考研网 发表于 2016-7-29 21:59:01


          I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or
terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30
items in this part of the test,15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point
for each. (30 points)
          2. UPI
          3. IOC
          4. CIA
          5. UNGA
          6. GDP
          7. WHO
          8. Federal Reserve System
          9. aging society
          10. trade deficit
          11. junk bond
          12. the United States Secretary of Labor
          13. the Engel’s Coefficient
          14. Boxing Day 29. 和为贵
          15. La Nina phenomenon
          18. 安定团结
          19. 综合国力
          20. 流行文化
          21. 旅游黄金周
          22. 天 道酬勤
          23. 经济全球化
          24. 资源配置
          25. 《中庸》
          26. 扬长避短
          27. 外向型经济
          28. 科学发展观
          30. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。
          II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their
target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target
language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is
English (120 points).
          1. The Earth is full! Four billion people have crammed into every desirable
and fruitful area and have spilled over into all the barren and inhospitable
areas. Under the pressure of the fullness, the wilderness is disappearing,
competing plants and animals are dying out; the weather is changing and the soil
is failing. And yet there is perhaps an even more fundamental danger to humanity
in the Earth’s fullness than is represented by any sort of physical
deterioration. Humanity began as a thin cluster of primitive hominids in East
Africa about four million years ago. About two million years ago, the first
hominids appeared who were sufficiently close in structure to the human being to
be placed into genus Homo. It was not until 150,000 years ago that the hominids
brain developed to a size sufficient to produce the first organisms we can
classify as Homo sapiens, and it was only 50,000 years ago that “modem man,”
Homo sapiens, made his appearance on the Earth.
          His increase in range was slow indeed. It was not till 30,000 years ago
that human beings began to enter Australia and the American continents, and even
as late as 300 years ago, those continents were but thinly occupied.
          Then came the Industrial Revolution and the Earth filled with what was, on
the evolutionary scale, an explosion. In a couple of centuries, the world
population quintupled from 0.8 billion to 4.2 billion, and now Earth bears all
the human load it can manage and, in many places, somewhat more than it can
          Consider, then, that we and our hominid ancestors evolved on an essentially
empty Earth. There was always the possibility, during times of stress, that one
might pick up as much of one’s belongings as one could carry and travel to the
other side of the hill, where conditions might be better, where a new life might
be built and where a new chance might be taken. (322 words)
          【Key words]
          genus Homo人属;人类
          Homo Sapiens智人(现代人的学名)
          2. 也许是我的精、气、神都不足吧,不但自己写不出长的东西,我读一本刊物时,也
          我总觉得,凡是为了非倾吐不可而写的作品,都是充满了真情实感的。反之,只是 为写作而写作,如上之为应付编辑朋友,下之为多拿稿费,这类文章都是尽量地往长里
          当由一个人物,一粧事迹,一幅画面而发生的真情实感,向你袭来的时候,它就像 一根扎到你心尖上的长针,一阵卷到你面前的怒潮,你只能用最真切、最简练的文字,
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