考研网 发表于 2016-8-15 21:42:10


        Section I Use of English
        1. grants
        2. external
        3. picture
        4. For example
        5. fearful
        6. on
        7. if
        8. test
        9. success
        11. otherwise
        13. rated
        2013考研英语一完形填空文章节选自《经济学人》,原文名称A question of judgment,探讨人类作出判断的问题。第一段指出人们在作出判断时普遍不会将背景信息考虑在内,这似乎能够保证人们作出的判断不受外界因素影响,从而比较公正。但Dr. Uri Simonsohn认为事实并非如此,人们不善于考虑大局会导致判断有偏见。第二段第三段论述为了证明他的观点,Dr. Uri Simonsohn对MBA录取过程进行的实验研究。最后一段给出实验结论。

kyfive 发表于 2016-8-15 22:53:26

        Section II Reading Comprehension
        Part A
        Text 1
        21. insensitivity to fashion
        22. shop for their garments more frequently
        23. accusation
        24. pricing is vital to enviroment-friendly purchasing
        25. Criticism of the fast-fashion industry
        本篇文章节选自对《Overdressed》(作者:Elizabeth Cline)一篇书评。文章从一开始引用了知名电影《时尚女魔头》中的一个例子引入,在第二段引出了文章的主题“快时尚”;指出这种“快时尚”破坏了时尚周期,动摇了时尚产业;并带来了很多弊端,如消耗了大量的自然资源,使用了大量的有害化学物质,并造成了严重浪费。虽然有些时尚服饰公司如H&M公司已经开始做出了一些努力减少对劳动力和环境的破坏,但是显然并不能从根本上解决问题。作者认为,人们的虚荣心是源源不断的,唯有通过调整价格来督促人们合理的消费。
        Text 2
        26. lower their operational costs
        27. internet brower developers
        28. will not benefit consumers
        29. DNT may not serve its intended purpose
        30. skepticism
        本篇文章节选自2012年6月份的经济学人,原文名《Microsoft and Privacy: Change of track 》主要讲述了广告商如果获得了用户的在线行为数据,就能省下很大一部分广告费用,但,跟踪用户行为是否合理是本文主要探讨的一个问题。美国的微软公司率先做出表率,称即将推出的IE10中,将“不允许跟踪”设置成默认。但这一举措令广告商们惶恐不已。因为,这意味着他们就不能收集到有关用户偏好的信息,那么,他们投放广告的费用无疑就会变大。并且,美国广告主协会会长Bob Liodice声称:“对于用户来说,他们看到的将是那些更没有意义、更没有针对性的广告。” 虽然,微软在自己的博客中写道“我们认为用户应该有更大的话语权”。但,很显然,作者对于微软单单采取这一措施的动机表示质疑,认为它们是在于谷歌做竞争。
        Text 3
        31. our faith in science and technology
        32. sustained species
        33. Our Immediate future is hard to conceive.
        34. draw on our experience from the past
        35. The Ever-bright Prospects of Mankind
        2013考研英语(一)阅读Part A部分Text 3主要是讲人类的光明未来。文章先是阐述了人类出于对科学发现的信任而越来越积极地预测未来,转而谈到目前从禽流感到气候变暖等各种各样的人类威胁出现,现状似乎并不容乐观,基于这一现状,人们有理由相信人类的未来不太值得期待。但作者话锋一转,又指出这种悲观情绪错位了。纵观人类种族在宇宙的地位,人类已然存活数以千年。对人类未来的肯定,依赖于过去的历史,因此从长远的角度来看,人类无需悲观,而是可以积极乐观地减少目前的威胁 —— 那些曾威胁人类早期生存的同类威胁。本篇文章除最后一题为主旨题外,其余均为细节题。可能32题需要简单归纳总结,相对较难,其他细节均比较容易从原文中找到出处。
        Text 4
        36. overstepped the authority of federal immigration
        37. states’ legitimate role in immigration enforcement
        38. stood in favor of the states
        39. outweighs that held by the states
        40. Justices intended to check the power of the administration
        Part B
        41. These issues all have root causes in human behavior...
        42. Despite these factors...
        43. However, the numbers are still small...
        44. During the late 1990s...
        45. The idea is to force social to integrate...

