考研网 发表于 2016-8-15 21:42:16


        I cloze
        II Reading comprehension
        Part A
        21.D ended his reign in embarrassment.
        22. C owing to the undoubted and respectable status
        23. A the role of the nobility in modern democracy
        24. B fails to change his lifestyle as advised.
        25. D Carlos, a lesson for all Monarchies
        26. C check suspect's phone contents without being authorized.
        27.A disapproval
        28.A getting into one's residence
        29. C citizens' privacy is not effectively protected
        30.B new technology requires reinterpretation of the constitution
        31.B journals are strengthening their statistical checks
        32.B marked
        33. D set an example for other journals
        34. C has room for further improvement
        35.A science joins Push to screen statistics in papers
        36. D the consequences of the current sorting mechanism
        37. A more journalists may be found guilty of phone hacking
        38. C was hardly convincing
        39. B generally distorted values
        40. D moral awareness matters in editing a newspaper
        Part B
        41.C if you are unfamiliar...
        42.E you make further inferences...
        43.D Rather ,we ascribe meanings to...
        44.B factors such as...
        45.A are we studying that ...
        Part C
        III Writing
        Part A
        Dear club members,
        As the next reading session is scheduled to be launched in two days, it’s a great honor for me to take the opportunity to present you a book worth reading—The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith.
        Through reflection over economics at the beginning of Industrial Revolution, the writer has elaborated on the fundamental principles of capitalism at work with insightful conceptions and eloquent speeches. Besides, the book has stood the test of time by repeated quotations and critical reviews from following researchers, exerting profound influences on anyone engaged in the field of capitalist market.
        I believe reading such a classical book from an authoritative writer will produce a life-enriching and thought-provoking effect for all club members.
        Yours sincerely,
        Li Ming
        Part B
        As is depicted above, a number of young people are having a gathering of friends, but instead of talking with each other, each of them is addicted to his or her mobile phone. The lower part of the picture, we can see some Chinese characters which read “the meeting in mobile-phone era”.
        Undoubtedly, the author of the picture aims at reminding us of the double edge of the cell phone. It is well known that thanks to the development of human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. A case in point is the mobile phones. We must admit that the smart phone indeed dramatically changes our life. However, if used improperly, the mobile phones also can bring unhealthy side-effects, and imperil face to face communication between people. It is not too much to say that being over-addicted to mobile phones will cost our health, wisdom, creativity, friendship and even our ability to live.
        Weighing the pros and cons of both sides, perhaps the best policy is to regulate it in such a way as to maximize its advantages. At the same time, we must avoid its harmful part. Furthermore, young people should be advised that spending too much time in using smart phones is bad for them.
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