考研网 发表于 2016-7-29 21:58:50


          I. Phrase Translation
          APEC:亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
          SC: 最高法院(Supreme Court);联合国安全理事会(Security Council)
          CPI: 消费物价指数(Consumer Price Index)
          WHO: 世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)
          BRIC countries: 金砖四国
          carban tax: 碳税;碳排放税
          sunrise industry: 朝阳产业;新兴产业
          defense lawyer: 辩护律师;被告律师
          transnational litigation: 跨国诉讼
          corporate restructure: 企业重组
          turnover tax: 营业税
          sight interpreting: 视译
          cultural industry: 文化产业
          Social Security Number: 社会保险号; 社会安全号
          aircraft carrier: 航空母舰
          廉政文化: clean government culture; Incorrupt Government Culture
          和谐共赢: all-win harmony
          文化扶贫计划: Culture-aid Program
          全方位外交: multi-faceted diplomacy; all-directional diplomacy
          惠农政策: Benefit Farming Policy; the policy of supporting agriculture and
benefiting farmers
          出口退税: Export Rebates
          载人航天飞行: manned space flight
          非物质文化遗产: Intangible Cultural Heritage
          中国红十字会: Red Cross Society of China
          自主创新: independent innovation
          民事案件: civil case
          儒家文化: Confucian Culture
          唐三彩: tri-coloured glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty
          除夕: New Year’s Eve
          剪纸: paper cutting
          II. Passage translation
          Section A English to Chinese
          1,The context for Occupy Wall Street and proposals to tax the rich — “rich”
being constantly redefined — is the broader issue of economic inequality. For
years, liberal politicians, academics and pundits have complained about growing
inequality, but their protests barely resonated with the public. When most
people are doing OK, the factthat some people are doing better does not arouse
much anger. No more. When many people do worse, or fear they might, the rich
inspire resentment and envy. Glaring inequalities that once seemed tolerable
become offensive.
          By and large, Americans regard the rich the way they do the poor. There are
the “deserving” and the “undeserving.” The deserving pioneer technologies,
manage vibrant businesses or excel at something (law, entertainment, sports).
Few resent the wealth of Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey. By contrast, the
“undeserving” rich succeed through self-dealing or activities lacking broad
social value.
          What’s happening now is that more rich are being disparaged as
“undeserving.” Blamed for the financial crisis, Wall Street types top the
list.Corporate chief executives stir similar ire.
          There are many theories about why inequality has increased, though no
consensus: New technologies reward the highly skilled; globalization depresses
factory wages; eroded union power does the same; employer-paid health insurance
squeezes take-home pay; a “winner-take-all” society confers huge rewards on an
elite of celebrities, sports stars and business leaders.
          The trouble is that the wealthy don’t fit the stereotypes: They aren’t all
pampered CEOs, hotshot investment bankers, pop stars and athletes. Many own
small and medium-sized companies. Half the wealth of the richest 1 percent
consists of stakes in these firms. That’s double their holdings of stocks, bonds
and mutual funds, according to figures compiled by economist Edward Wolff of New
York University.Reid would pay for Obama’s jobs plan by taxing the people who
are supposed to create jobs. Does that make sense?
          The backlash against the rich is the start of debate, not the end. Are the
rich to be punished for succeeding or merely asked to pay their “fair” share?
Who is wealthy or who’s just well-off? Is $250,000 a reasonable cutoff for
couples, as Obama once indicated, or has that been repudiated? If taxes do rise,
what approach would best preserve incentives for hard work, investment and
risk-taking? Are Obama’s assaults on wealthy business leaders just deserts or
political cheap shots? However measured, the rich are besieged; the attacks
almost certainly will intensify.
          Section B Chinese to English
          第二段译文:Since all of us live on the same planet, we need to jointly cope with
the challenges facing/confronting the human survival and development. Of the
global concerns for human survival and development are the aggravation of the
ecological environment, poverty and unemployment, population explosion, the
spread of epidemics, the abuse and widespread use of narcotics, the rampant
international crimes, and the failure to safeguard the interests of women and
children.Since the developed countries owe debts to the ecological deterioration
in its industrialization and modernization, they should naturally contribute
more to the protection of the environment.
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查看完整版本: 重庆大学2012年翻译硕士考研真题及答案