kyone 发表于 2016-8-15 23:18:56

        Part C(翻译)
        46. 然而,如若观看这些无家可归的流浪者们创造的花园图片,人们会留意到,在这些形态万千、风格迥异的图片中,这些花园传达的是各种装潢和创作所不能表达的对各种各样其他基本欲望的诉求。
        47. 一个安宁的神圣场所,与庇护所相反,不管多么粗陋,明显是人性的,而非动物性的需求。
        48. 流浪者花园,实际上是无人居住的花园,在城市环境中兴建。此前,这样的花园并不存在,或者不这么易于辨识。
        49. (这样以后)大多数人的精神陷入一种低迷状态,我们通常将其归咎于心理状态的问题。直到有一天我们置身于一座花园,所有的低迷奇迹般一扫而空。
        50. 这些对自然间接或直接的参照使这些人造建筑(花园)实质名归,尽管只在宽泛的意义上。
        2013考研英语(一)翻译节选自 Robert Pogue Harrison的小品文集Gardens: An Essay on the Human Condition节选部分改编自这本书的42到44页中段落,作者从Blamori和Morton的照片入手,结合文学作品,从西方文化角度谈Garden——花园在人类历史长河中的寓意、指涉的变化和对人类精神家园的观照。
        46-50题出现了我们常考的定语从句that of decoration and creative expression,which is a distinctly animal need,48题的可能比较难一点,定语从句where it either didn’t exist or was not discernible as such是修饰an urban environment的;49题的定语从句为which we usually blame on some psychological conditions。46题中出现了分词短语created by the homeless, 47题让步状语从句however crude it may be,这里翻译时要注意把shelter和sacred place区分开。50题也出现了让步状语though in a “liberated” sense。
        第48题The gardens of the homeless which are in effect homeless gardens introduce from into an urban environment where it either didn’t exist or was not discernible as such. 乍一看比较难,这里来分析一下,主干部分是The gardens of the homeless (定语从句) introduce from into an urban environment(定语从句),理清了这个,再把定语从句放在相应的句子成分前后,改变词性,短语和句子转换后,把基本含义说清楚即可。这里注意discernible的意思是“可辨别的,可识别的”。
        另外翻译时注意意义的增减。需要增加的意义要描述清楚,比如A sacred place of peace翻译为“一个(能给人带来)安宁和神圣感的场所”括号内为增译部分。第49题也是如此,前半句不在翻译任务内,但是意义上相连,这里最好补充翻译“(这样以后)”使句意完整。文中指代不清楚的也可以一笔带过。比如第48题句末的as such中such的指代。如果考生不知道具体所指,翻译时可以对应文中的代词“它原来的样子”或者“如此”,不必把每个单词的含义都翻译出来。考场时间有限,保证翻译的语句通顺即可。
        综上所述,考研英语一翻译这次考察的重点还是定语从句、状语从句、分词短语、不定式结构,同学们除了在考研复习中对这些常考点多复习、练习外,还要注意一些短语如in effect, blame on, introduce from in to,和重点词汇distinctly,discernible,synthetic,justifies的积累。

kysix 发表于 2016-8-16 00:24:56

        Section III Writing
        Part A
        51. 参考范文:
        What a vivid and thought-provoking picture! We see that a large group of graduates come to a fork in the road and cannot decide which one they should take. It is clear that the picture wants to convey the confusion every college student must face when they graduate: hunting for an ideal job, taking part in the annual National Entrance Examination for Postgraduates, going aboard to achieve further education or starting their own business.
        Undoubtedly, the decision one makes when he or she graduates will have an important or even a decisive influence on his or her life. The following factors, in my opinion, should be taken into consideration if one wants to choose the right way. To begin with, graduates should analyze and understand the different features of each road. For example, becoming an employee is far less desirable than starting one’s own business. However, enterprisers can get much greater satisfaction achievement than employees. Next, personality should be thought over. For instance, an introvert is more suitable for doing research and had better become a postgraduate. Family economic state should also be considered because some careers, such as starting one’s own business or going aboard, need more money than others.
        In conclusion, in order to choose the right way, one must be both realistic and self-aware. Moreover, once having made a decision, one should work hard to achieve his or her goal.
        第一段简要描述图画内容,然后引出主题。可以用上一些万能句式,比如在描述图画内容是可以用What a vivid and thought-provoking picture! We see that… 在引出图画主题的时候,可以用It is clear that the picture wants to convey (that)…/It is clear that the picture wants to tell us (that)…/What lies behind the picture is (that)…
        第三段可以对第二段内容进行总结,用in conclusion等表示总结的词引出。当然,如果你在第二段论述原因或影响,那么第三段也可以给出建议。
        Part B
        52. 参考范文:
        Dear professor,
        I am writing on behalf of the School of Foreign Language of Peking University to invite you to be a judge for the English speech contest to be held in our university.
        We know that you have lots of experience and do have an eye for the brilliant performance in English speech contests. We would be appreciated if you could spare your time on Friday, May 10. The contest will be held in the auditorium from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Judges to be invited include another two professors who are very familiar to you.
        We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please contact us at 1234567 if you have any question.
        I am looking forward to your reply.
        Yours sincerely,
        Li Ming
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