考研网 发表于 2016-8-9 08:07:45


          2015考研英语一的完形填空原文依然是来源于网站。我们还记得2014年考研英语一的完形就是直接来源于网站,而且竟然还是河北唐山的高三模拟考题。来自于外文网站Givology,原文题目为:DNA of Friendship: Study Finds We are Genetically Linked to Our Friends,DNA友谊:研究发现我们在基因上和我们的朋友有着千丝万缕的联系。作者:Jayalakshmi K,发表时间为:July 15, 2014。文章发表时间为2014年的7月15号,依然延续了近年来时效性强的风格。
          无论是考研辅导老师还是考研学子,人们大多认为,近两年的完形文章相对于前几年而言简单了很多,文章的简单与否,其实对于真正最后出来考研英语的分数到底是多少,其间并没有一个非常正相关的关系,本质和核心在什么地方? 在透过这些文章的背后,我们要去掌握着什么样的能力? 有两点问题是可以明确的:第一,完形填空整体的难度偏简单了,并且出题思路稳定;第二,近四年考研文章的整体趋势就是实效性不断地增强,经常是从前几个月的《经济学人》这样的一些杂志当中或热门学习研究网站当中,摘取文章,并且对它进行改写。
       We have more genes in common with people we pick to be our friends than with strangers. Though not biologically related, friends are as "related" as fourth cousins, sharing about 1% of genes. That is what a study published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has concluded。
          The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted on 1932 unique subjects which compared pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers. The same people were used in both samples. While 1% may seem insignificant, it is not so to a geneticist. As co-author of the study James Fowler, professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego says, "Most people do not even know their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who resemble our kin."
       The team also developed a "friendship score" which can predict who will be your friend based on their genes. The study also found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity. Why this similarity in olfactory genes is difficult to explain, for now. Perhaps, as the team suggests, it draws us to similar environments but there is more to it. There could be many mechanisms working in tandem that drive us in choosing genetically similar friends rather than "functional kinship" of being friends with benefits!
          One of the remarkable findings of the study was that the similar genes seem to be evolving faster than other genes. Studying this could help understand why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years, with social environment being a major contributory factor。
  The findings do not simply corroborate people's tendency to befriend those of similar ethnic backgrounds, say the researchers. Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction, care was taken to see that all subjects, friends and strangers were taken from the same population. The team also controlled the data to check ancestry of subjects。
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