考研网 发表于 2016-7-29 21:59:07


  I. Directions: Translate the following expressions into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30 points).
  1. 农业基础设施
  2. 办公室恋情
  3. 工业综合实力
  4. 暴力拆迁
  5. 不记名投票
  6. 自贸协定
  7. 耐用消费品
  8. 家政服务
  9. 假酒
  10. 剪彩仪式
  11. 碳减排
  12. 舆论导向
  13. 和而不同
  14. 民间资本
  15. 民生问题
  16. bogus marriage
  17. patriarchal style
  18. vested interest groups
  19. retaliatory duty
  20. indemnificatory housing
  21. API
  22. occupancy rate
  23. constitutional monarchy
  24. excess reclamation
  25. farm sidelines
  26. Kyoto Protocol
  27. heuristic education
  28. cultural deposits
  29. talent dividend
  30. hush money
  II. Directions: Translate the following four source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (30 points for each, 120 points in all)
  Source text 1
  Although art historians have spent decades demystifying van Gogh’s legend, they have done little to diminish his vast popularity. Auction prices still soar, visitors still overpopulate van Gogh exhibitions, and The Starry Night remains ubiquitous on dormitory and kitchen walls. So complete is van Gogh’s global apotheosis that Japanese tourists now make pilgrimages to Auvers to sprinkle their relatives’ ashes on his grave. What accounts for the endless appeal of the van Gogh myth? It has at least two deep and powerful sources. At the most primitive level, it provides a satisfying and nearly universal revenge fantasy disguised as the story of heroic sacrifice to art. Anyone who has ever felt isolated and unappreciated can identify with van Gogh and hope not only for a spectacular redemption but also to put critics and doubting relatives to shame. At the same time, the myth offers an alluringly simplistic conception of great art as the product, not of particular historical circumstances and the artist’s painstaking calculations, but of the naive and spontaneous outpourings of a mad, holy fool. The gaping discrepancy between van Gogh’s long-suffering life and his remarkable posthumous fame remains a great and undeniable historical irony. But the notion that he was an artistic idiot savant is quickly dispelled by even the most glancing examination of the artist’s letters. It also must be dropped after acquainting oneself with the rudimentary facts of van Gogh’s family back ground, upbringing, and early adulthood.
  The image of van Gogh as a disturbed and forsaken artist is so strong that one easily reads it back into his childhood and adolescence. But if van Gogh had died at age twenty, no one would have connected him with failure or mental illness. Instead he would have been remembered by those close to him as a competent and dutiful son with a promising career in the family art-dealing business. He was, in fact, poised to surpass his father and to come closer to living up to the much-esteemed van Gogh name. (334 words)
  Source text 2
  The eventual goal of science is to provide a single theory that describes the whole universe. However, the approach most scientists actually follow is to separate the problem into two parts. First, there are the laws that tell us how the universe changes with time. If we know what the universe is like at any one time, these physical laws tell us how it will look at any later time. Second, there is the question of the initial state of the universe. Some people feel that science should be concerned with only the first part; they regard the question of the initial situation as a matter for metaphysics or religion. They would say that God, being omnipotent, could have started the universe off any way he wanted. That may be so, but in that case he also could have made it develop in a completely arbitrary way. Yet it appears that he chose to make it evolve in a very regular way according to certain laws. It therefore seems equally reasonable to suppose that there are also laws governing the initial state. (182 words)
  Source text 3
  谈到我们的快乐,不要陷入抽象的议论中去,我们应该注意事实,把 自己分析一下,看看我们一生中在什么时候得到真正的快乐。在这个世界中,快乐往往需从反面看出来,无忧愁、不受欺凌、无病无痛便是快乐。 但也可以成为正面感觉,那就是我们所说的欢乐,我所认为真快乐的时候, 例如在睡过一夜之后,清晨起身,吸着新鲜空气,肺部觉得十分宽畅,做 了一会儿深呼吸,胸部的肌肤便有一种舒服的动作感觉,感到有新的活力 而适宜于工作;或是手中拿了烟斗,双腿搁在椅上,让烟草慢慢均勻的烧 着;或夏月远行,口渴喉干,看见一泓清泉,潺潺的流水声己经使我觉得 清凉快乐,于是脱去鞋袜,拿两脚浸在凉爽的清水里;或一顿丰盛餐饭之 后,坐在安乐椅上,面前没有讨厌的人,大家海阔天空地谈笑着,觉得精 神上和身体上都与世无争。(331 words)
  Source text 4
  加强企业间的合作,是当今世界企业发展的重要方向。不少企业家认 为,企业间开展平等竞争固然重要,但开展合作更为重要,合作的空间要 大于竞争的空间。这个看法是很有见地的。在经济全球化和新经济不断发 展的条件下,如果不能与其他企业建立良好的合作关系,任何企业都难以 获得成功。中国进一步发展经济、扩大开放,对各国企业就意味着更多的 商机。改革开放以来,中国企业与国外、海外企业积极开展经济技术合作, 取得了巨大的成功。这些企业帮助了中国企业的成长,同时也在合作中获 得了利益,取得了互利和双赢的结果。(240 words)
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