考研网 发表于 2016-7-27 02:00:57








          Part B 段落标题匹配
          41空:【D】Most of your fears are unreal(大多数的恐惧是不真实的)
          解析:从段落中的反复提到的“Fear is not real”, “Danger is very real. But fear is a choice”以及“fears are just the product of our luxurious imagination”,可以直接得到本段主题。
          42空:【E】Think about the present moment(关注当下)
          解析:本空对应段落为顺承结构,第一句即揭示主题:…try to focus on the present moment. 段落随后则是围绕这一论点展开的,并在最后一句形成首尾呼应 “happiness is not …but a mindset that can be designed into the present.”
          43空:【G】There are many things to be grateful for.(有许多值得感恩的事物)
          解析:从 “…to pause and appreciate(欣赏,感激) the things you have”, “only strong people prefer to simile and value(珍惜) their life…”不难推断出本段主题。
          44空:【A】You are not alone.(你不孤单)
          解析:该空对应段落为顺结构,第1句点出主题: “No matter how…you should always remember that you are not alone.” 本段随后即围绕该论点展开,点题的线索词包括”almost everyone respects and wants to help you”, “a circle of friends who …”, “people who are willing to share advice and encouragement”.
          45空:【C】Pave your own unique path(铺出自己的路)
          解析:第1句提到许多人没有主见的问题(many people find it difficult to trust their own opinion and seek balance by gaining objectivity from external sources),第2句指出这一问题的危害:低估自己(…devalue your opinion),表现出无能(…show you are incapable)。第3-4句给出建议:相信自己(you should believe in yourself),自己做决定(...make your own choices)。不难看出,整段都是在鼓励读者相信自己的决定,走自己选择的路。
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查看完整版本: 新东方孙祥喆:2015考研英语二阅读匹配题答案解析