyama, who was then education minister, raised eyebrows when he argued that liberal reforms introduced by the American occupation authorities after World War Ⅱ had weakened the "Japanese morality of respect for parents".
But that may have more to do with Japanese life styles."In Japan,"says educator Yoko Muro, "it's never a question of whether you enjoy your job and your life, but only how much you can endure." With economic growth has come centralization; fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, twogeneration households.Urban Japanese have long endured lengthy commutes (travels to and from work) and crowded living conditions, but as the old group and family values weaken, the discomfort is beginning to tell.In the past decade, the Japanese divorce rate, while still well below that of the United States, has increased by more than 50 percent, and suicides have increased by nearly one quarter.
63. In the Westerner's eyes, the postwar Japan was.
[A] under aimless development
[B] a positive example
[C] a rival to the West
[D] on the decline
64. According to the author, what may chiefly be responsible for the moral decline of Japanese society?
[A] Women's participation in social activities is limited.
[B] More workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.
[C] Excessive emphasis has been placed on the basics.
[D] The life style has been influenced by Western values.
65. Which of the following is true according to the author?
[A] Japanese education is praised for helping the young climb the social ladder
[B] Japanese education is characterized by mechanical learning as well as creativity.
[C] More stress should be placed on the cultivation of creativity.
[D] Dropping out leads to frustration against test taking.
66. The change in Japanese life style is revealed in the fact that.
[A] the young are less tolerant of discomforts in life
[B] the divorce rate in Japan exceeds that in the US
[C] the Japanese endure more than ever before
[D] the Japanese appreciate their present life

kyone 发表于 2016-8-15 22:38:53

abandon4 v.①抛弃;②放弃;③放纵,放任
ability15 n.①能力,智能;②才能,才干
activity17 n.①活动;②活性,活力
addition3 n.①(增)加,加法;②附加(物);③(in ~)除...外;另外
appreciate3 v.①感谢,感激;②正确评价,欣赏,赏识
argue19 v.①争论,辩论;②认为,主张,论证;③说服
assault1 v./n.袭击,攻击
author69 n.①作者;②创始人
authority6 n.①权力,威信,权威;②权威者,有权威性的典籍;③[pl.]当局,官方
being9 n.①生物,人;②存在,生存
boom7 v.①繁荣,兴旺;②发出隆隆声;n.①繁荣,兴隆;②隆隆声;③激增
characterize6 v.①表示...的特性;②描述...的特性
committee3 n.委员会,全体委员
community17 n.①同一地区的全体居民,社会,社区;②共同体,团体
commute1 v.乘公交车辆上下班,经常乘车(或船等)往返于两地
conservative5 a.保守的,守旧的;n.保守主义者
counterpart2 n.对应的人(或物)
decade18 n.十年
decline14 v./n.①下倾,下降,下垂,衰落;②斜面,倾斜;v.拒绝,谢绝
democratic6 a.民主的
divorce1 v./n.离婚,分离
dominate3 v.①支配,统治,控制;②占优势
economic23 a.经济(上)的,经济学的
emphasis9 n.强调,重点
endure2 v.忍受,持久,持续
entry1 n.①进入,入口;②通道;③记载,条目
envy1 v./n.羡慕,忌妒
exceed2 v.①超过,胜过;②越出
excessive3 a.过多的,过分的
experience18 n.经验,经历;v.体验,经历
express4 v.表达,表示;a.特快的,快速的;n.快车,快运
expression9 n.①表达,表示;②短语,词句,措词;③式,符号
extend11 v.延长,延伸
eyebrow2 n.眉毛
foreigner2 n.外国人
fulfill3 v.完成,履行
growth22 n.生长,增长,发展
harmony1 n.协调,和谐,融洽
household3 n.户,家庭,全家人;a.家庭的
humanity3 n.①人类,人性,人情;②[pl.]人文科学
incident2 n.事件,事变
increasingly11 ad.不断增加地,日益
influence17 n.①(on)影响,感化;②势力,权势;v.影响,感化
involve20 v.①卷入,陷入,连累;②包含,含有,涉及
isolate2 v.隔离,孤立
kid14 n.小孩,儿童;v.戏弄,取笑
lead21 v.①领导,引导;②领先,占首位;③(to)通向,导致,引起;④经历,过(生活);n.带领,引导;n.铅
liberal3 a.①慷慨的,大方的;②丰富的,富足的;③自由的,思想开朗的
limited9 a.有限的,被限制的
male4 n./a.男性(的),雄性(的)
mechanical5 a.①机械的,用机械的;②机械似的,呆板的
moral20 a.道德(上)的,道义的;n.①寓意,教育意义;②道德
morality1 n.道德,美德
occupation1 n.①占领,占据;②占用;③职业,工作
opportunity11 n.机会
personality9 n.①人格,个性;②人物,名人
positive4 a.①确实的,明确的;②积极的,肯定的;③正的,阳性的;④十足的,完全的;n.(摄影)正片
present16 a.①出席的,到场的;②现在的,目前的;n.①现在,目前;②礼物,赠品;v.①赠(送),呈献;②介绍,陈述;③提出,呈交;④上演
primary7 a.①最初的,初级的;②首要的,主要的,基本的
productivity10 n.生产力
rate31 n.①比率,率;②等级;③价格,费用;v.①估价;②评级,评价
reason26 n.①理由,原因;②理性,理智;v.①推论,推理;②说服,评理;③讨论,辩论
reform8 v./n.改革,改造,改良
responsible11 a.①(for,to)应负责的,有责任的;②可靠的,可信赖的;③责任重大的,重要的
reveal8 v.展现,显示,揭示,揭露,告诉,泄露
rigid1 a.①刚性的;②刻板的;③严厉的
rival4 n.竞争者,对手;v.竞争,对抗;a.竞争的
sacrifice2 n.①牺牲,献身,牺牲品;②祭品,供物;v.(for,to)牺牲,献出,献祭
school44 n.①学校;②(大学里的)学院,系;③学派,流派
score8 n.①得分,分数;②二十;v.得(分),记(...的)分数
social38 a.①社会的;②社交的,交际的;n.社交活动
stress9 n.①压力,应力;②重音;v.强调,着重
style1 n.①风格,文体;②式样,方式,类型
suicide7 n.①自杀;②自取灭亡
survey5 v./n.①俯瞰,眺望;②全面审视,调查;③测量图,勘定
teenager4 n.青少年
tend26 v.①趋向,往往是;②照料,看护
tolerant1 a.容忍的,宽容的
typical5 a.(of)典型的,有代表性的
urban1 a.城市的
violence2 n.①暴力,暴行;②激烈,猛烈
according47 ad.依照,根据
aimlessness1 n.没有目标
centralization1 n.集中,聚集
creativity5 n.创造力,创造
cultivation1 n.培养,教养,耕作
dissatisfaction2 n.不满,不平,令人不满的事物
educator2 n.教育家
frustration2 n.挫败,挫折,受挫
hardworking1 a.苦干的,不辞辛劳的
leader10 n.领导者
lengthy2 a.(演说、文章等)冗长的,过分的
outcry1 n.大声疾呼
participation3 n.分享,参与
postwar2 a.战后的
traditional7 a.传统的,惯例的,口传的,传说的

