考研网 发表于 2016-7-27 02:00:56









  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. In your essay,you should
  1)describe the picture briefly
  2)interpret its intended meaning,and
  3)give your comments.
  You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)
  从话题分类来看,今年的作文话题属于负面批判型,此前我们在强化阶段和冲刺阶段分别给大家介绍过考研英语大作文话题的分类:一 正面歌颂型(如2014年) 、二 负面批判型(如2009年) 、三 正反对比型(2012年、2013年) 。对于写作能力较差,需要模版辅助的同学来说,三种话题均可使用模版来写作,对于今年的大作文,也不例外:
  As is depicted in the picture, 描图 , thought-provoking as the picture is, from my point of view, it does not take a genius to figure out what the picture is trying to tell us: the communication ability in reality is of great significance and we should never get indulged too much in the virtual world.
  As regards to my view, it could be made more specific as follows: Firstly, what communication ability can bring to us is the practical skills that we can use everyday. Therefore, we should attach more importance to the communication face to face instead of living in the virtual world. Secondly, whether we can properly deal with our relationship with mobile phone is closely related to whether we can enjoy a high quality of life. Since mobile phone has become an unalienable part of the modern life, it is significant for us to make good use of it. Otherwise, it may cause great harm on our life.
  To sum up, the communication ability in reality is so essential to us that on no account should we ignore its importance. After all, it is a basic skill that we should acquire as human being and our life would get seriously affected if we could not tell the difference between the reality and the virtual world.
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查看完整版本: 2015年考研英语一大作文试卷点评