考研网 发表于 2016-7-27 01:58:01



  As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice that their memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be. We suddenly can't remember 1(where) we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance's name, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain 2(fades), we refer to these occurrences as "senior moments." 3(While) seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a 4(damaging) impact on our professional, social, and personal 5(wellbeing).
  Neuroscientists are increasingly showing that there's actually a lot that can be done. It 6(turns) out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental 7(workouts) can significantly improve our basic cognitive 8(functions). Thinking is essentially a 9(process) of making neural connections in the brain. To a certain extent, our ability to 10(excel) in making the neural connections that drive intelligence is inherited. 11(However), because these connections are made through effort and practice, scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate 12(according to) mental effort.
  Now, a new San Francisco Web-based company has taken it a step 13(further) and developed the first "brain training program" designed to actually help people improve and regain their mental 14(sharpness).
  The Web-based program 15(allows) you to systematically improve your memory and attention skills. The program keeps 16(track) of your progress and provides detailed feedback 17(on) your performance and improvement. Most importantly, it 18(constantly) modifies and enhances the games you play to 19(build) on the strengths you are developing--much like an 20(effective) exercise routine requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscle use.
  从词汇层面来看,大多选项词汇依然在四级水平,除类似wellbeing、workout之类的合成词外,略有难度的单词只有roundabout、genre、excel,而且excel还是自从认识Microsoft office以来就应该熟识的单词,只是很多考生平时没有从生活积累词汇的好习惯而已。对考生来说,反而要注意的是在本文语境下一些单词的熟词辟义,比如innocent在本文中不是无辜的,而是无害的、无伤大雅的;sharpness不是锋利,而是智力的敏锐度;
  从知识点来看,首先依然是逻辑题的考察:第3题由前半句的innocent(无害的)与后文的impact(有影响)之间的对比可知为相反关系, 四个选项中唯一表前后相反的只有while这一个选项。而剩下三个选项也在课上都给过if条件、once条件、unless反条件,对于课程内容比较熟悉的同学应该可以直接排除if和once。第11题同样通过之前一句中的inherited(继承的)和后一句中的can expand and fluctuate(可以提高、变化)可知前一句说明为遗传效果,故不可变化,而后一句说可以变化,明显相反,所以11选择however。而11题的剩下选项也都在课上提过,比如otherwise在去年刚考过,而therefore表因果,moreover表递进。12题是三道逻辑题中略有难度的,但上课认真听讲的应该并不难解。从11题之后开始看,由because可知两个半句为前因后果关系。表示原因的句子说:这些联系是靠努力和练习来实现的;表示结果的句子说:智慧可以提升和变化___智力上的努力。前半句的建立起联系其实就是后半句的智慧的提升和变化,所以横线上的逻辑关系应该与前半句保持一致。前半句中用的是through(通过),是手段方式表隐性的因果关系,表达前果后因,所以横线上也应该找一个前果后因的词汇。四个选项中仅according to(根据)为根据表隐性的因果关系。Regardless of(无论)为让步性质的无条件关系;apart from(除……之外)为子集关系;instead of(而不是)为对比关系。
  其次,对文章的结构脉络把握依然能有助解决多个词汇类考题。全文上下都在说大脑记忆衰退,以及如何预防。文中第2题的the brain fades(大脑衰退)由第3题后面的this一词可知,其实就等同于the loss of mental focus。既然失去的是mental focus,第8题说improve our basic cognitive functions,其中cognitive functions(认知功能)指的就是mental focus,而第三段中再次提及该程序被用来help people improve and regain mental sharpness(提高、重获智力敏锐度),此处的improve与上文的improve用的是用一个动词,暗示该处要填的应该是mental focus的同近义词。如果能上下文结构明晰地连贯起来看,文中给出一个提示mental focus后根据该提示,上下文考了这一概念的3个同义词替换。
  词组搭配类的考题出现了第6题的it turns out that(结果是);第10题的excel in(=do well in);第15题的allow somebody to do something(使某人得以做某事);第16题的keep track of(追踪、跟踪);第17题的feedback on(对于……的反馈);第19题的build on(基于)。
  值得注意的是很多选项的考点之前都有出现过。除once、apart from以外的所有逻辑题选项都曾在英语一历年真题中出现过,而once和apart from则在英语二的真题和大纲样题中出现过。表示给予、授予、赋予能力混淆早在96年考过provide、supply、get,07年考过allow、grant,去年第1题考察了grant somebody the ability to do something,即今天又一次考到allow时用的allow somebody to do something其实是一个意思,此处allow也可以用help代替。第8题的function表示功能作用早在95年关于睡眠的文章和96年关于维生素的文章中就都出现过。第20题的effective在05年考题中考过其与efficient的区别,就题目难度来说,当年的那道题要比今年的20题来得难多了。
  最后,值得一提的是,it turns out that今年完形答案依然保持了5555的良好队形,不知道上过课的同学有没有充分build on这一队形来allow自己improve自身的考试成绩呢?


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