考研网 发表于 2016-8-15 21:40:34


2009年考研英语尘埃落定.大小作文的基本内容并没有超出文都徐可风课堂的内容. 请徐可风的学员认真地看一看下面这篇参考文章,是不是觉得很熟悉呢? 对了,这篇2009考研英语的大作文范文,无论是写作的构思思路和写法,还是句子,绝大部分都在文都徐可风的课堂上讲到过的. 其实徐可风一直强调的"考试写作快捷理念"就是在徐可风的课堂上给大家炒菜的原材料,培养和训练大家的烹饪方法.在考研考场上,你要做的就是,把徐可风在文都的课堂上给你的原材料,按照徐可风在文都的课堂上训练你的方法,按题目要求炒一炒,这么一来,一道美味可口的考研写作作文可以上菜了.这就是文都徐可风一直强调的"考试写作快捷理念".
Today, reaching the peak of popularity is the internet. As the exaggerative and impressive drawing describes, the internet are sweeping the world and increasing people are affected by internet. The internet nets everywhere in the world. Obviously, no corner of the world can resist the charms of internet.
Internet narrows the distance among people, or broadens it? This issue has become a hot-botton. No doubts, I embrace the opinion that internet narrows the distance among people. For one thing, by using internet, we can hear various voices from each corner of the world. Sitting in our own houses, through internet, we know that a black man named Obama becomes the president of America and he is under the pressure on interrogation policy. At Washingtonpost.com, we see that the financial crisis floods the WallStreet, and that the whole Africa is fighting against the AIDS. Without internet, perhaps, we know nothing about the world.
For another, internet gives us more chances to make foreign friends. If you are a boy, you may hunt a American girl friend by internet. If you are a businessman, by Alibaba.com or ebay.com, you can sell your products to Europea and Africa. Given all these facts, it is the internet that makes people closer, the world smaller and "One World, One dream" come true.
最后, 徐可风祝愿每一位2009的考研同学成功, 特别是文都的学员,我相信你一定会成功的.
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