kytwo 发表于 2016-8-15 23:57:53

Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe.
1. whose前面的部分为主句主干结构,whose引导的定语从句修饰the postwar Japan;
2. 主句采用双层否定,有两个否定词:aimlessness和hardly;
The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.
1. 本句主干结构是:The coming of ... and an entry of ... have limited the opportunities of teenagers;
2. 本句的主语是用and连接的两个名词词组The coming of age of the postwar baby boom和an entry of women into the male dominated job market;
3. 本句中的who引导的定语从句修饰teenagers,过去分词结构involved in... 是personal sacrifices的补语;
Last year Mitsuo Setoyama, who was then education minister, raised eyebrows when he argued that liberal reforms introduced by the American occupation authorities after World War Ⅱ had weakened the "Japanese morality of respect for parents".
1. 本句主句主干结构为:... Mitsuo Setoyama ... raised eyebrows ... ;
2. who was then education minister是主语Mitsuo Setoyama的定语,补充说明主语人物的身份;
3. 主句后面是when引导的时间状语从句,该从句中又包含一个that引导的宾语从句,作为argue的宾语;
4.此宾语从句的主干结构是:liberal reforms ... had weaked the ... morality ...,其中包含一个过去分词短语introduced by ... 作为liberal reforms 的后置定语;
With economic growth has come centralization; fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two generation households.
1. 本句冒号前的主句是倒装结构,正常应为:centralization has come;
2. 冒号后面是对主句的进一步说明,其中包含一个where引导的定语从句修饰cities;
63.[答案] B
64.[答案] D
65.[答案] C
66.[答案] A

kythree 发表于 2016-8-16 00:52:25

63. 在西方人看来,战后的日本。
[A] 处于漫无目的的发展之中
[B] 是个正面例子
[C] 是西方国家的竞争者
[D] 在衰败
64. 在作者看来,日本社会道德水平下降的主要原因是什么?
[A] 女性参加社会的活动受到限制。
[B] 更多的工人对其工作不满。
[C] 过分地重视基础教育。
[D] 生活方式受西方价值观的影响。
65. 根据作者的观点,下面哪项说法正确?
[A] 因为有助于年轻人攀登社会阶梯,日本的教育受到称赞。
[B] 日本的教育具有机械学习和创造力双重特征。
[C] 应该更重视创造力的培养。
[D] 辍学导致对应该教育的反感。
66. 事实显示:日本人的生活方式发生了改变。
[A] 年轻人更不能容忍生活中的不便之处
[B] 离婚率超过了美国
[C] 日本忍耐的东西比以前更多
[D] 日本人欣赏现有的生活
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